A novel flexible ultra-wide band wearable slot antenna with defected ground for WBAN applications
Data files
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This study introduces the development of a flexible and compact radiator using a jeans material as a substrate for wireless body area network (WBAN) applications. A fabric made of jeans with a thickness of 0.6 mm, a tangent loss (tan δ) of 0.02, and a dielectric constant (εr) of 1.6 is used for designing an element with dimensions of 18.5×27×0.6 mm3. The jeans substrate incorporates a triangular feed structure on top and a defected ground structure (DGS) on its back. This design enables a span ranging from 3.41 to more than 20 GHz, with a magnitude of S11<-10 dB, a peak gain of 4.48 dBi, and a peak efficiency of 97.28%. The system is designed for Ultra-wideband (UWB) integrated with Ku band. The measurement findings are very consistent with the results obtained from the models. The suggested antenna is highly appropriate for WBAN applications because to its thin profile, flexible design, and compatibility with WBAN and UWB technologies..
README: Your A Novel Flexible Ultra-Wide Band Wearable Slot Antenna with Defected Ground for WBAN Applications
Description of the data and file structure
The designed wearable UWB antenna is simulated for its performance in terms of return loss (S11), radiation patterns, Gain and radiation efficiency.
The change in the radiation patterns and S11 of the designed antenna when it is loaded with different body types are presented.
All the photos presented in the manuscript are all added here.
The SAR calculated values are also presented here.
The tables presented in the manuscript are added here.
All the citations in the manuscript are listed in the references section, added here.
Files and variables
File: Bending1.txt
Description: The proposed antenna performance in terms of return loss for the operational bandwidth (3-20GHz), when the antenna is bent in X direction with radius=10mm
- S11(dB) vs Frequency (GHz)
File: Bending2.txt
Description: The proposed antenna performance in terms of return loss for the operational bandwidth when the antenna is bent in X direction with radius=20mm
- S11(dB) vs Frequency (GHz)
File: Bending3.txt
Description: Antenna performance in terms of return loss for the operational bandwidth when the antenna is bent in X direction with radius=30mm
- S11(dB) vs Frequency (GHz)
File: Bending4.txt
Description: The proposed antenna performance in terms of return loss for the operational bandwidth when the antenna is bent in Y direction with radius=10mm
- S11(dB) vs Frequency (GHz)
File: Bending5.txt
Description: Antenna performance in terms of return loss for the operational bandwidth when the antenna is bent in Y direction with radius=20mm
- S11(dB) vs Frequency (GHz)
File: Gain Vs Frequency.txt
Description: The proposed antenna's radiation gains for a Frequency range (3-20GHz)
- Radiation gain (dB) and Frequency (GHz)
File: RAD_EFF.txt
Description: The proposed antenna's Radiation Efficiency for a Frequency range (3-20GHz)
- Radiation Efficiency and Frequency (GHz)
File: Rad3.95.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 3.95GHz
- Theta in degrees (0-360 degrees) and gain in dB.
File: Rad4.2.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 4.2GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: Rad4.4.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 4.4GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: Rad8.2.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 8.2GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: Rad9.8.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 9.8GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: Rad10.8.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 10.8GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: rad11.8.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 11.8GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: rad13.5.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 13.5GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: rad14.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 14GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: RAD19.5.txt
Description: The proposed antenna Radiation pattern (co & cross pol-) in terms of its gain for a frequency of 19.5GHz
- Theta in degrees and gain in dBs
File: S11_for_different_body_types.txt
Description: Return loss graph of the proposed antenna for different body types
- Frequency: 3 to 20GHz
- S11: dB
File: S11 Comparison.txt
Description: The proposed antenna's Simulated and measured return loss values are compared for the frequency range (3-20GHz)
- Freq: 3 to 20GHz
- S11: dB
For the design of proposed antenna, Ansys HFSS (2021) and CST Microwave Studio (V.23) are used.
The Measurements are performed on VNA- Keysight Field-Fox Microwave Analyzer N9917A.
The graphs are drawn on Origin-Pro'21 designer tool.
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- All the data presented in the manuscript is added here.
Data was derived from the following sources:
- No, the data is not derived any other sources.
The data presented in this manuscript is the simulated using Ansys HFSS and CST microwave studio electromagnetic tools and then simulated antenna design is fabricated and using vector network analyzer, the measured results are obtained. this dataset also mentions various figures that show the antenna modelling and its design in various steps. Using simulation tool, the antenna performance is presented. The fabricated antenna performance is evaluated and then compared with the simulated results and made conclusion using the comparison results.