Data from: Fauxcurrence: simulating multi-species occurrences for null models in species distribution modelling and biogeography
Data files
Mar 25, 2022 version files 38.57 KB
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This dataset contains GPS coordinates of occurrences from 22 species from Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was used in the manuscript "Fauxcurrence: simulating multi-species occurrences for null models in species distribution modelling and biogeography" to demonstrate the utility of the fauxcurrence R package (
The raw occurrence data came from one of three source types:
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), from georeferenced specimens in museum or herbarium collections, or from previously published papers. Which of these source types was used for each data point, as well as publication DOI and the institution which holds the specimen, where applicable, are indicated in the dataset. Occurrences were then filtered using a 2.5 minute raster of Sulawesi (i.e each raster cell was approximately 4.65 km across) such that there was a maximum of one occurrence per species in each cell. The coordinates in the dataset are the center of the raster cell in which they occur, rather than the original raw coordinates.
Usage notes
The dataset consists of an xlsx spreadsheet containing three sheets. The sheet entitled "data" contains latitude and longitude, species name and the source of each data point. The sheet entitled "column descriptions" contains detailed descriptions of each column in "data". The sheet entitled "institution identifiers" contains the full name of each short institution ID used in "data" to represent the source instituion for datapoints derived from georeferenced herbarium or museum specimens.