Data from: Cooking, heating, insulating products and services (CHIPS) for Mongolian ger: Reducing energy, cost, and indoor air pollution
Data files
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This data represents several experiments conducted on Ger for UNICEF Mongolia's Ger of the 21st Century Project. The aims of that porject were to improve the thermal performance of ger (or "yurts" in Russian) to decrease air pollution in Mongolia. Four main experiments were conducted for that project. In the 2018-2019 winter, data was collected on the Penn Ger, an experimental ger built at the University of Pennsylvania's Pennovation research campus. Several experiments were conducted on this ger to evaluate different experimental techniques and protocals that could be deployed in Mongolia. During the 2018-2019 winter, the 2018-2019 Test Ger were built on a ranch near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. These ger tested different thermal interventions that might be applied broadly in Mongolia. Also during the 2018-2019 winter, five occupied ger in the ger districts north of Ulaanbaatar, the 2018-2019 Occupied Ger, were monitored to understand baseline thermal and indoor environmental data in ger. Finally, during the 2019-2020 winter, eight ger and a bashin (a traditional Mongolian stick built house), the 2019-2020 Bayankhongor Ger, were evaluated in Bayankhongor, Mongolia. These ger were outfitted with a set of thermal improvements to evaluate their thermal performance. The goal was to demonstrate that these thermal inverventions could decrease energy use and make electric heating cost effective for wider deployment across Mongolia.
README: Data from: Cooking, heating, insulating products and services (CHIPS) for Mongolian ger: Reducing energy, cost, and indoor air pollution
Description of the data and file structure
The data included covers several buildings:
- Penn Ger: One ger (or "yurt" in Russian) built on the Pennovation Research campus at the University of Pennsylvania
- 2018-2019 Test Ger: six unoccupied prototype ger built on a ranch near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia with different thermal interventions to test their performance
- 2018-2019 Occupied Ger: five occupied ger in the ger districts north of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- 2019-2020 Bayankhongor Ger: 8 ger and a Bashin (traditional Mongolian stick built house) in Bayankhongor, Mongolia
For each of these buildings thermal environmental data, air pollution, and energy use data were collected using Onset equipment and AirVisual pro air quality monitors.
Throughout this data set, there are several "NA" values in various columns. These represent time steps with missing data; descriptions for why this data was missing are below:
- Most commonly, this will be time before a particular data logger was launched or after it was turned off. These periods were included to keep a consistent time window for the data.
- Other "NA" that occurred in the middle of the data set represent power failures. These were particularly common in the Test_Ger_Complete_Data.csv, BKH_Complete_Data.csv, and Occupied_Ger_Complete_Data.csv files. That data was collected with monitoring equipment deployed in the field, sometimes in remote ares of Mongolia. As such, it was difficult to quickly address power failures. Additionally, some of the equipment was not able to record data when the air temperature was below -40C, which did occur a few times.
- Some of the sensors deployed on the Penn Ger were only used for short term tests, like tracer gas tests. For most of the data file, these sensor readings will read "NA" because they were not in use. However, the non "NA" values correspond to short term tests when these sensors were in use.
Below is a list of data loggers and sensors that were used in the collection of this data set and their relevant data sheet links:
- AirVisual Pro:
- Sensair S8 LP CO2 Sensor:
- Cubic PM2008MF particulate matter sensor:
- Onset RX3000 smart sensor data logger:
- Onset S-THC-M00X temperature/relative humidity sensor:
- Onset S-TMB-M0XX temperature sensor:
- Onset S-WCF-M003 Davis wind speed and direction sensor:
- Onset S-LIB-M003 silicone pyronometer:
- Omega Type-K Thermocouples:
- Globe thermometer constructed with Onset S-TMB-M0XX (see above) embedded in copper toilet float painted black
- Omega OS35 radiant temperature sensor:
- Veris Industries PXDLN01S differential pressure sensor:
- Onset EG4115 breaker box box data logger:
- Onset T-MAG-0400-XX split core current transformer:
- Onset UX120-014M thermocouple data logger:
- Onset UX120-018 plug load sensor and data logger:
- Onset U12 temperature humidity sensor and analog sensor data logger:
- Telaire 7001 CO2 Sensor:
- Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System:
- Maxim MAX31286 Temperature Sensor:
- Honeywell HIH7000 Temperature and Humidity Sensor:
Files and variables
File: Test_Ger_Data_For_Publication.csv
Description: data for 2018-2019 Test Ger, collected using Onset RX3000, Onset EG4115, and AirVisual Pro air quality monitors. Ger A was a standard ger, Ger B had a raised insulated floor, Ger C had a ceramic tile floor, Ger D had better insulation on the door and toono (circular oculus at the top of the ger), Ger E had several thermal improvements used in congress, and Ger F had an insulated skirt below the floor around the perimeter. The door on all of these ger faced south, as is typical in Mongolia.
