Morphological traits of spiders (Araneae) and ants (Formicidae) collected from Northern Ghanaian mango orchards and forest savanna
Data files
Dec 05, 2024 version files 54.36 KB
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Jan 21, 2025 version files 34.10 KB
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This dataset contains the values of morphological traits measured from mature spiders and ants collected in northern Ghana October/November 2022. The six measured morphological traits for spiders are Total body length (mm), Prosoma length (mm), Prosoma width (mm), Prosoma height (mm), Tibia I length (mm) and Fang length (mm) and the four measured morphological traits for ants are Total body length (mm), Head length (mm), Scape length (mm) and Eye Distance (mm).
README: Morphological traits of spiders (Araneae) and ants (Formicidae) collected from Northern Ghanaian mango orchards and forest savanna
Description of the data and file structure
Pitfall and Malaise trapped ants and (mature) spiders from northern Ghana were identified and measured for biodiversity research of SustInAfrica WP3 ( Sorting of bulk material, identification of ants and all of the morphometric measures were executed by VY (University of Helsinki) while spider identification was executed by LC (University of Helsinki). A maximum of five male and five female spiders were measured for total body length, prosoma length, prosoma, width, prosoma height, tibia I length and fang length in millimeters. A maximum of five worker ants were measured for total body length, head length, scape length and distance between the compound eye and the base of the mandible (eye distance) in millimeters. Leica M165C microscope with Leica CLS 100 LED light source and micrometer oculars were used for the measuring.
Files and variables
File: Morphometrics_Tamale_(4).xlsx
Description: This dataset contains morphometric measurements of spiders (Araneae) and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) collected in northern Ghana in 2022.
- organismID: An identifier for the dwc:Organism instance (D = Dallung mango orchard, F = Sinsablegbinni Forest Reserve, K = Kumbungu mango orchard, PT = pitfall trap, MA = Malaise trap, p = pea, f = flower, pf = pea+flower, c = control).
- family: The full scientific name of the family in which the dwc:Taxon is classified.
- Genus: The full scientific name of the genus in which the dwc:Taxon is classified.
- scientificName: The full scientific name, with authorship and date information if known.
- identificationRemarks: Comments or notes about the dwc:Identification.
- taxonRank: The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the dwc:scientificName (species, genus, etc.).
- measurementRemarks: Comments or notes accompanying the dwc:MeasurementOrFact.
- sex: The sex of the biological individual(s) represented in the dwc:Occurrence (male or female).
- caste: Categorisation of individuals for eusocial species (worker or queen).
- Total body length mm: Opisthosomal length + prosomal length in millimeters (spiders) / Head length + mesosomal length + metasomal length in millimeters (ants)
- Prosoma length mm: Length of the prosoma from clypeus to pedicel in millimetres (spiders)
- Prosoma width mm: Width of the widest part of the prosoma in millimetres (spiders)
- Prosoma height mm: Height of the highest part of the prosoma in millimetres (spiders)
- Tibia I length mm: Length of the outer side of the tibia I in millimetres (spiders)
- Fang length mm: Length of the fang from apex to base in millimetres (spiders)
- Head length mm: Length of the head without mandibles in millimeters (ants)
- Scape length mm: Length of the 1st antennal segment (ants)
- Eye distance mm: Length of the distance between compound eye and mandible base in millimeters (ants)
- measurementMethod: A description of the method or protocol used to determine the measurement, fact, characteristic, or assertion.
Missing values
- Missing values (e.g. due to a missing body part) are marked as empty values.
- Microsoft Excel
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- Morphological traits of spiders:
Version changes
9-jan-2025: Updated column names to match Darwin Core (DwC) references. Removed the nulls and NAs for alignment with the journal.
Adult spiders and ants were sorted from standardized pitfall and Malaise trap material collected in Oct/Nov 2022 Tamale, Ghana. Individuals were identified as accurate as possibly to species, morphospecies, genus etc. by Luís Crespo (spiders) and Veikko Yrjölä (ants). A maximum of ten individuals (5 females and 5 males or 10 worker ants) were selected randomly and mesured under microsope. The six measured morphological traits for spiders were Total body length (mm), Prosoma length (mm), Prosoma width (mm), Prosoma height (mm), Tibia I length (mm) and Fang length (mm) and the four measured morphological traits for ants were Total body length (mm), Head length (mm), Scape length (mm) and Eye Distance (mm). Finally, selected and measured spiders were preserved in the ethanol collection at the Finnish Museum of Natural History and the rest of the material was sent back to University for Development Studies, Ghana. All occurences are digitized and available separately on GBIF.