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Host population effects on ectomycorrhizal fungi

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Mar 16, 2023 version files 50.01 KB


Geographic distinctions in the affinity of tree populations for select ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) may occur where strong edaphic pressures act on fungal communities and their hosts. We examine this premise for Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii of southwest British Columbia, using ten native seedlots collected from a range of mean annual precipitation (MAP), as a proxy for podzolization extent and phosphorus (P) deficiencies, and evaluated in contrasting low P and high P soils. After two growing seasons, seedling biomass in the high P soil dwarfed that of the low P soil, and better growth rates under high P were detected for populations from very dry and very wet origins. EMF communities on the high P soil displayed more symmetry among host populations than the low P soil (average community dissimilarity of 0.20% vs 0.39%, respectively). Seedling foliar P% differed slightly but significantly in relation to MAP of origin. EMF species richness varied significantly among host populations but independently of climatic parameters. There were significant shifts in EMF species abundance related to seedlot MAP, particularly on the low P soil where nonlinear relationships were found for Wilcoxina mikolae, Hyaloscypha finlandica, and Rhizopogon villosulus. Despite efforts to enhance colonization by native fungi, the predominance of ruderal EMF species hindered a realistic evaluation of local adaptation among host-fungi populations. Nevertheless, the shifting affinity in taxa abundance and wider community disparity on low P soil reflected the potential for a consequential host genetic effect related to geographical patterns in P availability across temperate rainforests