Envelope temperature/relative humidity/dew point temperature readings were taken from air temperature/relative humidity sensors that were embedded in the envelope between layers of the felt insulation.
Mean radiant temperature readings were taken by globe thermometers suspended approximately 1.5 m from the ground.
Indoor air temperature/relative humidity/dew point temperature readings were taken from air temperature/relative humidity sensors that were hung approximately 15 cm from the ceiling, half way between the center of the roof and the wall, suspended from one of the uni (ceiling rafter poles) on the north side of the ger.
- UNIX_datetime_UTC: UNIX data-time in the UTC timezone
- UTC_datetime: UTC time formatted as a date-time
- local_datetime_Ulaanbaatar: Ulaanbaatar time formatted as a date-time
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_A_Interior_Floor_ppm: indoor CO2 concentration in ger A in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_B_Interior_Floor_ppm: indoor CO2 concentration in ger B in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_C_Interior_Floor_ppm: indoor CO2 concentration in ger C in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_D_Interior_Floor_ppm: indoor CO2 concentration in ger D in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_E_Interior_Floor_ppm: indoor CO2 concentration in ger E in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_F_Interior_Floor_ppm: indoor CO2 concentration in ger F in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Dew_Point_Exterior_C: Ambient dew point temperature near ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_A_Envelope_Roof_C: Envelope dew point temperature in roof of Ger A in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_A_Envelope_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in wall of Ger A in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_A_Interior_C: Indoor Air dew point temperature in Ger A in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_B_Envelope_Floor_C: Envelope dew point temperature in floor of Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_B_Envelope_Roof_C: Envelope dew point temperature in roof of Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_B_Envelope_Wall_C:Envelope dew point temperature in wall of Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_B_Interior_C: Indoor Air dew point temperature in Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_C_Envelope_Roof_C: Envelope dew point temperature in roof of Ger C in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_C_Envelope_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in wall of Ger C in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_C_Interior_C: Indoor Air dew point temperature in Ger C in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_D_Envelope_Roof_C: Envelope dew point temperature in roof of Ger D in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_D_Envelope_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in wall of Ger D in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_D_Interior_C: Indoor Air dew point temperature in Ger D in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_E_Envelope_Roof_C: Envelope dew point temperature in roof of Ger E in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_E_Envelope_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in wall of Ger E in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_E_Interior_C: Indoor Air dew point temperature in Ger E in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_F_Envelope_Roof_C: Envelope dew point temperature in roof of Ger F in C(Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_F_Envelope_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in wall of Ger F in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_F_Interior_C: Indoor Air dew point temperature in Ger F in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Gust_Speed_m_s: gust speed near ger in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_A_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: indoor PM2.5 concentration in Ger A in ug/m3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_B_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: indoor PM2.5 concentration in Ger B in ug/m3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_C_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: indoor PM2.5 concentration in Ger C in ug/m3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_D_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: indoor PM2.5 concentration in Ger D in ug/m3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_E_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: indoor PM2.5 concentration in Ger E in ug/m3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_F_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: indoor PM2.5 concentration in Ger F in ug/m3 (AirVisual Pro)
- Power_Ger_A_kW: Power consumption by electric heater in Ger A in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_B_kW: Power consumption by electric heater in Ger B in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_C_kW: Power consumption by electric heater in Ger C in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_D_kW: Power consumption by electric heater in Ger D in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_E_kW: Power consumption by electric heater in Ger E in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_F_kW: Power consumption by electric heater in Ger F in kW (Onset EG4115)
- RH_Exterior_percent: Ambient relative humidity near ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_A_Envelope_Roof_percent: relative humidity in roof of Ger A in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_A_Envelope_Wall_percent: relative humidity in wall of Ger A in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_A_Interior_percent: interior air relative humidity in Ger A in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_B_Envelope_Floor_percent: relative humidity in raised floor of Ger B in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_B_Envelope_Roof_percent: relative humidity in roof of Ger B in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_B_Envelope_Wall_percent: relative humidity in wall of Ger B in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_B_Interior_percent: interior air relative humidity in Ger B in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_C_Envelope_Roof_percent: relative humidity in roof of Ger C in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_C_Envelope_Wall_percent: relative humidity in wall of Ger C in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_C_Interior_percent: interior air relative humidity in Ger C in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_D_Envelope_Roof_percent: relative humidity in roof of Ger D in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_D_Envelope_Wall_percent: relative humidity in wall of Ger D in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_D_Interior_percent: interior air relative humidity in Ger D in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_E_Envelope_Roof_percent: relative humidity in roof of Ger E in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_E_Envelope_Wall_percent: relative humidity in wall of Ger E in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_E_Interior_percent: interior air relative humidity in Ger E in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_F_Envelope_Roof_percent: relative humidity in roof of Ger F in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_F_Envelope_Wall_percent: relative humidity in wall of Ger F in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_F_Interior_percent: interior air relative humidity in Ger F in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Solar_Flux_W_m2: Direct normal solar radiation flux near ger in W/m^2 (Onset S-LIB-M003)
