Asynchronous haltere input drives specific wing and head movements in Drosophila
Data files
Apr 19, 2024 version files 86.53 GB
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Halteres are multifunctional mechanosensory organs unique to the true flies (Diptera). A set of reduced hindwings, the halteres beat at the same frequency as the lift-generating forewings and sense inertial forces via mechanosensory campaniform sensilla. Though haltere ablation makes stable flight impossible, the specific role of wing-synchronous input has not been established. Using small iron filings attached to the halteres of tethered flies and an alternating electromagnetic field, we experimentally decoupled the wings and halteres of flying Drosophila and observed the resulting changes in wingbeat amplitude and head orientation. We find that asynchronous haltere input results in fast amplitude changes in the wing (“wing hitches”), but does not appreciably move the head. In multi-modal experiments, we find that wing and gaze optomotor responses are disrupted differently by asynchronous input. These effects of wing-asynchronous haltere input suggest that specific sensory information is necessary for maintaining wing amplitude stability and adaptive gaze control.
"treatedkinematics.mat" contains aggregated haltere tracking data from high-speed lateral aspect videos.
It contains the "flies" structure array with the following fields:
haltroot: [x,y] point within video frame marking haltere joint with the thorax
wingroot: [x,y] point marking the most anterior point in the wing root
treatment: LEFT or RIGHT depicts which haltere is treated with an iron filing
vstim: Voltage trace from arena controller showing angular position of the stripe stimulus in the yaw aspect (where applicable), with original daq sampling rate
vspeed: Pattern velocity of visual stimulus in /s, or 0 for no moving visual stimulus
magstim: Voltage trace from DAQ for control pulses sent to magnets (where applicable), with original daq sampling rate
magepoch: Vector labeling time indices with magnetic stimulation applied at that time. 36Hz trials are erroneously labeled as 37Hz. 72Hz trials erroneously labeled as 75Hz trials.
onstartix: Manually-annotated video frame indices marking the beginning of segments with acceptable tracking, where the magnetic stimulation is active
onstopix: Manually-annotated video frame indices marking the end of segments with acceptable tracking, where the magnetic stimulation is active
offstartix: Manually-annotated video frame indices marking the beginning of segments with acceptable tracking, where the magnetic stimulation is not active
offstopix: Manually-annotated video frame indices marking the end of segments with acceptable tracking, where the magnetic stimulation is not active
haltpos: Two-column [x,y] haltere position timeseries. Regions outside of those annotated by onstartix/onstopix and offstartix/offstopix have not been verified to be accurate.
wingpos: Two-column [x,y] coarse wing position timeseries.
sync: daq trace for camera shutter from concurrent top-down kinematics camera recording
fastecfs: sampling rate for high-speed camera from which haltang and wingbeat were processed
camfs: sampling rate for top-down kinematics camera
daqfs: sampling rate for the daq
fastect: timestamps for high-speed camera frame indices, aligned with concurrent timestamps from daq and top-down kinematics camera
daqt: timestamps for daq, aligned with concurrent timestamps from high-speed camera and top-down kinematics camera
camt: time-stamps for top-down kinematics camera, aligned with concurrent timestamps from high-speed camera and daq
fname: originating video filename
"untreatedhalteredata.mat" contains manually-annotated aggregated haltere tracking data from high-speed lateral aspect videos.
it contains the "halts" structure array with the following fields
haltang: Haltere elevation timeseries
hpos: haltere position within video frame
hroot: [x,y] point within video frame marking haltere joint with the thorax
wroot: [x,y] point marking the most anterior point in the wing root
hbf: average stroke frequency of the haltere during the annotated epoch
fps: high-speed camera frame rate
fname: originating filename
frameidx: frame indices of the originating video from which the time series is drawn
side: indicates which aspect of the fly (LEFT or RIGHT) is in view of this video
untreatedanimal: boolean value for whether this reflects a haltere elevation trace from an untreated animal, or the untreated haltere opposite to the treated haltere of a treated animal
treat: Haltere treatment. 0 for untreated. 1 for left-side iron-filing treated. 2 for right-side iron filing treated. 3 for left haltere ablated. 4 for both halteres ablated
"wingbeatdata.mat" contains aggregated wingbeat data from high-speed lateral ascpect videos
It contains the "wings" structure array with the following fields:
beat: Z-normalized coarse wingbeat timeseries as detected by machine vision script.
tstamps: per-frame timestamp vector referenced against the timestamps of the associated kinematics camera video
fs: sampling rate of the high-speed camera, ranging from 750-2000Hz
fname: base filenames of the the associated kinematics camera video
"kinetbl.mat" contains aggregated head and wing kinematics data in the form of a table variable of the same name.
It contains the following columns:
WingL: Left wing downstroke angle, in degrees, zero-padded to 1000 samples
WingR: Right wing downstroke angle, in degrees, zero-padded to 1000 samples
Head: Head yaw angle, in degrees, zero-padded to 1000 samples
VStim: Voltage trace from arena controller showing angular position of the stripe stimulus in the yaw aspect (where applicable), decimated from original timeseries to correspond with video frames from each segment
MStim: Voltage trace from DAQ for control pulses sent to magnets (where applicable), decimated from original timeseries to correspond with video frames from each segment
VSpeed: Pattern velocity of visual stimulus in /s, or 0 for no moving visual stimulus
MSpeed: Activation frequency of the magnetic haltere stimulation in Hz. 0 indicates no magnetic stimulation. 1 indicates prolonged uniform magnetic stimulation.
Treatments: Haltere treatment. 0 for untreated. 1 for left-side iron-filing treated. 2 for right-side iron filing treated. 3 for left haltere ablated. 4 for both halteres ablated
SegLen: length of kinematic timeseries without the zero-padding [for each row, starting from index 1 to the value in seglen gives the original timeseries]
SegIndex: frame indicies in the original video corresponding to the data in each row
Filename: name of original filename from which data in each row were aggregated
VidID: unique numerical name identity for each video from which data were drawn.
all time series in kinetbl.mat are sampled at 100Hz
"flydlookup.mat" contains unique identifiers for each fly in the dataset, enabling individual flies to be identified across multiple videos.
It contains the following columns
"fnames" which consists of the base filenames for each video from the low-speed kinematics camera
"uuids" which contain the matching unique identifer
Support functions for analysis scripts in this repository include:
ciplot: plots the mean and confidence interval of aligned traces
fftmatic: zero-pads and calculates fft and frequency vector for time series.
multcomparegroups: calculates homogenous subset letters from output of the multcompare function or similarly formatted matrix of pairwise comparisons and corrected p-values
"" contains all videos included in the dataset.
High speed videos were recorded at 750-2000FPS from tethered, flying Drosophila using high speed cameras (TS4 or IL5, Fastec Imagining, San Diego, CA, USA). Haltere kinematics were extracted using the DeepLabCut python package (Mathis et al. 2018, Nature Neuroscience) or the DLTdv package (Hedrick 2008, Bioinspiration and Biomechanics).
Concurrent videos recorded at 100FPS using an industrial machine vision camera (Point Grey Chameleon3, FLIR, Wilsonville, OR, USA) provided head yaw and wingstroke envelope measurements computed using flyalyzer (, a custom MATLAB (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) program.
Usage notes
Dataset includes extracted kinematic timeseries in *.mat format, which is readable by MATLAB and the freely-available OCTAVE software ( Included README files provide details about fields in each data file
Included analysis scripts were written with MATLAB 2021b and should function with this and subsequent versions.