Wildfire impacts on seedbank and vegetation dynamics in Calluna heath
Data files
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Raw seedbank and vegetation data originating from 1x1 m randomly placed quadrats in and around historical wildfire sites in Glen Tanar, Scotland. Vegetation species are given in percentage cover by visual estimate. Seedbank species are given in number of germinated seeds per sample (two seedbank samples were collected in different locations in each quadrat using a soil core of 6 cm diameter and 4 cm depth, resulting in a total soil volume of 226.2 cm3 collected from a total area of 56.5 cm2 in each quadrat.). We have also included species number, the number of total seeds and non-Calluna vulgaris seeds per square metre, and proportion of non-Calluna seeds. The seedbank dataset additionally includes environmental data of quadrats: elevation, aspect, slope, soil pH, soil bulk density, soil N, soil C, ratio of C to N, National Vegetation Classification (NVC) community and a broad habitat type (wet or dry moorland). Both datasets include years since fire and burning status, where B = burnt, U = unburnt.