Trophic regulation of soil microbial biomass under nitrogen enrichment: A global meta-analysis
Data files
Jan 16, 2024 version files 129.71 KB
Eutrophication, including nitrogen (N) enrichment, can affect soil microbial communities through changes in trophic interactions. However, a knowledge gap still exists about how plant resources (‘bottom-up effects’) and microbial predators (‘top-down effects’) regulate the impacts of N enrichment on microbial biomass at the global scale.
To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a global meta-analysis using 2885 paired observations from 217 publications to evaluate the regulatory effects of plant biomass and soil nematodes on soil microbial biomass under N enrichment across terrestrial ecosystems.
We found that the effects of N enrichment on soil microbial biomass strongly varied across ecosystems. N enrichment decreased the soil microbial biomass of natural grasslands and forests due to soil acidification and the subsequent losses of predatory and microbivorous nematodes stimulating microbial growth. By contrast, N enrichment increased the microbial biomass of managed croplands mainly via increasing plant biomass production. The short-term of N enrichment (experimental duration ≤ 5 years) could reduce microbial biomass via decreasing nematode abundance across diverse ecosystems, whereas the long-term of N enrichment (experimental duration > 5 years) mainly promoted microbial biomass via increasing plant biomass.
These findings highlight the critical roles of microbial predators and plant input in shaping microbial responses to N enrichment, which are highly dependent on ecosystem type and the period of N enrichment. Earth system models that predict soil microbial biomass and their linkages to soil functioning should consider the variations in plant biomass and soil nematodes under future scenarios of N deposition.
This README file was generated on 2024-01-12 by Wen Xing.
1. Title of Dataset: Trophic regulation of soil microbial biomass under nitrogen enrichment: A global meta-analysis.
2. Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Xiaoming Lu
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: Beijing, China
B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Wen Xing
Institution: Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Address: Beijing, China
3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 1998-2023.
4. Geographic location of data collection: Global terrestrial ecosystems.
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: None.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Xing, W., Chen, X.L., Thakur, M.P., Kardol, P., Lu X. M., Bai, Y.F. (2024). Trophic regulation of soil microbial biomass under nitrogen enrichment: a global meta-analysis. Functional Ecology.
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None.
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None.
5. Was data derived from another source? No.
A. If yes, list source(s): NA.
6. Recommended citation for this dataset:
Xing, W., Chen, X.L., Thakur, M.P., Kardol, P., Lu X. M., Bai, Y.F. (2024). Data from: Trophic regulation of soil microbial biomass under nitrogen enrichment: a global meta-analysis. Dryad Digital Repository.
1. File List:
2. Relationship between files, if important: None
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None.
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No.
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA.
i. Why was the file updated? NA.
ii. When was the file updated? NA
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FE_Data_used_for_analysis_2024_01_12.xlsx
1. Number of variables: 29
2. Number of cases/rows: 595
3. Variable List:
* Reference_ID: the ID of collected references, a total of 217 references in our meta-analysis.
* Reference: the name of collected references, including the name of the first author and date (year) of publication.
* Study: the ID of studies, a total of 207 studies in our meta-analysis. Each site of the selected papers was treated as an independent study. If more than one independent experiment was conducted at different sites in one paper, they were treated as distinct studies. Those studies that were conducted at the same site under an identical experimental design but presented in separate papers were considered as one study.
* Ecosystem: ecosystem types, encompassing grasslands, forests, and croplands, respectively.
* Ecosystem_detail: detailed ecosystem types. Grasslands covered temperate grassland and meadow, alpine grassland and meadow, desert, savanna, and tundra. Forests covered boreal forest, temperate forest, and tropical forest, respectively.
* Duration(year): experimental duration (year).
* Duration_category: short-term (experimental duration ≤ 5 years) and long-term (> 5 years).
* ln*RR*.Microbial_biomass: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of microbial biomass carbon and had no units. In detail, ln*RR* = ln(Xt /Xc), where Xt and Xc are the mean values of response variables in the N enrichment and control plots, respectively. Because Xt and Xc had the same units, the ln*RR* would have no units when calculated from the formula: ln*RR* = ln(Xt /Xc).
* wt.Microbial_biomass: the weight of each ln*RR* of microbial biomass carbon observation and had no units. In detail, wt= (Nc × Nt)/(Nc + Nt), where wt is the weight of each ln*RR* observation, while Nt and Nc represent the number of replications in the N enrichment treatments and control, respectively. And thus the wt.Microbial_biomass also had no units.
* ln*RR*.Fungal_biomass: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of fungal biomass and had no units.
* wt.Fungal_biomass: the weight of each ln*RR* of fungal biomass observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.Bacterial_biomass: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of bacterial biomass and had no units.
* wt.Bacterial_biomass: the weight of each ln*RR* of bacterial biomass observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.Total_nematodes: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of total nematode abundance and had no units.
* wt.Total_nematodes: the weight of each ln*RR* of total nematode abundance observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.Bacterial_feeders: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of bacterial-feeding nematode abundance and had no units.
* wt.Bacterial_feeders: the weight of each ln*RR* of bacterial-feeding nematode abundance observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.Fungal_feeders: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of fungal-feeding nematode abundance and had no units.
* wt.Fungal_feeders: the weight of each ln*RR* of fungal-feeding nematode abundance observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.Omni_carnivores: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of omnivorous-carnivorous nematode abundance and had no units.
* wt.Omni_carnivores: the weight of each ln*RR* of omnivorous-carnivorous nematode abundance observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.Plant_biomass: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of plant biomass and had no units.
* wt.Plant_biomass: the weight of each ln*RR* of plant biomass observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.NH4+: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of soil ammonium concentration and had no units.
* wt.NH4+: the weight of each ln*RR* of soil ammonium concentration observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.NO3-: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of soil nitrate concentration and had no units.
* wt.NO3-: the weight of each ln*RR* of soil nitrate concentration observation and had no units.
* ln*RR*.pH: the natural log-transformed response ratio (ln*RR*) of soil pH and had no units.
* wt.pH: the weight of each ln*RR* of soil pH observation and had no units.
* n/a: missing values.
We systematically searched all peer-reviewed studies on the effects of N enrichment on plant biomass, microbial biomass, and nematodes, using the Web of Science, Google Scholar, and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database (to 1st January, 2023). We used the following search string: (nitrogen addition OR nitrogen application OR nitrogen deposition OR nitrogen enrichment OR nitrogen fertilization OR nitrogen input OR nitrogen amendment) AND (fungi OR bacteria OR microbial biomass OR microbial community) AND (plant OR crop OR plant biomass OR above-ground biomass OR below-ground biomass OR root biomass OR yield OR nematod* OR fungivor* OR bacterivor* OR omnivor* OR predat* OR carnivor* OR nematode community OR nematode feeding groups OR bacterial-feeding nematode OR fungal-feeding nematode OR omnivorous nematode OR carnivorous nematode). The references listed in relevant previously published reviews and meta-analyses were also searched. In total, 207 studies from 217 publications were included in our database. Data were directly extracted from the text and tables of publications or digitized by WebPlotDigitizer 4.1 (https://autom if presented in figures. From each study, we extracted data on the experimental duration (years), soil microbial biomass carbon, nematode abundance, plant biomass, and soil environmental factors.To assess the effect size of N enrichment on all response variables, we used the natural log-transformed response ratio (lnRR). And we used the sample sizes of response variables for weighting.