- Temperature_Exterior_C: Ambient temperature near ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_D1_C: Exterior ground temperature near ger at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_D2_C: Exterior ground temperature near ger at depth 2 (1.0 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_D3_C: Exterior ground temperature near ger at depth 1 (2.2 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Coal_Stove_C: coal stove surface temperature for stove in ger A in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Envelope_Roof_C: air temperature in roof of Ger A in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Envelope_Wall_C: air temperature in wall of Ger A in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Floor_Surface_C: floor surface temperature in ger A in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Globe_Center_C: mean radiant temperature in the center of ger A in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger A in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Ground_Center_D1_C: ground temperature below the center of ger A at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Ground_Center_D2_C: ground temperature below the center of ger A at depth 2 (1.0 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Ground_Perimeter_D1_C: ground temperature below ger A 1 meter north of the center at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Heater_Flue_C: surface temperature of heater when in use or flue extending from the coal stove when the coal stove was in use in ger A in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Interior_C: interior air temperature in ger A in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_A_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature of the cement tile slab below the coal stove/electric heater in ger A in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Coal_Stove_C: coal stove surface temperature for stove in ger B in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Envelope_Floor_C: air temperature in raised floor of Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Envelope_Roof_C: air temperature in roof of Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Envelope_Wall_C: air temperature in wall of Ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Floor_Surface_C: floor surface temperature in ger B in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger A in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Ground_Center_D1_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger B in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Heater_Flue_C: surface temperature of heater when in use or flue extending from the coal stove when the coal stove was in use in ger B in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Interior_C: interior air temperature in ger B in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_B_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature of the cement tile slab below the coal stove/electric heater in ger B in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Coal_Stove_C: coal stove surface temperature for stove in ger C in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Envelope_Roof_C: air temperature in roof of Ger C in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Envelope_Wall_C: air temperature in wall of Ger C in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Floor_Surface_C: floor surface temperature in ger C in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger C in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Ground_Center_D1_C: ground temperature below the center of ger C at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Ground_Center_D2_C: ground temperature below the center of ger C at depth 2 (1.0 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Ground_Perimeter_D1_C: ground temperature below ger C 1 meter north of the center at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Heater_Flue_C: surface temperature of heater when in use or flue extending from the coal stove when the coal stove was in use in ger C in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Interior_C: interior air temperature in ger C in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_C_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature of the cement tile slab below the coal stove/electric heater in ger C in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Coal_Stove_C: coal stove surface temperature for stove in ger D in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Envelope_Roof_C: air temperature in roof of Ger D in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Envelope_Wall_C: air temperature in wall of Ger D in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Floor_Surface_C: floor surface temperature in ger D in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Globe_Center_C: mean radiant temperature in the center of ger D in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger D in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Ground_Center_D1_C: ground temperature below the center of ger D at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Heater_Flue_C: surface temperature of heater when in use or flue extending from the coal stove when the coal stove was in use in ger D in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Interior_C: interior air temperature in ger D in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_D_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature of the cement tile slab below the coal stove/electric heater in ger D in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Envelope_Roof_C: air temperature in roof of Ger E in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Envelope_Wall_C: air temperature in wall of Ger E in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Floor_Surface_C: floor surface temperature in ger E in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger E in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Ground_Center_D1_C: ground temperature below the center of ger E at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Ground_Center_D2_C: ground temperature below the center of ger E at depth 2 (1.0 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Ground_Perimeter_D1_C: ground temperature below ger E 1 meter north of the center at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Heater_C: surface temperature of heater ger E in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_E_Interior_C: interior air temperature in ger E in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Coal_Stove_C: coal stove surface temperature for stove in ger F in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Envelope_Roof_C: air temperature in roof of Ger F in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Envelope_Wall_C: air temperature in wall of Ger F in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Floor_Surface_C: floor surface temperature in ger F in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature 1 m north of the center in ger F in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Ground_Center_D1_C: ground temperature below the center of ger F at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Ground_Center_D2_C: ground temperature below the center of ger F at depth 2 (1.0 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Ground_Perimeter_D1_C: ground temperature below ger F 1 meter north of the center at depth 1 (0.38 m below ground) in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Heater_Flue_C: surface temperature of heater when in use or flue extending from the coal stove when the coal stove was in use in ger F in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Interior_C: interior air temperature in ger F in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_F_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature of the cement tile slab below the coal stove/electric heater in ger F in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Wind_Direction_Degrees: wind direction near ger in degrees from north (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- Wind_Speed_m_s: wind speed near ger in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
File: Penn_Ger_Data_For_Publication.csv
Description: General Data Set for Penn Ger from Onset RX3000, Onset UX120-014M, Onset UX120-018, Telaire 7001 (logged on a Onset U12), Pointelist system, and AirVisual Pro air quality monitor. The Penn ger was an unoccupied test ger built for testing experimental proceedures. It was built outside at the University of Pennsylvania's Pennovation research campus. The Penn Ger had only one layer of felt insulation for the winter (2-3 layers of felt insulation are typical in Mongolia). The door to the Penn Ger faced south, as is typical for ger in Mongolia.
