Data from: phenology and environmental determinants of explosive breeding in gliding treefrogs: diel timing of rainfall matters
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The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the temporal pattern of calling and breeding for many temperate anurans is well understood. However, few studies have documented patterns of reproduction in explosive-breeding tropical frogs or incorporated multiple environmental factors in their analyses, especially across multiple breeding seasons. We combine long-term natural history observations and automated data collection methods with boosted regression tree (BRT) analysis to determine the phenology and determinants of explosive breeding in the gliding treefrog, Agalychnis spurrelli. We monitored breeding for a total of 418 days across three breeding seasons and determined the relative importance of several environmental factors on the probability of calling and breeding activity. Our study population of A. spurrelli on Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula forms breeding aggregations up to 11 times per year during 1–2-day long explosive-breeding events, from late May to mid-September. Calling and breeding activity are strongly and positively related to accumulated rainfall during the previous 24 and 48–24 hours before, particularly rainfall during the afternoon and evening. Day-of-year, days since breeding occurred, and lunar phase also influence reproductive activity. This study provides the first description and analysis of the phenology and factors that predict explosive breeding in A. spurrelli and illustrates the value of using automated data collection paired with BRTs for analysis of complex ecological data.
This README_for_GUELL_ET_AL_DATASET.txt file was generated on 2023-03-15 by BRANDON A. GUELL
- Title of Dataset: "Guell&Warkentin.xlsx" for the manuscript: "Phenology and environmental determinants of explosive breeding in gliding treefrogs: Diel timing of rainfall matters" submitted to Behavioral Ecology - manuscript number BEHECO-2023-0089.
- Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Karen M. Warkentin Institution: Boston University Address: 5 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A. Email: <br> A. Analyses Contact Information Name: Brandon A. Guell Institution: Boston University Address: 5 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A. Email:
- Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 1 March 2018 – 4 December 2021
- Geographic location of data collection: Shampoo Pond in Piro, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica (8°24´55´´N, 83°20´45´´W)
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (DGE-1247312 to BAG and IOS-1354072 to KMW), Sigma Xi (G2018031596022314 to BAG), and Boston University.
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 1: "Phenology & Determinants Data"]
This file contains the full dataset used for analyses in the manuscript titled "Phenology and environmental determinants of explosive breeding in gliding treefrogs: Diel timing of rainfall matters".
- Number of variables: 25
- Number of cases/rows: 1375
- Variable List:
- Date, date of observation (year-month-day)
- Year, year of observation
- Month, month of observation
- Day, day of observation
- Weather_Station, weather station for environmental variables collected
- Daily_Rainfall_mm, total rainfall during the previous 24 hours (mm)
- Rainfall_During_24to48_Hours_Earlier_mm, rainfall accumulated during the periods 48–24 (mm)
- Rainfall_During_48to72_Hours_Earlier_mm, rainfall accumulated during the periods 72-48 (mm)
- Temperature_C, mean temperature during the previous 24 hours (C)
- Relative_Humidity, mean relative humidity during the previous 24 hours (%)
- Day_of_Year, day-of-year
- Lunar_Phase, phase of moon during observation
- Lunar_Phase_digit, phase of moon during observation (1-8)
- Days_Since_last_Full_Moon, number of days since the last full moon
- Days_Since_Last_Breeding_Occured, number of days since the last breeding event
- Monitoring, binomial variable of whether monitoring took place
- Monitoring_via_In_Person, binomial variable of whether in person visual surveys took place
- Monitoring_via_Acoustic_Device, binomial variable of whether acoustic monitoring took place
- Calling, binomial variable of whether calling took place
- Breeding, binomial variable of whether breeding took place
- Number_of_Previous_Days_with_Breeding, total number of previous days with breeding events
- Breeding_Start_h, first hour when A. spurrelli choruses were audible
- Breeding_Peak_h, hourly recording with the highest chorus amplitude
- Breeding_End_h, last hour when A. spurrelli choruses were audible
- Breeding_Duration_h, duration to span the first to last hour when A. spurrelli choruses were audible
- Missing data codes: "NA"
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 2: "Diel timing of Rainfall Data"]
This file contains the full dataset used for analyses in the manuscript titled "Phenology and environmental determinants of explosive breeding in gliding treefrogs: Diel timing of rainfall matters".
- Number of variables: 10
- Number of cases/rows: 21761
- Variable List:
- Date, date of observation (year-month-day)
- Year, year of observation
- Day_of_Year, day-of-year
- Hour_of_Year, hour of year
- Hour, hour of day (0-24)
- Rainfall_mm, rainfall during hour of observation (mm)
- Temperature_C, temperature during hour of observation (C)
- Relative_Humidity, relative humidity during hour of observation (%)
- Monitoring, binomial variable of whether monitoring took place
- Breeding, binomial variable of whether breeding took place
- Missing data codes: "NA"
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SCRIPT: [Guell&Warkentin.Rmd, R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)]
This file contains the full R script used for analyses in the manuscript titled "Phenology and environmental determinants of explosive breeding in gliding treefrogs: Diel timing of rainfall matters". The data processing and statistical analyses shown in this document are shown in chronological order as reported in the manuscript. We show details on importing, manipulating, summarizing, analyzing (testing hypotheses), and visualizing the data. See manuscript for details on specific packages used (and their versions), background, research questions, hypothesis, methods, etc..
This file is a PDF printout of the script R markdown file above named "Guell&Warkentin.Rmd".