Data for: Stabilisation of soil organic matter with rock dust partially counteracted by plants
Data files
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In this study, the effect of rock dust addition on both soil inorganic and organic carbon contents was investigated. Soil chemical changes were measured, including soil organic carbon (totals and fractions), soil inorganic carbon, pH, electric conductivity, and water-extractable and ammonium acetate-extractable ion levels (Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Fe, Zn, Si). In addition, the effect of plants on soil chemistry and rocks on plant growth (biomass) and plant ion uptake was studied. The results demonstrated rock weathering during the 6 months incubation period and a stabilisation of organic carbon. Plants partially counteracted the stabilisation of soil organic carbon. This was attributed to interactions between soil chemical changes induced by rock dust, plant exudation, and subsequent soil organic carbon stabilisation mechanisms.
README: Primary data for Stabilisation of soil organic matter with rock dust partially counteracted by plants
This experiment investigated the effect of rock dust addition to soil, low and high watering and plant/no plant on soil chemical parameters, in particular soil inorganic and organic carbon contents. Both soil inorganic and organic carbon contents increased after rock dust addition and this was associated with other soil chemistry changes, including, pH, EC and available cations.
Description of the data and file structure
In the Excel sheet, the first two tabs show baseline data from the soil before the trial with parameters measured in different number of replicates. It is divided into soil-only baseline and baseline with rock mixed into the soil in the same proportion as in the incubation trial (4%). The total soil carbon contents in the baselines are in an extra tab since a larger number of replicates were taken ("baseline-TC").
First Tab: NA values represent that the baseline samples (soil only and soil with rock) were measured in different number of replicates
- EC: in uS per cm
- pH
- TIC: total soil inorganic carbon in percent
- columns F-J: soil water-extractable levels of Ca, Mg, P, Si, Al and Fe in mg per kg soil
- columns K-S: soil ammonium acetate extractable contents of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si and Zn in mg per kg soil
- AggC_perc: percentage of carbon present as aggregate carbon in soil
- MAOM_perc: percentage of carbon present as mineral associated organic matter in soil
- POC_perc: percentage of carbon present as particulate organic carbon in soil
The second tab shows the total carbon content of the baseline
- TC: total carbon content
The third tab ("treatments_add data") shows the data from all 64 soils after 6 month incubation. The dataset contains NA values for biomass and plant uptake columns for all treatments without a plant. Other NA values are marked where analytical difficulties resulted in unavailable data, e.g. due to loss or contamination of some samples (e.g. during EC measurements).
- No: number of samples in logical order
- pot: pot numbering in the growth chamber after randomised block design
- rock: control = no rock treatment, rock = rock addition
- plant: control = no plant treatment, plant = wheat plant
- water: low = low watering, high = high watering
- treatment: combination of rock, plant and water
- ID: unique ID with treatment and replicate number
- biomass_head_g: weight of head in gram
- biomass_stem_g: weight of stem in gram
- biomass_root_g: weight of root in gram
- C_top_perc: total soil carbon content at the top of the pot (3 cm deep) in percent
- N_top_perc: total soil nitrogen content at the top of the pot (3 cm deep) in percent
- C_bottom_perc: total soil carbon content at the bottom of the pot in percent
- C_bottom_perc: total soil nitrogen content at the bottom of the pot in percent
- TIC_bottom_perc: total soil inorganic carbon content at the bottom of the pot in percent
- TIC_top_perc: total soil inorganic carbon content at the top of the pot in percent
- AggC_weight: weight of soil in the aggregate carbon fraction
- AggC_conc: concentration of carbon within the aggregate carbon fraction
- AggC_perc: percentage of carbon present as aggregate carbon in soil
- MAOM_weight: weight of soil in the mineral associated organic matter fraction
- MAOM_conc: concentration of carbon within the mineral associated organic matter fraction
- MAOM_perc: percentage of carbon present as mineral associated organic matter in soil
- POC_weight: weight of soil in the particulate organic carbon fraction
- POC_conc: concentration of carbon within the particulate organic carbon fraction
- POC_perc: percentage of carbon present as particulate organic carbon in soil
- EC: in uS per cm
- pH
- columns AC-AH: soil water-extractable levels of Ca, Mg, P, Si, Al and Fe in mg per kg soil
- columns AI-CD: plant uptake of Al, B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si, Zn into stem, grain and root in mg per plant
- columns CE-CN: soil ammonium acetate extractable contents of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si and Zn in mg per kg soil