Envelope temperature/relative humidity/dew point temperature readings were taken from air temperature/relative humidity sensors that were embedded in the envelope between layers of the felt insulation.
- UNIX_datetime_UTC: UNIX data-time in the UTC timezone
- UTC_datetime: UTC time formatted as a date-time
- local_datetime_EST: Philadelphia time formatted as a date-time
- Active_Energy_Electric_Heater_Whr: Energy consumed by the electric heater in Penn Ger in Whr (Onset UX120-018)
- Active_Power_Electric_Heater_W: Active power consumed by the electric heater in the Penn ger in W (Onset UX120-018)
- Apparent_Power_Electric_Heater_VA: Apparent power calculated by voltage * current consumed by the electric heater in the Penn ger in W (Onset UX120-018)
- CO2_Concentration_Exterior_Ground_ppm: Ambient CO2 concentration measured at ground level near the Penn Ger in ppm (Telaire 7001 logged on a Onset U12)
- CO2_Concentration_Interior_Floor_Center_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor in the center of the Penn Ger in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Interior_Floor_Perimeter_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor 1 m to the west of the center of the Penn Ger in ppm (Telaire 7001 logged on a Onset U12)
- CO2_Concentration_Interior_Toono_West_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured at the west side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in ppm (Telaire 7001 logged on a Onset U12)
- Current_Electric_Heater_A: electric current flowing to the electric heater in the Penn ger in A (Onset UX120-018)
- Differential_Pressure_Interior_to_Exterior_Pa: indoor to outdoor differential pressure for the Penn Ger in Pa (Veris Industries PXDLN01S)
- DP_Exterior_C: ambient dew point temperature measured 1.7 m above the ground near the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Exterior_Ground_C: ambient dew point temperature measured at the ground level near the Penn Ger in C (Onset U12)
- DP_Interior_Floor_Center_C: Interior dew point temperature measured on the floor in the center of the Penn Ger in C (AirVisual Pro)
- DP_Interior_N_C: Interior dew point temperature on the North side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Interior_s_C: Interior dew point temperature on the south side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Interior_Toono_West_C: Interior dew point temperature measured at the west side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in C (Onset U12)
- DP_Interior_w_C: Interior dew point temperature on the west side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Meyerson_WX_C: ambient dew point temperature measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Northeast_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Northeast_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Northwest_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Northwest_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Roof_N_C: envelope dew point temperature in the roof on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Southeast_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Southeast_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall on the sourtheast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Southwest_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Southwest_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- DP_Toono_North_TRH_C: envelope dew point temperature in the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) cover on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Wall_N_C: envelope dew point temperature in the wall on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Gust_Speed_Meyerson_WX_m_s: gust speed measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- Mass_Ratio_Northeast_Roof_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the roof on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Northeast_Wall_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the wall on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Northwest_Roof_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the roof on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Northwest_Wall_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the wall on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Southeast_Roof_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the roof on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Southeast_Wall_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the wall on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Southwest_Roof_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the roof on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Southwest_Wall_Middle_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the wall on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Mass_Ratio_Toono_North_TRH_kgH2O_kgAir: Envelope humidity mass ratio in the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) cover on the north side of the Penn Ger in kg H2O/kg dry air (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Interior_Floor_Center_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured on the floor in the center of the Penn Ger in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- Power_Factor_Electric_Heater: Power factor for the electric heater in Penn Ger, unitless (Onset UX120-018)
- Radiant_Temperature_Hearth_C: radiant temperature given off by the heater/coal stove in C (Omega OS35)
- RH_Envelope_Roof_North_percent: envelope relative humidity in the roof on the north side of the Penn Ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Envelope_Wall_North_percent: envelope relative humidity in the wall on the north side of the Penn Ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Exterior_2m_percent: ambient relative humidity measured 1.7 m above the ground near the Penn Ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Exterior_Ground_percent: ambient relative humidity measured at the ground level near the Penn Ger in % (Onset U12)
- RH_Interior_Floor_Center_percent: Interior relative humidity measured on the floor in the center of the Penn Ger in % (AirVisual Pro)
- RH_Interior_Toono_West_percent: Interior relative humidity measured at the west side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in % (Onset U12)
- RH_Meyerson_WX_percent: ambient relative humidity measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_North_Rafter_Middle_TRH_percent: Interior relative humidity on the North side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Northeast_Roof_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Northeast_Wall_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Northwest_Roof_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Northwest_Wall_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_South_Rafter_Middle_TRH_percent: Interior relative humidity on the South side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Southeast_Roof_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Southeast_Wall_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Southwest_Roof_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Southwest_Wall_Middle_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in % (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- RH_Toono_North_TRH_percent: envelope relative humidity in the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) cover on the north side of the Penn Ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_West_Rafter_Middle_TRH_percent: Interior relative humidity on the West side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Solar_Radiation_Exterionr_W_m2: Direct normal solar radiation flux measured 1.7 m above the ground near the Penn Ger in W/m^2 (Onset S-LIB-M003)
