Targeting fin whale conservation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: Insights on movements and behaviour from biologging and habitat modelling
Data files
Mar 06, 2024 version files 262.31 KB
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Biologging and habitat modelling are key tools supporting the development of conservation measures and mitigating the effects of anthropogenic pressures on marine species. Here, we analysed satellite telemetry data and foraging habitat preferences in relation to chlorophyll-a productivity fronts to understand the movements and behaviour of endangered Mediterranean fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) during their spring-summer feeding aggregation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Eleven individuals were equipped with Argos satellite transmitters across three years, with transmissions averaging 23.5 ± 11.3 days. Hidden Markov Models were used to identify foraging behaviour, revealing how individuals showed consistency in their use of seasonal core feeding grounds; this was supported by the distribution of potential foraging habitat. Importantly, tracked whales spent most of their time in areas with no explicit protected status within the study region. This highlights the need for enhanced time- and place-based conservation actions to mitigate the effects of anthropogenic impacts for this species, notably ship strike risk and noise disturbance in an area of exceptionally high maritime traffic levels. These findings strengthen the need to further assess critical habitats and Important Marine Mammal Areas that are crucial for focussed conservation, management, and mitigation efforts.
README: Targeting fin whale conservation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: insights on movements and behaviour from biologging and habitat modelling
This file contains location data from eleven fin whales equipped with ARGOS satellite transmitters and tracked in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea.
Description of the data and file structure
Ptt = Tag ID
Instrument = Transmitter model. "Mk10" is a depth-recording (SPLASH) satellite tag (n = 1), "UT" are Smart Position Only satellite tags (n = 10)
Date = Date and time of location transmission, in the format YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (UTC)
Type = Satellite system used for transmission. When a Mote is used instead of the satellite system, the location quality rating is not available (as in row 5322 of the dataset)
Quality = Location quality rating. B, A, 0, 1, 2 or 3, in increasing order of position accuracy. Estimated error for class 3 is predicted at < 250m by the ARGOS service, for 2 = 250-500m, for 1 = 500-1,500m, for 0 = >1,500m
Latitude = Latitude of position transmission, ‘denatured’ to 0.1 degrees according to Chapman (2020)
Longitude = Longitude of position transmission, ‘denatured’ to 0.1 degrees according to Chapman (2020)
Chapman AD (2020) Current Best Practices for Generalizing Sensitive Species Occurrence Data. Copenhagen: GBIF Secretariat.
The dataset contains raw location data from eleven fin whales equipped with ARGOS satellite transmitters in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea.