Global leaf sulphur stoichiometry and the relationships with nitrogen and phosphorus: phylogeny, growth form and environmental controls
Data files
Mar 05, 2024 version files 6.89 MB
Sulphur (S) is an essential bioelement with vital roles in serving regulatory and catalytic functions, and tightly coupled with N and P in plants. However, globally stoichiometric patterns of leaf S and its relationships to leaf N and P are less well studied. We compiled 31,939 records of leaf-based data for 2,600 plant species across 6,652 sites worldwide. All plant species were divided into different phylogenetic taxa and growth forms. Standard major axis analysis was employed to fit the bivariate element relationships. A phylogenetic linear mixed effect model and a multiple regression model were used to partition the variations of bioelements into phylogeny and environments, and then to estimate the importance of environmental variables. Global geometric mean leaf S, N and P concentrations were 1.44, 15.70 and 1.27 mg g-1, with significant differences among plant groups. Leaf S-N-P positively correlated to each other, ignoring plant groups. The scaling exponents of LN-LS, LP-LS and LN-LP were 0.64, 0.76 and 0.79 for all species, but differed among plant groups. Both phylogeny and environments regulated the bioelements. The variability, rather than mean temperature controlled the bioelements. Phylogeny explained more for the concentrations of all the three bioelements than environments, of which S was the one most affected by phylogenetic taxa.
README: Global leaf sulphur stoichiometry and the relationships with nitrogen and phosphorus: phylogeny, growth form and environmental controls
In total, we collected 31939 records of data , and 2600 plant species belonging to 1186 genera, 210 families, 69 orders, 7 classes and 4 divisions. The overall plants were divided into two growth forms: woody and herb, five growth forms within woody plants: conifer tree, deciduous broad-leaf tree (DB), evergreen broad-leaf tree (EB), deciduous (D) shrub and evergreen (E) shrub. Herbs were subdivided into aquatic and terrestrial herbs by habitats, and into graminoids and forbs by leaf types. The collected environment variables (MAT, MAP, BIO2, BIO5, BIO6, BIO13, BIO14 and BIO15) were used to analyze the response of the leaf elements (leaf S, leaf N and leaf P) to them.
Description of the Data and file structure
We have thirteen sheets in this dataset file.
Sheet 1, named "Overall_data", we have a 31940*36 matrix.
Sheet 2, named "Metadata" contains a detailed description of the abbreviations that appear in the dataset.
Sheet 3, we recorded the source of the dataset.
Sheet 4, named "Fig5_data", contains SiteID, OrderID, FamilyID, SpeciesID and elemental concentrations (i.e., CON). All data in "Fig5_data" is derived from "Overall_data" (After remove all null values for each column).
Sheet 5 contains the variance of each component (Site, Species, Family, Order and Residual, %) to leaf S, N and P at different levels.
Sheet 6, named "Fig6_data", contains environmental variables (BIO15, BIO14, BIO13, BIO6, BIO5, BIO2, MAT and MAP ) and element variables (leaf S, N and P) at different levels. "Fig6_data" is obtained by extracting from "Overall_data" and then deleting the null value.
Sheet 7, Sheet 8 and Sheet 9 named "pearson", "lm_result" and "env_importance" respectively, are all results obtained in the course of calculating.
Sheet 10, named "BIO", contains 19 environment variables (BIO1-BIO19) obtained from the WorldClim (
Sheet 11, Sheet 12 and Sheet 13 named "LeafS_species", "LeafN_species" and "LeafP_species" respectively, includes value of all S, N and P in the database and family information on the corresponding species, respectively.
Since some samples did not have exact species information, their taxonomic information was incomplete and we filled by "NA".
Some samples did not provide latitude and longitude information on the raw data, and we filled in with "NA".
On samples that lacked latitude and longitude, environmental information could not be obtained based on latitude and longitude, and this part of the environmental data were filled with "NA".
The abbreviations for variables:
Variable Description
AQ Aquatic plant
C Conifer tree
DS Deciduous shrub
DB Deciduous broad-leaf tree
EB Evergreen broad-leaf tree
shrub Evergreen shrub
TH Terrestrial herb
MAT Mean average temperature (°C)
MAP Mean average precipitation (mm)
BIO2 Mean diurnal range (°C)
BIO5 Max temperature of warmest month (°C)
BIO6 Min temperature of coldest month (°C)
BIO13 Precipitation of wettest month (mm)
BIO14 Precipitation of driest month (mm)
BIO15 Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) (mm)
Leaf S Total sulphur concentrations in leaves (mg g-1)
Leaf N Total nitrogen concentrations in leaves (mg g-1)
Leaf P Total phosphorus concentrations in leaves (mg g-1)
NS Ratio of leaf sulfur concentrations to leaf nitrogen concentrations
PS Ratio of leaf phosphorus concentrations to leaf sulfur concentrations
NP Ratio of leaf nitrogen concentrations to leaf phosphorus concentrations
Sharing/Access information
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: N/A
Was data derived from another source? Yes
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