- Solar_Ratiation_Meyerson_WX_W_m2: Direct normal solar radiation measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in W/m^2 (Onset S-LIB-M003)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_1.1_C: temperature directly below the floor 2.5 m west of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_1.2_C: temperature directly below the floor 1.5 m west of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_1.3_C: temperature directly below the floor 0.5 m west of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_1.4_C: temperature directly below the floor 0.5 m east of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_1.5_C: temperature directly below the floor 1.5 m east of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_1.6_C: temperature directly below the floor 2.5 m east of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.1_C: temperature directly below the floor 2.5 m south of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.2_C: temperature directly below the floor 1.5 m south of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.3_C: temperature directly below the floor 0.5 m south of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.4_C: temperature directly below the floor in the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.5_C: temperature directly below the floor 0.5 m north of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.6_C: temperature directly below the floor 1.5 m north of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_below_floor_line_2.7_C: temperature directly below the floor 2.5 m north of the center of the ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Below_Hearth_C: temperature below the stone hearth below the heater/coal stove in the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Door_Bottom_C: air temperature at the bottom of the door of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Door_Middle_C: air temperature at the center of the door of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Door_Top_C: air temperature at the top of the door of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.1_C: air temperature at a height of 0.0 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.2_C: air temperature at a height of 0.3 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.3_C: air temperature at a height of 0.6 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.4_C: air temperature at a height of 0.9 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.5_C: air temperature at a height of 1.2 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.6_C: air temperature at a height of 1.5 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_column_1.7_C: air temperature at a height of 1.8 m on the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_Rafter_Middle_C: air temperature in the middle of an uni (roof rafter pole) east of the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_Rafter_Top_C: air temperature at the top of an uni (roof rafter pole) east of the eastern column of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_Wall_Bottom_C: air temperature at the bottom of the eastern wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_Wall_Middle_C: air temperature in the middle of the eastern wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_East_Wall_Top_C: air temperature at the top of the eastern wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Envelope_Roof_North_C: envelope temperature in the roof on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Envelope_Wall_North_C: envelope temperature in the wall on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Exterior_2m_C: ambient temperature measured 1.7 m above the ground near the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_C: ambient air temperature measured at the ground level near the Penn Ger in C (Onset U12)
- Temperature_Flue_Middle_C: surface temperature in the middle of the flue connected to the coal stove in the Penn Ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Globe_Thermometer_C: mean radiant temperature in the center of the Penn Ger suspended approximately 1.5 m from the ground in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Interior_Floor_Center_C: Interior air temperature measured on the floor in the center of the Penn Ger in C (AirVisual Pro)
- Temperature_Interior_Toono_West_C: Interior air temperature measured at the west side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in C (Onset U12)
- Temperature_Meyerson_WX_C: ambient air temperature measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_North_Rafter_Middle_C: air temperature at the middle of one of the uni (roof rafter pole) on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_North_Rafter_Middle_TRH_C: Interior air temperature on the North side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_North_Rafter_Top_C: air temperature at the top of one of the uni (roof rafter pole) on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_North_Wall_Bottom_C: air temperature at the bottom of the north wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_North_Wall_Middle_C: air temperature at the middle of the north wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_North_Wall_Top_C: air temperature at the top of the north wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Northeast_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the roof on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Northeast_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the wall on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Northwest_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the roof on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Northwest_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the wall on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_South_Rafter_Middle_C: air temperature at the middle of one of the uni (roof rafter pole) on the south side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_South_Rafter_Middle_TRH_C: Interior air temperature on the south side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_South_Rafter_Top_C: air temperature at the top of one of the uni (roof rafter pole) on the south side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_South_Wall_Bottom_C: air temperature at the bottom of the south wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_South_Wall_Middle_C: air temperature at the middle of the south wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_South_Wall_Top_C: air temperature at the top of the south wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Southeast_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the roof on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Southeast_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the wall on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Southwest_Roof_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the roof on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Southwest_Wall_Middle_C: Envelope temperature in the wall on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Stove_Side_C: surface temperature on the side of the coal stove in the Penn Ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Stove_Top_C: surface temperature on the top of the coal stove in the Penn Ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Test_Temp_C: surface temperature on the stone hearth below the heater/coal stove in the Penn Ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Toono_North_C: air temperature on the north side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_Toono_North_TRH_C: envelope temperature in the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) cover on the north side of the Penn Ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Toono_South_C: air temperature on the south side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_West_Rafter_Middle_C: air temperature at the middle of one of the uni (roof rafter pole) on the west side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_West_Rafter_Middle_TRH_C: Interior air temperature on the west side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_West_Rafter_Top_C: air temperature at the top of one of the uni (roof rafter pole) on the west side of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_West_Wall_Bottom_C: air temperature at the bottom of the west wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_West_Wall_Middle_C: air temperature at the middle of the west wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Temperature_West_Wall_Top_C: air temperature at the top of the west wall of the Penn Ger in C (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Exterior_Ground_ppm: calculated ambient vapor concentration at the ground level near the Penn Ger in ppm (Onset U12)
