Demographic mechanisms and anthropogenic drivers of contrasting population dynamics of hummingbirds
Data files
Jan 07, 2024 version files 125.63 KB
Conserving species requires knowledge of demographic rates (survival, recruitment) that govern population dynamics to allow the allocation of limited resources to the most vulnerable stages of target species' life cycles. Additionally, quantifying drivers of demographic change facilitates the enactment of specific remediation strategies. However, knowledge gaps persist in how similar environmental changes lead to contrasting population dynamics through demographic rates. For sympatric hummingbird species, the population of urban-associated partial-migrant Anna's hummigbird (Calypte anna) has increased, yet the populations of Neotropical migrants including rufous, calliope, and black-chinned hummingbirds have decreased. Here, we developed an integrated population model to jointly analyze 25 years of mark-recapture data and population survey data for these four species. We examined the contributions of demographic rates on population growth and evaluated the effects of anthropogenic stressors including human population density and crop cover on demographic change in relation to species' life histories. While recruitment appeared to drive the population increase of urban-associated Anna's hummingbirds, decreases in juvenile survival contributed most strongly to population declines of Neotropical migrants and highlight a potentially vulnerable phase in their life-history. Moreover, rufous hummingbird adult and juvenile survival rates were negatively impacted by human population density. Mitigating threats associated with intensively modified anthropogenic environments is a promising avenue for slowing further hummingbird population loss. Overall, our model grants critical insight into how anthropogenic modification of habitat affects the population dynamics of species of conservation concern.
Hummingbird IPM data file
This data file contains a list of lists named for each of the four species in our analysis: Anna's (ANHU; Calypte anna),
black-chinned (BCHU; Archilochus alexandri), calliope (CAHU; Selasphorus calliope), and rufous hummingbirds (RUHU;
Selasphorus rufus). Each of these lists contains the required mark-recapture inputs for integrated population modelling in R/Nimble. Raw covariates of human population density, land cover classification, as well as Breeding Bird Survey data can be accessed as described under Sharing/Access information. To load the file in R from the current working directory:
Description of the data and file structure
Within each named list, there are data for mark-recapture records (NA = station not active, 0 = not captured, 1 = captured; y),
the known state, either alive (1) or unknown (NA) , of each individual in each year (z),
number of years spanned by the analysis (n.years),
numbers banded individuals (n.ind),
banding station membership (sta),
number of banding stations (n.sta),
year of first encounter for each individual (first),
year of last possible encounter of each individual if it were to be alive (last),
first and last years of mark recapture data (first_yr / last_yr),
sex (1 = male, 2 = female) and age (0 = not yet marked, 1 = juvenile, 2 = adult) membership for each individual,
the observed residency information (NA = station not active, 0 = not observed as resident, 1 = observed as resident) for each individual in each year (r),
the partially observed residency state information (NA = residency state unknown, 1 = known resident) for each individual (u),
the standardized human population density (people per square kilometer) and proportion of 300 meter crop pixels data in the 3 kilometers around each banding station (HPD* / crop*),
the unstandardized HPD and crop data (HPD_raw* / crop_raw*),
the number of days of operational banding activity at each station each year (effort),
a matrix of indicator flags for years of active banding for each station (0 = not active, 1 = active; active),
an indicator for each station and year signifying whether banding occurred on at least two occasions separated by more than 5 days that year (no = 0, yes = 1; kappa_shrink),
the BBS survey year (year*),
an indicator of whether the BBS surveyor was suveying on their first year or not (firstyr*)
the number of BBS surveys (ncounts*),
the species tally on a given survey (count*),
the number of individual transects surveyed over the study period (nrte*),
the BBS transect membership for each count (rte*),
the number of observers contributing data over the study period (nobserver*),
the anonymized observer ID on a given transect for each count (rte.obser*),
and the initial abundance estimate given as the mean count across all transects and years, inflated by 100 (lam0).
*Not in Rda file due to preexisting licensing and must be accessed from original data provider.
Sharing/Access information
Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data used in these analyses can be accessed from the USGS site (
or from within R using bbsBayes package: (
Unconstrained human population densities from Canada and the USA at a 1 kilometer resolution in the 3 kilometers surrounding banding stations can be downloaded from (
Annual 300 meter land cover classification gridded maps can be downloaded from the Climate Data Store of the Copernicus Climate Change Service at
This data file is loaded and analyzed in the R script AppendixD.R.
We conducted these analyses using R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15).
The NIMBLE MCMC compiler version interfaced through R was nimble_0.13.1.
This R data file contains a named list for each species in our study. It has been processed to remove covariates and data that are not public domain but are available for download at the links provided (indicated with * in the readme file). Each species list contains mark-recapture records (y), the known-state records (z), number of years spanned by the analysis (n.years), numbers banded individuals (n.ind), banding station membership (sta), number of banding stations (n.sta), year of first encounter for each individual (first), year of last possible encounter of each individual if it were to be alive (last), first and last years of mark recapture data (first_yr / last_yr), sex (1 = male, 2 = female) and age (1 = juvenile, 2 = adult) membership for each individual, the observed residency information for each individual in each year (r), the partially observed residency state information for each individual (u), the standardized human population density and crop data in the 3 kilometers around each banding station (HPD / crop), the unstandardized HPD and crop data (HPD_raw / crop_raw), the number of days of operational banding activity at each station each year (effort), and indicator for each station and year signifying whether banding occurred on at least two occasions separated by more than 5 days that year (kappa_shrink), the BBS survey year (year), an indicator of whether the BBS surveyor was suveying on their first year or not (firstyr), the number of BBS surveys (ncounts), the species tally on a given survey (count), the number of individual transects surveyed over the study period (nrte), the BBS transect membership for each count (rte), the number of observers contributing data over the study period (nobserver), the anonymized observer ID on a given transect for each count (rte.obser), and the initial abundance estimate given as the mean count across all transects and years, inflated by 100 for precise estimation of demographic rates (lam0).
Usage notes
Data can be opened in R and analyzed using Nimble.