Data for: Contextual behavioral interactions of common side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana)
Data files
Jan 17, 2023 version files 140.99 KB
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These datasets are a summary of all interactions between Common Side-blotched Lizards (Uta stansburiana) and other species. The first (AdultUtaInteractions) contains rows that result from individual replicate interactions during focal-animal observations in two different years. Data include date of observation, time of focal's start, ID of Common Side-blotched Lizard observerd, its sex, and body size as well as the identification of the species with which this individual interacted and its sex. Following this the are the characteristics of the focal animal during 5 min. periods before (pre) and during/following (post) an interaction for the focal animal's perch (height and diameter), movement, and displays (headbobs) as their sum during those 5-min. periods and as the difference (post less pre). Following this are interaction intensity scores (0=no interaction, 5=most intense interaction), intensity scores with initiation coded by sign (positive values as initiated by focal animal, negative as by other individual). Next are display body postures recoded during the interaction (used post-interaction only) scored as N=none or identifying the species performing the posture. These are repeated as effect codes (0=no posture, 1=posture used during interaction). Finally, a notes column indicates any noted details of the interaction.
The other dataset (DailyInteractionsSums&Rates) contains a summary of each day's data collection during this study over the two years of study (JD=days since Jan. 1). Decimal min. contains the total time of focal observations performed on that day. Following this are columns containing the count of intrasexual and intersexual interactions as well as the count of intraspecific and interspecific interactions observed on that day. There are then two columns containing the count of events occurring between Uta stansburiana (U.s.) and Sceloporus occidentalis (S.o.) and between Uta and Sceloporus graciosus (S.g.). Next time is calculated as a decimal hours basis before the count of interactions per hour are calculated for each of the previous categories of counts.
Data was collected by direct observations of animals as part of focal-animal observations. Each animal was observed from afar for about 30 min. Each row is a summry of a single unique observation period with summary observations divided into pre-interaction and post-interaction periods.
Data provided in the “interactions” dataset are year of observation, replicate of observation for that individual, species of focal animal being observed, Julian date (JD) of observation (as days since Jan. 1), date of observation, start time of observation period, start time converted to decimal time, individual focal lizard identification (ID), sex of focal animal, body size of the focal animal (as snout-vent-length in mm), species of interaction partner, sex of interaction partner, average perch height of focal subject during the 5 min. before the interaction began, average perch height for the 5 min. during and following the start of an interaction, difference in average perch height (post less pre), average perch diameter of focal subject during the 5 min. before the interaction began, average perch diameter for the 5 min. during and following the start of an interaction, difference in average perch diameter (post less pre), distance moved (in meters) by focal subject in the 5 min. before the interaction began, total (sum) of displays (headbobs) by focal subject in 5 min. before interaction began, maximum headbobs performed by focal subject in any one display in 5 min. before interaction began, distance moved (in meters) by focal subject in the 5 min. following start of the interaction, total (sum) of displays (headbobs) by focal subject in 5 min. following start of the interaction, maximum headbobs performed by focal subject in any one display in 5 min. following start of the interaction, difference in movement distance (post less pre), difference in headbob displays (post less pre), difference in maximum headbobs performed (post less pre), interaction intensity scores (0=no interaction, 1=displays by one animal at another, 2=mutual displays by two interactors, 3=displacement of one individual by another individual, 4=courting or chasing of two lizards, 5=copulation or fighting of two lizards), the same interaction intensity scores, but coded for initiation by using positive values if initiated by focal animal and negative values if initiated by interaction partner, five columns for display body postures (use of dorsal shield [back rotation] display body posture, use of arched back display body posture, use of lateral flattening display body posture, use of gular extension display body posture) with N=non use of posture or species and sex of lizard performing that behavior, five columns for same display body postures effect coded as 0=absent or 1=present, notes detailing distance between lizards and any reactions observed.
For the daily interactions sums and rates dataset, data provided are year of observation, Julian date (JD) of observation as days since Jan. 1, total minutes of observation on that day (as decimal, NOT hh:mm), count of intrasexual interactions between focal lizard (always Uta stansburiana) and its interaction partners, count of intersexual interactions between focal animal and partner, count of intraspecific (Uta-Uta) interactions between focal animal and its partner, count of interspecific interactions between Uta and its partner, count of interspecific events between Uta (U.s.) and Sceloporus occidentalis (S.o.), count of interspecific events between Uta (U.s.) and Sceloporus graciosus (S.g.), total focal hours performed on that day in decimal units (NOT hh:mm), and columns of rates of interactions calculated from those same count data (as counts per focal hour).
Usage notes
Data files can be accessed using Microsoft Excel.