- Vapor_Concentration_Exterior_ppm: calculated ambient vapor concentration 1.7 m above the ground near the Penn Ger in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Interior_w_ppm: calculated interior vapor concentration on the west side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Interior_Floor_Center_ppm: calculated interior vapor concentration on the floor in the center of the Penn Ger in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Vapor_Concentration_Interior_N_ppm: calculated interior vapor concentration on the North side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Interior_S_ppm: calculated interior vapor concentration on the south side of the Penn Ger half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Interior_Toono_West_ppm: calculated interior vapor concentration at the west side of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) of the Penn Ger in ppm (Onset U12)
- Vapor_Concentration_Meyerson_WX_ppm: calculated ambient vapor concentration at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Northeast_Roof_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the roof on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Northeast_Wall_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the wall on the northeast side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Northwest_Roof_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the roof on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Northwest_Wall_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the wall on the northwest side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Roof_N_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the roof on the north side of the Penn Ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Southeast_Roof_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the roof on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Southeast_Wall_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the wall on the southeast side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Southwest_Roof_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the roof on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Southwest_Wall_Middle_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the wall on the southwest side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Kieran Timberlake Pontelist System)
- Vapor_Concentration_Toono_North_TRH_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) cover on the north side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Vapor_Concentration_Wall_N_ppm: calculated envelope vapor concentration in the wall on the north side of the Penn Ger in ppm (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Voltage_Electric_Heater_V: Voltage in the electric heater in Penn Ger in V (Onset UX120-018)
- Wind_Direction_Meyerson_WX: wind direction measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in degrees from north (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- Wind_Speed_Meyerson_WX_m_s: wind speed measured at the Meyerson Hall weather station at the University of Pennsylvania, 15 m above the ground at a weather station 1.6 km north of the Penn Ger in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
File: Occupied_Ger_Data_For_Publication.csv
Description: Data set for occupied ger from Onset RX3000 and AirVisual Pro air quality monitor. These were five occupied ger in the ger district north of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. They were selected at random and the participants were compensated for allowing thermal data to be collected from their homes. No personally identifyable or biometric data was collected as a part of this study.
Envelope temperature/relative humidity/dew point temperature readings were taken from air temperature/relative humidity sensors that were embedded in the envelope between layers of the felt insulation.
- UNIX_datetime_UTC: UNIX data-time in the UTC timezone
- UTC_datetime: UTC time formatted as a date-time
- local_datetime_Ulaanbaatar: Ulaanbaatar time formatted as a date-time
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_1_Interior_Floor_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 1 in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_2_Interior_Floor_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 2 in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_3_Interior_Floor_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 3 in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_4_Interior_Floor_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 4 in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- CO2_Concentration_Ger_5_Interior_Floor_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 5 in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Dew_Point_Exterior_C: ambient dew point temperature measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_1_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_1_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_2_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_2_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_3_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_3_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_4_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_4_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_5_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Dew_Point_Ger_5_Wall_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Gust_Speed_m_s: gust speed measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_1_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 1 in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_2_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 2 in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_3_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 3 in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_4_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 4 in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_Ger_5_Interior_Floor_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured on the floor near the perimeter of Ger 5 in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- RH_Exterior_percent: ambient relative humidity measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_1_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_1_Wall_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall opposite the door in Ger 1 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_2_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_2_Wall_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall opposite the door in Ger 2 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_3_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_3_Wall_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall opposite the door in Ger 3 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_4_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 4 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_4_Wall_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall opposite the door in Ger 4 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_5_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_5_Wall_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the wall opposite the door in Ger 5 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Solar_Flux_W_m2: Direct normal solar radiation flux measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in W/m^2 (Onset S-LIB-M003)
