Data for: Greater plasticity in CTmax with increased climate variability among populations of tailed frogs lacking opportunity for behavioral thermoregulation
Data files
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Temporally variable climates are expected to drive the evolution of thermal physiological traits that enable performance across a wider range of temperatures (i.e., climate variability hypothesis, CVH). Spatial thermal variability, however, may mediate this relationship by providing ectotherms with the opportunity to behaviorally select preferred temperatures (i.e., the Bogert effect). These antagonistic forces on thermal physiological traits may explain the mixed support for the CVH within species despite strong support among species at larger geographic scales. Here, we test the CVH as it relates to plasticity in physiological upper thermal limits (critical thermal maximum — CTmax) among populations of coastal tailed frogs (Ascaphus truei). We targeted populations that inhabit spatially homogeneous environments, reducing the potentially confounding effects of behavioural thermoregulation. We found that populations experiencing greater temporal thermal variability exhibited greater plasticity in CTmax, supporting the CVH. Interestingly, we identified only one site with spatial temperature variability and tadpoles from this site demonstrated greater plasticity than expected, suggesting the opportunity for behavioral thermoregulation can reduce support for the CVH. Overall, our results demonstrate one role of climate variability in shaping thermal plasticity among populations and provide a baseline understanding of the impact of the CVH in spatially homogeneous thermal landscapes.
README: Data for: Greater plasticity in CTmax with increased climate variability among populations of tailed frogs lacking opportunity for behavioral thermoregulation
Description of the data and file structure
These are the data and code for all analyses in the associated manuscript. Information on each file is given below.
Files and variables
File: 2019_OR_MicroTemp_10282019.csv
Description: This file contains the spatial temperature dataset for Oregon sites/populations. Empty cells denote non-applicable data (e.g., measurement would have occured but a large boulder was in the location).
- Site - area/ population
- Date - when data collection occurred
- Personnel - who collected the data
- Start_Time - time when surveys began
- Width_0_1 - grouped width of the stream (0 denotes <3m, 1 denotes >3m)
- Sample_Number - number of temperature measurement
- Bottom_Temp_C - temperature at that point (degrees C)
Description: This zipped file contains the .csv and .txt versions of the in-stream temperature logger data. File naming convention: [state][site][upstream or downstream logger]_[dates encompassed].
.txt files contain a subset of data compared to the .csv files: txt files contain only V1 and Temp (see variables description below).
- V1 - date and time
- Temp - Temperature in degrees C
- Dim - dimension of temperature measurement (e.g., spatial or temporal). These are all temporal.
- Site - area/population
File: Plasticity_data.csv
Description: This file contains individual-level data from CTmax experiments. Note that empty cells denote missing data. Missing data are detailed in the corresponding manuscript.
- Site - population sampled
- State - state in USA
- DateCollected - date of tadpole collection from the field
- Species
- St.Temp - stream temperature (degrees C. Blank cells denote missing data.
- Location - where experiments took place
- RoomTemp. - room temperature (degrees C) at the beginning of CTmax experiment. Blank cells denote missing data.
- Start_Time - start time of ctmax experiment
- End_Time - end time of ctmax experiment
- Start_Temp - start temp of ctmax experement
- Start_Temp_F - treatment of the start temperature for the CTmax experiment (either 8 or 15)
- Exp._Name - experiment ID
- Date - of the experiment
- Accl._Time - time (days) held at holding temperature
- Accl._Temp. - Holding temperature (degrees C)
- Treatment - one of A,B,C,D representing different holding and starting temperature combinations (A- 8 accl 8 test; B test 8 accl 15; C test 15 accl 8; D test and accl 15)
- Observers - IDs of observers for CTmax experiments
- Heater
- Channel_# - individual mesh container during experiment
- Recovered? - Y/N
- CTX_ID - experiment ID including channel
- FullID - Individual ID
- Ctmax - in degrees C
- Site_elevation_(m)
- Gosner_Stage
- Stager - Identifier of who staged the tadpole. Note: consensus represents all stagers
- Length1 - First length measurement of the tadpole (cm). Blank cells denote non-applicable data (damage or missing photo).
- Length2 - Second length measurement of the tadpole (cm). Blank cells denote non-applicable data (damage or missing photo).
- LengthAvg - Average length of tadpole (cm). Blank cells denote non-applicable data (damage or missing photo).
- Person - Person ID who measured the tadpole
Code for data analysis and figure creation for this manuscript is included as a separate [Rmd] file through Zenodo.