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Physiological condition and salinity preference in freshwater migrating juvenile sockeye salmon

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LoScerbo, Daniella (2024). Physiological condition and salinity preference in freshwater migrating juvenile sockeye salmon [Dataset]. Dryad.


The amount of time that juvenile salmon remain in an estuary varies among and within populations, with some individuals passing through their estuary in hours while others remain in the estuary for several months. Underlying differences in individual physiological condition, such as body size, stored energy, and osmoregulatory function, could drive individual variation in the selection of estuary habitat. Here we investigated the role of variation in physiological condition on the selection of estuarine and ocean habitat by sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) smolts intercepted at the initiation of their 650 km downstream migration from Chilko Lake, Fraser River, British Columbia (B.C.). Behavioural salinity preference experiments were conducted on unfed smolts held in fresh water at three time intervals during their downstream migration period, representing the stage of migration at lake exit, and the expected timing for estuary entry, and ocean entry (0, 1, and 3 weeks after lake exit, respectively).

README: Physiological condition and salinity preference in freshwater migrating juvenile sockeye salmon

This dataset provides physiological and behavioural data on migrating Chilko sockeye yearling smolts. Fish tested in the river treatment group were tested lake-side 1 day after lake-exit. Fish tested in the estuary and ocean treatment group were transported to a holding facility and held in freshwater for 2-4 weeks. Salinity preference experiments were conducted over to infer habitat choice among migrating smolts. Fish with that spent the majority of the experiment time in a chamber were determined to prefer the salinity of that chamber. Immediately after the experiment, fish were euthanized and preserved for physiological analysis. Size metrics, energetic density, and gill NKA activity were measured for each fish and used to predict fish behaviour during migration.

Description of the data and file structure

variable name variable type unit level values if appl. description character unique identification number for individual juvenile salmon
outmig.wk factor number of weeks since onset outmigration
treatment factor treatment group associated with stage of migration
treatment 1.river salinity preference experiments conducted 1 day following lake outmigration
treatment 2.estuary salinity preference experiments conducted 1 week post lake outmigration
treatment 3.ocean salinity preference experiments conducted 4 weeks post lake outmigration factor number of days since onset of outmigration
test.doy factor day of year that fish was tested for salinity preference
active factor
active 0 non-active fish; non-swim fish; did not leave initial chamber during acclimation or salinity preference experiment
active 1 active-fish; fish explored experimental tank during the salinity preference experiment
final.chamber the last chamber the fish was in at the end of the salinity preference experiment
final.chamber Freshwater the fish was in the freshwater chamber at the end of the 1 hour salinity preference experiment
final.chamber Brackish  the fish was in the brackish water chamber at the end of the 1 hour salinity preference experiment
final.chamber Saltwater the fish was in the saltwater chamber at the end of the 1 hour salinity preference experiment
pref the preferred salinity chamber
pref Freshwater the fish spent the highest proportion of time in freshwater throughout the 1 hour salinity preference experiment
pref Brackish  the fish spent the highest proportion of time in brackish water throughout the 1 hour salinity preference experiment
pref Saltwater the fish spent the highest proportion of time in saltwater throughout the 1 hour salinity preference experiment numeric the standard deviation of preferred chamber
fl numeric mm fork length
mass numeric g wet weight
k numeric NA Fulton's condition factor
lipid numeric % g lipid per g wet weight whole body percent lipid numeric NA coefficient of variation of percent lipid
water numeric % g water per g wet weight whole body percent water numeric NA coefficient of variation of percent water numeric NA coefficient of variation of percent carbon
prot numeric % g protein per g wet weight whole body percent protein
tag numeric % g TAG per g lipid percent triglyceride of lipid numeric NA coefficient of variation of percent triglyceride
ed numeric kJ/g energetic density
nka numeric umol ADP per mg protein per hour gill NKA activity numeric NA coefficient of variation of NKA activity
resid_k numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting k by day of year
resid_mass numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting mass by day of year
resid_fl numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting fork length by day of year
resid_lipid numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting lipid by day of year
resid_prot numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting protein by day of year
resid_ed numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting energetic density by day of year
resid_edlog numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting the log of energetic density by day of year
resid_tag numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting TAG by day of year
resid_taglog numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting the log of TAG by day of year
resid_nka numeric NA residuals of the linear regression predicting gill NKA activity by day of year


The focal population is sockeye salmon from Chilko Lake located 650 river km north of the Fraser River estuary at an elevation of 1174 m, in the interior of British Columbia, Canada (Figure 1). Out-migrating yearling sockeye salmon smolts were collected from Chilko Lake between 22:00 and 4:00 April 30 – May 1, 2019, during the peak outmigration period (Macdonald et al., 2020). Smolts were collected by dip net at a smolt fence and transferred to a riverside transport tank with continual flow-through of aerated river water. In total, 263 smolts were collected for salinity preference experiments. All fish collection, holding, and experimentation protocols were reviewed and approved by the Animal Care Committee at Simon Fraser University (Protocol number 1238B-17).

