Data from: The interactive effects of heat stress, parasitism, and hostplant quality in a host-parasitoid system
Data files
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Species interactions are expected to change in myriad ways as the frequency and magnitude of extreme temperature events increase with anthropogenic climate change. The relationships between endosymbionts, parasites, and their hosts are particularly sensitive to thermal stress, which can have cascading effects to other trophic levels. We investigate the interactive effects of heat stress and parasitism on a terrestrial tritrophic system consisting of two hostplants (one common, high-quality plant and one novel, low-quality plant), a caterpillar herbivore, and a specialist parasitoid wasp. We used a fully-factorial experiment to determine the bottom-up effects of the novel hostplant on both the caterpillars’ life history traits and the wasps’ survival, and the top-down effects of parasitism and heat shock on caterpillar developmental outcomes and herbivory levels. Hostplant identity interacted with thermal stress to affect wasp success, with wasps performing better on the low-quality hostplant under constant temperatures but worse under heat shock conditions. Surprisingly, caterpillars consumed less leaf material of the low-quality hostplant to reach the same final mass across developmental outcomes. In parasitized caterpillars, heat shock reduced parasitoid survival and increased both caterpillar final mass and development time on both hostplants. These findings highlight the importance of studying community-level responses to climate change from a holistic and integrative perspective and provide insight into potential substantial interactions between thermal stress and diet quality in plant-insect systems.
README: The interactive effects of heat stress, parasitism, and hostplant quality in a host-parasitoid system
These data are used to create all of the figures and conduct all of the analyses found in the manuscript. All data were collected and analyzed by the corresponding author (A. Parker).
Description of the data and file structure
Used to calculate all caterpillar developmental data, wasp success data, and Figs 2-4
Note: All blank values in the dataset reflect developmental stages that that individual did not experience. For example, non-parasitized caterpillars will not have any values under date.para
or num.para
, since they were never parasitized. Similarly, individuals that did not reach instars beyond 5th will have absent values for date.6th
and mass.6th
. Individuals that died before the end of the experiment were not massed at time of death, so their date.max
and mass.max
columns are also empty. The exception is the date.pupa
column, where we began recording the exact date of pupation for wandering individuals mid-way through the experiment. This column is not used in any of the analyses, so the missing data do not impact our results.
Column | Explanation | Format | Units |
ID | Unique ID for each caterpillar | ### | N/A |
food | Identifier for the type of food consumed by the caterpillar | Factor | TB (tobacco), DC (devil's claw) |
fate | Ending developmental outcome of the individual | Character | dead, em, wander, wowe, wowe mongo ("quink" denotes a different species that was excluded, "wander*" and "?" denote unclear outcomes that were excluded) |
date.max | Date at the maximum mass measurement taken of the caterpillar | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
mass.max | Maximum mass measurement taken of the caterpillar | Numeric | mg |
pop | Population where the individual was collected | Character | Clayton, RM (Rocky Mount), MF (Mason Farm) |
para | parasitization status | Factor | yes/no |
HS | heat shock status | Factor | yes/no |
treatment | Combination of pararsitization and heat shock status | Character | NP/P NHS/HS |
bin | Identifier of the bin in which the caterpillar was housed | Character | A-Z |
bin.type | Whether the bin housed one individual or 4 in dividers | Factor | group or ind |
date.death | Date the caterpillar died | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
survived | binary of whether the caterpillar survived the experiment or not | Factor | yes/no |
date.hatch | Date the caterpillar hatched | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
mass.hatch | Mass at hatching (for future analyses - set to 1 mg) | Numeric | mg |
date.3rd | Date the caterpillar molted to 3rd instar | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
mass.3rd | Mass at 3rd instar | Numeric | mg |
date.para | Date the caterpillar was parasitized (if applicable) | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
num.para | Number of times the caterpillar was parasitized | Numeric | N/A |
date.hs | Date the caterpillar was heat shocked (if applicable) | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
date.XXX | Date at particular development stage (instars 4-7 as defined by number of molts, wandering, pupation, eclosion, wasp emergence, etc.) | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
mass.XXX | Mass at that particular development stage (instars 4-7 as defined by number of molts, wandering, pupation, eclosion, wasp emergence, etc.) | Numeric | mg |
sex | Sex of the adult moth | Factor | M/F |
deformed | Whether the moth had deformed wings or not | Factor | yes/no |
date.coc | Date of wasp cocoon appearance | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
date.remove | Date of wasp cocoon removal | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
num.w.larvae | Number of wasp larvae outside of the caterpillar but not within a cocoon | Numeric | N/A |
num.w.coc | Number of wasp cocoons | Numeric | N/A |
wet | Whether the cup was wet with hemolymph or not | Factor | yes/no |
date.w.eclos | Date of wasp eclosion | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
num.w.eclos | Number of wasps that successfully eclosed | Numeric | N/A |
date.out | Date the caterpillar exited the experiment | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
mass.out | Mass of caterpillar at exit | Numeric | mg |
date.cull | Date the caterpillar was removed from the experiment prematurely due to an issue molting, etc. (see notes column for explanation) | MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
Used for calculating leaf area consumed, related analyses, and Fig. 5
Column | Explanation | Format | Units |
Caterpillar ID | Unique ID of the caterpillar | Numeric XXX | N/A |
Leaf ID | Unique ID of the leaf scanned | Numeric XXXX | N/A |
Caterpillar Instar | Instar of the caterpillar at time of scan | Numeric | 3-7, w = wandered, para = parasitoid emergence, out = removed after 3 weeks without wasp emergence |
Caterpillar Alive | Is the caterpillar alive at time of scan | Factor | yes/no |
Date | Date of scan | M/DD/YYYY | N/A |
Time | Time of scan (decimal) | Decimal | hour |
Leaf Area | Scanned leaf area as calculated by scanner | Numeric | cm^2 |
Notes | Any notes associated with that scan | Character | N/A |
Image | Image address to original scan | Character | N/A |
Sharing/Access information
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The included script runs all the analyses and figure creation for the manuscript. It requires R (v. 4.2.2) and RStudio.
The corresponding author collected this dataset at UNC-Chapel Hill facilities in 2020. It has been processed through Google Sheets, and then R.