- Temperature_Exterior_C: ambient temperature measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Floor_C: floor surface temperature in ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Flue_C: surface temperature half way up the flue connected to the coal stove in ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 30 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Interior_C: Interior temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Stove_C: surface temperature on the side of the coal stove in ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature on the stone slab below the coal stove in ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Wall_C: Envelope temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Floor_C: floor surface temperature in ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Flue_C: surface temperature half way up the flue connected to the coal stove in ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 30 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Interior_C: Interior temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Stove_C: surface temperature on the side of the coal stove in ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature on the stone slab below the coal stove in ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Wall_C: Envelope temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Floor_C: floor surface temperature in ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Flue_C: surface temperature half way up the flue connected to the coal stove in ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 30 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Interior_C: Interior temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Stove_C: surface temperature on the side of the coal stove in ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature on the stone slab below the coal stove in ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Wall_C: Envelope temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Floor_C: floor surface temperature in ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Flue_C: surface temperature half way up the flue connected to the coal stove in ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Globe_Center_C: mean radiant temperature in the center of ger 4 suspended 30 cm the toono (circular oculus at the top of the ger) in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Interior_C: Interior temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Stove_C: surface temperature on the side of the coal stove in ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature on the stone slab below the coal stove in ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Wall_C: Envelope temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Floor_C: floor surface temperature in ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Flue_C: surface temperature half way up the flue connected to the coal stove in ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Globe_Perimeter_C: mean radiant temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 30 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Interior_C: Interior temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Stove_C: surface temperature on the side of the coal stove in ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Thermal_Mass_C: surface temperature on the stone slab below the coal stove in ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Wall_C: Envelope temperature in the wall opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Wind_Direction_Degrees: wind direction measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in degrees from north (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- Wind_Speed_m_s: wind speed measured at a weather station located no more than 2 km from any of the occupied ger in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
File: BKH_Data_For_Publication.csv
Description: Data set for Bayankhongor ger collected by Onset RX3000, Onset EG4115, and AirVisual Pro air quality monitors. In this data file are data from 8 ger and one bashin (typical Mongolia stick built house) located in the ger district of Bayankhongor, Mongolia. This data was used to evaluate ther thermal performance of the CHIPS package for ger. The CHIPS package was a series of thermal improvements that were developed by Professor Munkhbayar Bayun's research team at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology in collaboration with local producers in Bayankhongor, Mongolia, based on the insights learned from the 2018-2019 Test Ger. More details on the CHIPS package and that experiment can be found elsewhere:
Braham WW, Hakkarainen M, Buyan M, et al (2022) Cooking, Heating, Insulating Products and Services (CHIPS) for Mongolian ger: Reducing energy cost, and indoor air pollution. Energy for Sustainable Development 71:462–479.
All of the buildings were within 0.5 km of the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center. The Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center was set up as a collaboration between the Bayankhongor city government, UNICEF Mongolia, and the Ger of the 21st Century research team. A weather station was set up near the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center at ground level to collect ambient weather data for analyzing the ger in this project. One of the ger studied in this file was an unoccupied ger that was fitted with a CHIPS system called the "innovation ger" that was built at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center. It was unoccupied to server as a reference for thermal performance, and it was also used for community engagement events to educate ger residents in Bayankhongor, Mongolia about the benefits of the CHIPS system and electric heating for ger. Additionally, there were seven occupied ger, 4 with Chips (Ger 1-4) and 3 without CHIPS (Ger 5-7). Comparing the energy use, indoor environments, indoor air quality, and thermal performance of these ger allowed us to quantify the benefit of the CHIPS system. Finally, the bashin (typical Mongolia stick built house) was evaluated as a point of comparison to understand the energy consumption and thermal characteristics of the ger relative to other common residential buildings in Mongolia. The bashin had 3 main rooms (bedroom, kitchen, and living room), a vestibule, and an attic. It was a slab on grade construction.
The ger residents who participated in this study were all volunteers, and they were compensated for their participation through subsidising their winter heating bills. No personally identifyable or biometric data was collected as a part of this study.
Envelope temperature/relative humidity/dew point temperature readings were taken from air temperature/relative humidity sensors that were embedded in the envelope between layers of the felt insulation.