Behavioural experiments were conducted on smolts at three time intervals during their downstream migration period, representing their lake-exit, estuary-entry, and ocean-entry outmigration stages (0, 1, and 3 weeks after lake exit, respectively; see Clark et al., 2016; Stevenson et al. 2019). Ocean-entry here is defined as near full-strength sea water that is beyond the freshwater influence of the Fraser River. To visualize the salinity gradient that migrating smolts are exposed to in Figure 1, monthly average sea surface (0.5m depth) salinity values were obtained from the SalishSeaCast NEMO model (Soontiens et al, 2016; Soontiens and Allen, 2017) for May 2019.

 A random subset of smolts (n = 45) was selected to undergo lakeside salinity preference experiments to measure salinity preference, energetic reserves, and physiology immediately following outmigration (hereafter, lake-exit). The remaining smolts (n = 218) were transported to the ALCAN research facility at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., and housed in freshwater and natural photoperiod for the duration of the experimental outmigration period (4 weeks following lake-exit, 2 – 29 May, 2019). Smolts were randomly placed in one of four 80-gallon holding tanks, each with a maximum density of approximately 15 g m-3. Water quality in holding tanks was maintained at 8.4˚C (CI95[8.25, 8.48]), 98.6 % dissolved oxygen (CI95[98.04, 99.10]), and <0.25 ppm ammonia. Water temperatures were within the range of downstream migration conditions (Macdonald et al., 2020) and were low enough to prevent desmoltification (<10 ˚C, Stefansson et al., 1998).

To reflect observations of wild migrating smolts, as well as to maximize the contrast of energetic condition throughout migration, wild-caught smolts were not fed during the 4-week holding period in fresh water. Smolts were also above the critical energy threshold that limits swim performance (Hvas et al., 2021; Wilson et al. 2021), suggesting the ability to actively search for different salinities was not impaired. The decision to not feed is supported by the observation that the majority of migrating sockeye smolts caught near the mouth of the Fraser River in Mission, BC have empty stomachs (Patterson, unpublished data, personal communication), indicating that feeding is limited during the freshwater migration stage. A variable proportion (20-40% from 2004 – 2009, 29% in 2014) of juvenile sockeye collected in marine trawls in the Strait of Georgia have empty stomachs (Beamish et al., 2012; Neville et al., 2016) and show gene expression patterns that suggest recent fasting (Houde et al., 2019).

Experimental Design

We performed salinity preference experiments to infer habitat choice among migrating smolts. The design of the experimental preference tank was modified from previous studies to test the preference for three salinities simultaneously within each migratory stage (Baggerman, 1960; McInerney, 1963; Price & Schreck, 2003b). Three 20 L glass aquaria were placed side-by-side within a 120 L aquarium (Figure 2), dividing the larger aquarium into three chambers of equal size, while allowing for a 2-inch gap above the dividing walls for fish to cross between chambers. The outside and bottom of the large aquarium were darkened with black plastic to minimize disturbance to fish during the experiment. The walls between chambers were left transparent to allow smolts to view conspecifics through the dividing walls. Smolts were tested in groups of six to allow for more natural schooling behavior of sockeye salmon along the horizontal plane (Katzman et al., 2010, Tierney et al., 2009; Webster & Dill, 2007), regardless of individual salinity choice. To distinguish individual smolts during the preference test, smolts were anesthetized and marked with coloured elastomer (Northwest Marine Technology ©). Tagging occurred the day before a trial to allow for a minimum of 18 hours for recovery. The tank was illuminated uniformly from above using an LED light and surrounded by shade cloth to prevent visual disturbance. A video camera (GoPro Hero 3 ©) was positioned facing the long side of the aquarium to record fish position within all three chambers throughout the experiment. In addition, an experimenter recorded fish position (chamber and depth) and behaviour every ten minutes through viewing slots in the shade cloth.

