Data from: Genetic analysis reveals the putative native range and widespread double‐clonal reproduction in the invasive longhorn crazy ant
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Supporting datasets for "Genetic analysis reveals the putative native range and widespread double-clonal reproduction system in the invasive longhorn crazy ant."
Clonal reproduction can provide an advantage for invasive species to establish as it can circumvent inbreeding depression which often plagues introduced populations. The world's most widespread invasive ant, Paratrechina longicornis, was previously found to display a double-clonal reproduction system, whereby both males and queens are produced clonally, resulting in separate male and queen lineages, while workers are produced sexually. Under this unusual reproduction mode, inbreeding is avoided in workers as they carry hybrid interlineage genomes. Despite the ubiquitous distribution of P. longicornis, the significance of this reproductive system for the ant's remarkable success remains unclear, as its prevalence is still unknown. Further investigation into the controversial native origin of P. longicornis is also required to reconstruct the evolutionary histories of double-clonal lineages. Here, we examine genetic variation and characterize the reproduction mode of P. longicornis populations sampled worldwide using microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA sequences to infer the ant's putative native range and the distribution of the double-clonal reproductive system. Analyses of global genetic variations indicate that the Indian subcontinent is a genetic diversity hotspot of this species, suggesting that P. longicornis probably originates from this geographical area. Our analyses revealed that both the inferred native and introduced populations exhibit double-clonal reproduction, with queens and males around the globe belonging to two separate, nonrecombining clonal lineages. By contrast, workers are highly heterozygous because they are first-generation interlineage hybrids. Overall, these data indicate a worldwide prevalence of double clonality in P. longicornis and support the prediction that the unusual genetic system may have pre-adapted this ant for global colonization by maintaining heterozygosity in the worker force and alleviating genetic bottlenecks.
README: Genetic analysis reveals the putative native range and widespread double‐clonal reproduction in the invasive longhorn crazy ant
Description of the data and file structure
Dataset: Genetic Analysis of the Longhorn Crazy Ant (Paratrechina longicornis)
This dataset accompanies the manuscript "Genetic analysis reveals the putative native range and widespread double-clonal reproduction in the invasive longhorn crazy ant" (Tseng et al., 2022).
Dataset Overview
The dataset contains genetic data from a worldwide sampling of the longhorn crazy ant (Paratrechina longicornis), including:
1. Microsatellite genotypes from across 256 localities
2. Data from reproductive individuals (queens and males) from 22 localities
Files and variables
Data S1: Clonal Reproduction
Analysis of clonal reproduction patterns
Data S2: Global Genotypes
Comprehensive genotype data from global sampling
Data S3: Colony mtDNA Haplotype
mtDNA Haplotype information for each colony
Data S4: List of Microsatellite Primers
Details of microsatellite loci used for genotyping
Data S5: Laboratory Genotypes
Genotypes from laboratory colony experiments
Queens, males and sperm samples
DNA Analysis
Microsatellite genotyping: 40 loci
mtDNA sequencing: COI, COII, tRNA-Leu genes
Detailed protocols are available in the manuscript methods section
Usage Notes
Missing data indicated by "x" or "NA"\
Empty cells in files S2 and S5 are not missing data but represent haploid individuals, which do not have two alleles in the respective columns Localities coded by region abbreviations (details in manuscript Table 1)
Citation for the original manuscript:
Tseng, S.-P., Darras, H., Hsu, P.-W., Yoshimura, T., Lee, C.-Y., Wetterer, J.K., Keller, L., & Yang, C.-C. (2022). Genetic analysis reveals the putative native range and widespread double-clonal reproduction in the invasive longhorn crazy ant. Molecular Ecology.
Data Availability
The mtDNA sequences are available in GenBank (accession numbers: MZ398110–MZ398127).
Access information
Contact Information
For questions about the dataset, please contact:
Shu-Ping Tseng (