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Data from: Cooking, heating, insulating products and services (CHIPS) for Mongolian ger: Reducing energy, cost, and indoor air pollution

Data files

Sep 17, 2024 version files 403.23 MB


This data represents several experiments conducted on Ger for UNICEF Mongolia's Ger of the 21st Century Project. The aims of that porject were to improve the thermal performance of ger (or "yurts" in Russian) to decrease air pollution in Mongolia. Four main experiments were conducted for that project. In the 2018-2019 winter, data was collected on the Penn Ger, an experimental ger built at the University of Pennsylvania's Pennovation research campus. Several experiments were conducted on this ger to evaluate different experimental techniques and protocals that could be deployed in Mongolia. During the 2018-2019 winter, the 2018-2019 Test Ger were built on a ranch near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. These ger tested different thermal interventions that might be applied broadly in Mongolia. Also during the 2018-2019 winter, five occupied ger in the ger districts north of Ulaanbaatar, the 2018-2019 Occupied Ger, were monitored to understand baseline thermal and indoor environmental data in ger. Finally, during the 2019-2020 winter, eight ger and a bashin (a traditional Mongolian stick built house), the 2019-2020 Bayankhongor Ger, were evaluated in Bayankhongor, Mongolia. These ger were outfitted with a set of thermal improvements to evaluate their thermal performance. The goal was to demonstrate that these thermal inverventions could decrease energy use and make electric heating cost effective for wider deployment across Mongolia.