- UNIX_datetime_UTC: UNIX data-time in the UTC timezone
- UTC_datetime: UTC time formatted as a date-time
- Local_Datetime_Bayankhongor: Bayankhongor, Mongolia time formatted as a date-time
- DP_Bashin_Attic_C: Interior dew point temperature in the attic of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Bashin_Bedroom_C: Interior dew point temperature in the bedroom of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Bashin_Kitchen_C: Interior dew point temperature in the kitchen of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Bashin_Living_Room_C: Interior dew point temperature in the living room of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Bashin_Vestibule_C: Interior dew point temperature in the vestibule of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Exterior_C: ambient dew point temperature at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_1_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_1_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_2_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_2_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_3_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_3_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_4_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_4_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_5_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_5_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_6_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 6 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_6_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 6 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_7_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 7 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Ger_7_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 7 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Innovation_Ger_Envelope_C: Envelope dew point temperature in the roof opposite the door in innovation ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- DP_Innovation_Ger_Interior_C: Interior dew point temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in the innovation ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Gust_Speed_m_s: gust speed measured at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Bashin_1_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in the living room of the bashin with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_1_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 1 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_2_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 2 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_3_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 3 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_4_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 4 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_5_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 5 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_6_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 6 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Ger_7_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in Ger 7 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- Interior_CO2_Concentration_BKH_Innovation_ppm: Interior CO2 concentration measured in the innovation ger on the floor in ppm (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Bashin_1_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in the living room of the bashin with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_1_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 1 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_2_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 2 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_3_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 3 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_4_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 4 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_5_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 5 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_6_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 6 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Ger_7_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in Ger 7 with a sensor on a shelf approximately 0.6 m above the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- PM_2.5_concentration_BKH_Innovation_ug_m3: Interior PM2.5 concentration measured in the innovation ger on the floor in ug/m^3 (AirVisual Pro)
- Power_Bashin_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the bashin in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_1_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 1 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_2_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 2 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_3_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 3 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_4_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 4 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_5_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 5 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_6_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 6 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Ger_7_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the Ger 7 in kW (Onset EG4115)
- Power_Innovation_W: Total electric power consumption, including appliances, in the innovation ger in kW (Onset EG4115)
- RH_Bashin_Attic_percent: Interior relative humidity in the attic of the bashin in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Bashin_Bedroom_percent: Interior relative humidity in the bedroom of the bashin in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Bashin_Kitchen_percent: Interior relative humidity in the kitchen of the bashin in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Bashin_Living_Room_percent: Interior relative humidity in the living room of the bashin in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Bashin_Vestibule_percent: Interior relative humidity in the vestibule of the bashin in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Exterior_percent: ambient relative humidity at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_1_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 1 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_1_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_2_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 2 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_2_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_3_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 3 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_3_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_4_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 4 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_4_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 4 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_5_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 5 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_5_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_6_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 6 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_6_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 6 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_7_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in Ger 7 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Ger_7_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 7 in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Innovation_Ger_Envelope_percent: Envelope relative humidity in the roof opposite the door in the innovation ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- RH_Innovation_Ger_Interior_percent: Interior relative humidity half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in the innovation ger in % (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Solar_Flux_W_m2: Direct normal solar radiation flux measured at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in W/m^2 (Onset S-LIB-M003)
- Temperature_Bashin_Attic_C: Interior air temperature in the attic of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Bashin_Bedroom_C: Interior air temperature in the bedroom of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Bashin_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the kitchen (central room) of the bashin in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Bashin_Floor_perimeter_C: floor surface temperature at the outside edge of the floor in the kitchen (central room) of the bashin in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Bashin_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 2.2 m above the ground in the center in the center of the living room of the bashin in Ger 3 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Bashin_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature below the floor of the bashin at a depth of 0.5 m below ground in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Bashin_Kitchen_C: Interior air temperature in the kitchen of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Bashin_Living_Room_C: Interior air temperature in the living room of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Bashin_Vestibule_C: Interior air temperature in the vestibule of the bashin in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Exterior_C: ambient air temperature at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_0.25_m_C: ground temperature below the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station at a depth of 0.25 m below ground in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature below the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station at a depth of 0.50 m below ground in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Exterior_Ground_1_m_C: ground temperature below the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station at a depth of 1.0 m below ground in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 1 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 1 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_1_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 1 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 2 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 2 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_2_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 2 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 3 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 3 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_3_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 3 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 4 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 4 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_4_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 4 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 5 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 5 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_5_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 5 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 6 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 6 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 6 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 6 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 6 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 6 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_6_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 6 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Door_C: door surface temperature in Ger 7 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in Ger 7 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in Ger 7 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in Ger 7 in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in Ger 7 in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in Ger 7 in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Ger_7_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in Ger 7 in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Door_C: door surface temperature in the innovation ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Envelope_C: Envelope temperature in the roof opposite the door in the innovation ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Floor_Center_C: floor surface temperature in the center of the floor in the innovation ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Floor_Perimeter_C: floor surface temperature in the 2 m away from the center of the floor away from the door in the innovation ger in C (Omega Type-K Thermocouple)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Globe_C: mean radiant temperature 0.3 m below the center of the toono (circular occulus at the top of the ger) in the innovation ger in C (Globe thermometer)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Ground_0.5_m_C: ground temperature 0.5 m below ground, directly below the center of the floor in the innovation ger in C (Onset S-TMB-M0XX)
- Temperature_Innovation_Ger_Interior_C: Interior air temperature half way between the wall and the top of the roof suspended 15 cm below the uni (rafter poles in the ger) opposite the door in the innovation ger in C (Onset S-THC-M00X)
- Wind_Direction_degrees: wind direction measured at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in degrees from north (Onset S-WCF-M003)
- Wind_Speed_m_s: wind speed measured at the Bayankhongor Ger Innovation Center weather station in m/s (Onset S-WCF-M003)
Data was collected using Onset thermal monitoring equipment and AirVisual Pro air quality monitors. The data was collectec and organized in R. Standardized timesteps and data increments were used.