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Data from: Warm-up and metrics of song performance: a commentary on Vazquez-Cardona et al

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Cardoso, Gonçalo (2024). Data from: Warm-up and metrics of song performance: a commentary on Vazquez-Cardona et al [Dataset]. Dryad.


Interactive plots that re-generate random data in Figure 2 of Cardoso (2024) "Warm-up and metrics of song performance: a commentary on Vazquez-Cardona et al." Behavioral Ecology.

README: Data from: Warm-up and metrics of song performance: a commentary on Vazquez-Cardona et al.

Interactive plots that re-generate random data in Figure 2 of Cardoso (2024) "Warm-up and metrics of song performance: a commentary on Vazquez-Cardona et al." Behavioral Ecology.

Description of the data and file structure

Each figure plot is in a separate spreadsheet. Press F9 to re-generate the simulated data.

In each spreadsheet:

. Column A indicates the bin number for the X axis data, as per the explanations in the legend of Figure 2.

. Column B contains the formula for X axis data: random numbers from a uniform distribution within each bin.

. Column C contains the formula for Y axis data: absolute value of random numbers from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

. In panels C and D, these random numbers for Y are divided or multiplied by 10+X, as explained in the legend of Figure 2.

. Columns E to H have counts of data per bin, and the total count.


Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Award: 2022.07867.CEECIND/CP1730/CT0005