To start the salinity preference trial, all three chambers were filled with fresh, aerated water (0.0 – 0.2 ppm, 8.0 – 9.7 ˚C, 97.2 – 101.6 % DO, ntrials = 42, Figure 2A). Six smolts were randomly selected from holding tanks and transferred to the experimental aquarium, ensuring equally dispersed, randomized placement throughout the three chambers. The smolts were allowed to acclimate to the aquarium and explore the three chambers in fresh water for 1 hour. After the 1-hour acclimation period, a horizontal salinity gradient was imposed in the experimental tank by displacing the water of each chamber with either fresh (<2.0 ppt), brackish (14–16 ppt), or salt water (30–32 ppt) (Figure 2B shows one of six possible orientations of the salinity gradient). The order of salinity of each chamber was randomized between each trial to control for any effect of chamber location or order on fish behaviour or movement. Each chamber was filled by separate water reservoirs that fed into the bottom of each chamber over approximately 5 minutes. Instant Ocean (Instant Ocean ©, Spectrum Brands 3001 Commerce St. Blacksburg, VA 24060-6671) was added to filtered, aerated water to make brackish and salt water, and each was added to the respective reservoirs. The freshwater reservoir was filled with filtered, aerated water. The higher-density salt and brackish water displaced the lower-density freshwater upwards, forming a halocline; the upper freshwater layer served as a freshwater bridge in which the fish could move freely between chambers. Displaced fresh water was simultaneously drained from the aquarium using a gravity filtration system. Preliminary trials showed that the halocline was stable for over 2 hours. Salinity probes (Marine Salinity Waterproof Tester ©, HI98319, HANNA Instruments) were fixed within each chamber to monitor salinity and temperature throughout the duration of the experiments. Once the salinity gradient was imposed, fish position (chamber and depth) was recorded every ten minutes for one hour. If a fish was in the freshwater layer above the halocline of a chamber, it was recorded as being in fresh water. In total, 44 experimental preference trials were undertaken. Eleven out of the 263 smolts tested were removed from behavioural analysis due to disturbances during experimental trials (e.g. technical failure of salinity gradient).

Physiological Sampling

Following preference trials, smolts were euthanized in tricaine methanesulfonate at a concentration of 400 mg l−1 (buffered with 800 mg l−1 NaHCO3) until fish operculum beating ceased and reflex response was absent (Neiffer & Stamper, 2009). Immediately after euthanization, gill tissue samples were clipped from the right gill arch and frozen on liquid nitrogen in SEI buffer (250 mM sucrose, 20 mM Na2EDTA, 50 mM Imidazole, pH 7.3) to preserve enzyme structure and function. Smolt carcasses were weighed and fork lengths measured before they were stored in whirlpacks and frozen on dry ice. Gill samples and carcasses were transported frozen on dry ice to the laboratory and stored at -80˚C until analysis.

Gill NKA activity is a common metric to estimate saltwater preparedness in juvenile salmonids, where higher gill NKA activity indicates higher saltwater preparedness (McCormick, 2013). Gill NKA activity was measured following the enzymatic assay protocol from McCormick (1993; see Suppl. Mat.). Eight gill samples out of 263 produced high variation among replicates (CV > 20%) and were removed from the analysis. To estimate the energetic status of individual smolts, lipids, water and ash were isolated and measured as proximate constituents following the Bligh and Dyer chloroform extraction method (Bligh & Dyer, 1959; Trudel et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2021; see Suppl. Mat.). The energy density (ED) of each smolt was calculated from lipid (f) and protein (p) measurements using the following equation (Breck, 2008):

where ED is expressed in units kJ/g wet weight, f is the fraction of lipid measured per smolt (g/g wet weight), Df is the energy density of lipids reported for coho salmon (O. kisutch, 39.54 kJ g-1) (Brett & Groves, 1979; Crossin et al., 2004; Higgs, 1979), p is the fraction of protein estimated per smolt (g g-1 wet weight), and Dp is the energy density of protein reported for coho salmon (23.64 kJ g-1) (Crossin et al., 2004; Higgs, 1979).

Triglycerides (TAG) are the major energy storage form of lipids in fish and have high ecological and physiological relevance as indicators of growth potential (Hakanson et al., 1994; Lochmann et al., 1995). A colorimetric method was used to determine percent triglycerides for each smolt (McGowan et al., 1983; Weber et al., 2003; see Suppl. Mat.). The percent ratio of TAG to lipid represents the density of TAG within lipid stores in individual fish. All replicate estimates of TAG density were within 20% CV. Measurements of TAG density above 100% were removed from analysis (n = 2).


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council