Social association of monk parakeets in relation to proximity and relatedness
Data files
Feb 23, 2024 version files 1.49 MB
Monk parakeets are social parrots that live in loose colonies, often building communal nests and breeding cooperatively. Relatives are clustered within nests and within colonies. Data was collected to test the hypothesis that social associations of monk parakeets when away from their nests (foraging, collecting nest material, etc) are driven by either the spatial proximity of their nests and/or by their relatedness. The dataset includes information on the identities of all birds that could potentially associate with a focal bird when away from their respective nests, an index of their association strength (calculated using the simple ratio index), the distance between their respective nests, the dyadic relatedness of the birds estimated using microsatellite genotypes, the number of times the two birds were seen together, and the total number of times the focal bird was observed. Data are separated into different files according to the year of data collection (2018 or 2019) to avoid pseudoreplication. Additional files exclude data from each year collected at a feeding station; these data files relate to a conservative anlaysis in case the supply of supplementary food affected social associations. An additional file contains data only for birds whose nests were in the same tree; this file was for an analysis of the effect of relatedness on social association while controlling for nest proximity. Finally, a file is also included that contains the 2018 as described above, but with dyads defined by sex (male-male, female-male or female-male). Each data file relates to a specific analysis in the paper. The conclusion is that monk parakeets do have specific social associations with conspecifics, and that these are infleuenced by nest proximity but not by genetic relatedness.
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Description of the data and file structure
The basic structure of each file is the same for most data files. The following description is for '2018 full database', '2019 full database', '2018 database excluding trap data', '2019 database excluding trap data' and '2018 same tree only'.
C1 ID1 - Focal bird identity (note that all bird IDs may be just a numeral or a letter followed by a numeral).
C2 ID2 - Identity of other marked birds in the population with whom focal bird could associate with.
C3 Association - Simple Ratio Index (SRI) as a metric of social association (range 0 - 1). SRI is calculated from x (C10 - the number of occasions when the focal bird A was seen with potential associate B) and y (C11 - the number of occasions the focal bird A was observed without the potential associate B) using the equation SRI*AB* = x / (x + y*A* + y*B*).
C4 Distance - The distance in m between the nests of the focal bird and its potential associate.
C5 Relatedness - The coefficient of relatedness between the focal bird and its potential relatedness.
C6 SortCol - The identity of the specific dyad of focal bird and potential associate, coded with a combination of individual marks.
C7 Sort - The identity of the specific dyad of focal bird and potential associate, coded uniquely and numerically 1, 2, 3, etc.
C8 Associated - Binary classification of whether focal bird and potential associate were observed together, coded numerically as together (1) or not (0).
C9 Associated2 - Binary classification of whether focal bird and potential associate were observed together, coded textually as together (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
C10 x - The number of occasions when the focal bird was seen in a group with that potential associate.
C11 y - The number of occasions when the focal bird was seen in a group without that potential associate.
The '2018 full database' and '2019 full database' are separated by year because some birds were present in both years and others were not. Therefore, to avoid pseudoreplication we analysed each year separately. In both cases, data were collected in two contexts: (i) by observation of birds foraging together in parks and other green spaces in Barcelona, and (ii) by observations at a baited trap on the roof of the Museu de Ciences Naturals in Ciutadella Park, Barcelona.
The '2018 database excluding trap data' and '2019 database excluding trap data' included only data collected in context (i). We excluded data collected in context (ii) in analyses using these datasets because the supplementary food (peanuts and sunflower seeds) provided at the trap may have resulted in unnatural social associations.
The '2018 same tree only' dataset included only those birds whose nests were situated in the same tree. This dataset was analysed to determine whether there was any effect of dyadic relatedness on social association when controlling for nest proximity (0 for all dyads).
Finally, the '2018 including trap split by sex' dataset includes all the association, nest proximity and relatedness data collected in 2018 in both contexts, using the same data columns (C1-C11) as listed above, but with the addition of columns specifying the sexes of the birds in the dyad. Here, we wanted to know whether male-male, female-female and male-female dyads were driven by the predictors as in the full dataset. Therefore, we specified additional columns, as follows:
C12 sex.x - Sex of the focal bird.
C13 sex.y - Sex of the potential associate.
C14 same - Binary classification of whether the focal bird and potentially associated bird were the same sex (Y) or not (N).
C15 Two-sexes - Specifying whether the two birds were 'FEMALES', 'MALES' or 'OPPOSITE' sex.
The field study was conducted in the city of Barcelona, Spain (41.39°N 2.17°E). The main study site encompassed Ciutadella Park (c. 30 ha) and smaller parks and streets with mature trees in the surrounding area up to approximately 2 km away. Birds were individually marked with aluminium leg rings and a unique, light-weight medal attached to neck collars, which are visible through binoculars from up to 30-40 m. Blood samples were also taken.
In 2018 and 2019, we recorded groups of individually-marked monk parakeets away from the nest throughout the breeding season (March-September) in two contexts. First, groups of monk parakeets were recorded opportunistically when encountered in the field site. We used the ‘gambit of the group’, which assumes that all individuals in a spatially and temporally clustered group are associated with one another. Individuals were recorded as being in the same group if they were within c. 5 m of each other and any individuals that joined the group within approximately 2 minutes of the observer encountering the group were included as group members. GPS coordinates, date and time of each group were recorded. Secondly, groups were recorded during observations made at a feeding station containing peanuts and sunflower seeds, situated on the roof of the Museu de Ciències Naturals within Ciutadella Park. These observations were conducted for approximately three hours a week throughout the breeding season following the same protocols.
Blood samples (maximum 100 µl) were taken from adults and nestlings for genetic sex-typing and to assess genetic relatedness between individuals. Alleles were scored blind to bird identity and sex and individuals were typed at 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci: Mmon01, Mmon02, Mmon03, Mmon04, Mmon07, Mmon09, Mmon10, Mmon11, Mmon13, Mmon14, Mmon15, Mmon16 (Dawson Pell et al., 2020), MmGT060, MmGT046, MmGT105, MmGT030, MmGT071, MmGT057 (Russello et al., 2007), TG03-002 and TG05-046 (Dawson et al., 2010), and CAM-20 (Dawson et al., 2013). Individuals were sex-typed using the sexing marker Z002B (Dawson, 2007).We calculated pairwise genetic relatedness between individuals using Queller and Goodnight’s (1989) coefficient of relatedness (rQG) in SPAGeDi version 1.5 (Hardy & Vekemans, 2002). We used the genotypes of all 142 unique individuals included in our social association dataset to generate allele frequencies.
The nesting tree location of marked birds was determined in two ways. First, we conducted detailed behavioural observations at 10 mature pine trees in Ciutadella Park throughout the breeding season in 2018 and 2019. A total of 113 marked birds were located in these focal trees in 2018 and 103 in 2019. Birds were never observed to enter a nest chamber they were not using for breeding or roosting during our period of observation, so we are confident that birds assigned as nest occupants were residents in that nest and nesting tree. Second, we conducted surveys in the rest of Ciutadella Park and in likely nesting areas up to 6 km from the park in 2018 and 2019. Once marked birds were assigned to a nest, we recorded the nest’s GPS coordinates; all birds in the same nesting tree were assigned the same GPS coordinates with a distance of 0 m between their nests. GPS coordinates were converted to Cartesian coordinates (UTM) for calculations of inter-nest distance in SPAGeDi version 1.5 (Hardy & Vekemans, 2002). We calculated inter-nest distances separately for 2018 and 2019.
Using flock co-membership, we calculated association indices using the simple ratio index (SRI; Cairns & Schwager, 1986), which varies between 0 and 1, with 1 indicating that individuals are always observed together and 0 indicating two individuals have never been observed associating. The simple ratio index is calculated using the following equation:
SRIAB = x / (x + yAB + yA + yB)
in which the SRI between the individuals A and B is defined as the number of observations in which the two co-occurred (x), divided by the number of observations in which they both occurred together or individually, with yAB representing the occasions the individuals were observed simultaneously but apart and yA indicating occasions that individual A was observed without individual B and yB indicating the reverse. We excluded birds observed on less than five occasions and also birds observed in their fledging year because they were still fed by their parents and were therefore likely to be associated with them away from the nest. Only those dyads with data for inter-nest distance and relatedness are included.
Cairns SJ, Schwager SJ. 1986. A comparison of association indices. Animal Behaviour 35: 1454–1469.
Dawson DA. 2007. Genomic analysis of passerine birds using conserved microsatellite loci. PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Dawson DA, Ball AD, Spurgin LG, Martín-Gálvez D, Stewart IRK, Horsburgh GJ, Potter J, Molina-Morales M, Bicknell AW, Preston SAJ, Ekblom R, Slate J, Burke T. 2013. High-utility conserved avian microsatellite markers enable parentage and population studies across a wide range of species. BMC Genomics 14: 176.
Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Küpper C, Stewart IRK, Ball AD, Durrant KL, Hansson B, Bacon I, Bird S, Klein Á, Krupa AP, Lee J-W, Martín-Gálves D, Simeoni M, Smith G, Spurgin LG, Burke T. 2010. New methods to identify conserved microsatellite loci and develop primer sets of high cross-species utility - as demonstrated for birds. Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 475–494.
Dawson Pell FSE, Hatchwell BJ, Ortega-Segalerva A, Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Senar JC. 2020. Microsatellite characterisation and sex-typing in two invasive parakeet species, the monk parakeet Myiopsitta monachus and ring-necked parakeet Psittacula krameri. Molecular Biology Reports 47: 1543–1550.
Hardy OJ, Vekemans X. 2002. SPAGeDi: a versatile computer program to analyse spatial genetic structure at the individual or population levels. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 618–620.
Queller DC, Goodnight KF. 1989. Estimating relatedness using genetic markers. Evolution 43: 258.