Data from: A multi-dimensional selective landscape drives adaptive divergence between and within closely related Phlox species
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Selection causes local adaptation across populations within species and simultaneously divergence between species. However, it is unclear if either the force of or the response to selection is similar across these scales. We show that natural selection drives divergence between closely related species in a pattern that is distinct from local adaptation within species. We use reciprocal transplant experiments across three species of Phlox wildflowers to characterize widespread adaptive divergence. Using provenance trials, we also find strong local adaptation between populations within a species. Comparing divergence and selection between these two scales of diversity we discover that one suite of traits predicts fitness differences between species and that an independent suite of traits predicts fitness variation within species. Selection drives divergence between species, contributing to speciation, while simultaneously favoring extensive diversity that is maintained across populations within a species. Our work demonstrates how the selection landscape is complex and multidimensional.
README: A multi-dimensional selective landscape drives adaptive divergence between and within closely related Phlox species
These data were collected on Phlox plants grown in three common gardens across three years.
Description of the data and file structure
These data include a data sheet with field collected data compiled across three years. Each plant has a unique label (indicating location in a garden), the garden it was grown in (Amoena site, Pilosa site, Deamii site), the species or taxon of the individuals (amoena, pilosa, or deamii), whether the garden is the "home" or "away" garden depending on whether it matches the species or not, the population from which the individual is sourced, and the unique identifier of the genotypes. Each individual also has the population source location indicated with latitude and longitude. The traits collected in the field corresponding to fitness measures include herbivory in 2019 (0 is absent, 1 is present), flower number in 2019, fruit count in 2019, biomass in 2020, survival in 2020 (0 is dead and 1 is survived). The individuals used in the common gardens were also grown in the greenhouse and on these individuals we measured leaf traits. These are indicated with columns including leaf length, width, leaf length/width ratio, leaf area, leaf chlorophyll content, specific leaf area. All leaf trait variation was summarized using a principal component analysis and the values for PC1, PC2, and PC3 for each individual are provided. The final columns are the calculated distances between the individual population and the common garden that individual was grown in. These include geographic distance, genetic distance (as measured by FST from data in Goulet-Scott, B.E. , Garner, A.G. , Hopkins, R. 2021, Genomic analyses overturn two long-standing homoploid hybrid speciation hypotheses. Evolution 75(7):1699-1710), and environmental distance (as measured on PCA of environmental trait data from source locations).
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These data are phenotypic measurements of three species of Phlox plants grown in three common gardens. We included 122 genotypes of Phlox amoena amoena (eight populations), 125 genotypes of Phlox pilosa pilosa (nine populations), and 37 genotypes of Phlox pilosa deamii (three populations) from throughout their native ranges for our common garden experiment. Each plant was propigated and clonaly replicated to include at least one clone in each of three field sites. Each field site included four blocks with randomized plants withint each block. We monitored fitness-related traits in the gardens over the course of three growing seasons between planting in April 2018 and final data collection in September 2020.We recorded damage from large vertebrate herbivores as a binary trait (0 = herbivore damage, 1 = no herbivore damage). We counted the total number of open flowers on each plant on a weekly basis from beginning of April through beginning of June 2019. Flowers on these taxa remain open and fresh for about one week, so our timing minimized double counting or missing flowers. We counted the total number of fruits set by each plant including both mature fruits that remained on the plant as well as open calyces where fruits had already shattered. In October 2019, we harvested all aboveground biomass for each plant, leaving root systems and the stem at the base of each plant intact consistent with the annual aboveground die-back that these taxa experience each winter. We dried this tissue in a drying oven at 60° C for 48 hours before measuring the mass with an electronic scale. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were not able to return to the gardens again until September 2020 when we recorded final survival.