First singing data of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata and weather data
Data files
Feb 29, 2024 version files 71.54 MB
Data set used in a study that used long-term phenology data to explore key weather factors that affect the emergence of the Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata and detect the effects of climate change. This study showed that the emergence of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata was influenced by higher temperatures during the summer to winter of the previous year. The effects of other climate factors such as precipitation and humidity were small. The annual increase in temperature caused by climate change was causing the advancement of cicada emergence patterns. The data consisted of long-term observations by the Japan Meteorological Agency, the last three years of data from citizen scientists, and weather data at the respective observation sites.
README: First singing data of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata and weather data
Description of the data and file structure
"JMA_Data.csv" is long-term phenological data of the first singing date of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata recorded by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Site means local meteorological observatories. DOY means the number of days from January 1.
"Citizen_Data.csv" is phenological data of the first singing date of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata between 2021 to 2023 recorded by citizen scientists. DOY means the number of days from January 1. Lat means latitude, and Lon means longitude. Cit_Site means the site ID of citizen scientists.
"JMA_Weather_Data.csv" is the weather data of each local meteorological observatory. "NA" indicates that records were missing or not measured. Site means local meteorological observatories. DOY means the number of days from January 1. Temperature, humidity, wind_speed, precipitation, and solar_radiation mean daily average air temperature (°C), humidity (%), wind speed (m/s), cumulative precipitation (mm), and solar radiation (MJ/m^2), respectively. Site means local meteorological observatories.
"Citizen_Weather_Data.csv" is the weather data for citizen scientists' sites. “Temp”, “Hum”, “Wind”, “Prec”, and “Solar” means daily average air temperature (°C), humidity (%), wind speed (m/s), and cumulative precipitation (mm) and solar radiation (MJ/m^2), respectively. Lat means latitude, and Lon means longitude. Cit_Site means the site ID of citizen scientists.