Hand contamination and hand hygiene knowledge and practices among commercial transport users, Enugu State, Nigeria
Data files
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Hand hygiene practice (HHP) and hand contamination as a critical component of infection prevention and control were investigated among commercial drivers and passengers in Nsukk and Enugu towns to determine their knowledge attitude/belief and practices regarding hand hygiene and the degree of hand contaminationn. The study used a descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire survey to gather data samples from 600 transports from ten commercial transport parks. Also 100 hand swabswere taken to examine the dominant hand contamination levels. The data from questionnaire response, and percentage bacterial and fungal species contamination by motor parks are provided here.
README: Hand contamination and hand hygiene knowledge and practices among commercial transport users, Enugu State, Nigeria
Description of the data and file structure
Hand hygiene practice (HHP) and hand contamination as a critical component of infection prevention and control were investigated among commercial drivers and passengers in Nsukka and Enugu towns to determine their knowledge attitude/belief and practices regarding hand hygiene and the degree of hand contamination. The study used a descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire survey to gather data samples from 600 transports from ten commercial transport parks (five parks and 300 samples from each of the two towns). Also 100 dominant hand swabs samples,50 from each town, were taken and examined for contamination levels. The data from questionnaire response, and percentage bacterial and fungal species contamination by motor parks are provided here. Description dataset:
- BacteriaComb.csv : File containing data on bacteria prevalence (%) at the ten commercial transport.
- FungiComb.csv : File containing data on fungi prevalence (%) at the ten commercial transport.
- Questionnaire data Hand contamination.csv: Questionnaire data in .csv file format.
Description of questionnaire variables and coding:
The demographic four variables, "Location", "Gender", "Religion", and "Employment status" were removed. This modification is necessary for data approval by Dryad. The maximum number of indirect identifiers allowed is three to ensure anonymity of human subject.
- A1 (Age ranges): "1" (10 - 19 yrs), "2" (20 - 29 yrs), "3" (30 - 39 yrs), "4" (40 yrs and above)
- A4 (Level of education): "1" (Non-formal), "2" (Primary), "3" (Secondary), "4"(Tertiary)
- A5 (Marital status): "1" (Married), "2" (Single), "3" (Divorced), "4" (Widowed)
- B1 (Hand washing is part of personal hygiene): "0" (No), "1" (Yes), "2" (Don't know)
- B2 (Parasites/germs can be found in contaminated hands): "0" (No), "1" (Yes), "2" (Don't know)
- B3 (Coronavirus can be transmitted by poor hand hygiene): "0" (No), "1" (Yes), "2" (Don't know)
- B4 (An alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol is sufficient for hands disinfectant): "0" (No), "1" (Yes), "2" (Don't know)
- B5 (Like healthcare workers, drivers and passengers do encounter a lot of contaminated surfaces that make them vulnerable to infections): "0" (No), "1" (Yes), "2" (Don't know)
- B6 (Which are sources of germ responsible for hand contamination in the park?): "1" (The park air), "2" (Contaminated surfaces), "3" (the park environment), "4" (The people around the park)
- C1 (I wash my hands before I eat or handle food): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C2 (I wash my hands after using a public toilet or urinal): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C3 (I wash my hands after blowing my nose, coughing, or sneezing): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C4 (I wash my hands after I touch frequently used surfaces): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C5 (I wash my hands when my hands are visibly dirty): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C6 (I wash my hands after shaking hands with someone): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C7 (I wash my hands after touching animals or pets): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- C8 (I wash my hands after removing my mask): "0" (Never), "1" (Rarely), "2" (Sometimes), "3" (Very often), "4" (Always)
- c9 (How long does my hand washing take?): "1" (5 sec), "2" (10 sec), "3" (15 sec), "4" (20 sec)
- C10 (I make use of hand sanitizerwhen outside from home): "0" (No), "1" (Yes)
- C11 (When Ifail to wash my hands, what is my most common reason?): "1" (Laziness), "2" (No available time), "3" (I keep forgetting), "4" (Soap is not available), "5" (Water not available), "6" (Others)
- D1 (I am protecting my health by washing my hands or using hand sanitizer): "0" (Strongly disagree), "1" (Disagree), "2" (Neutral), "3" (Agree), "4" (Strongly agree)
- D2 (I do not believe that shaking hands with strangers can get me contaminated with harmful microorganisms): "0" (Strongly disagree), "1" (Disagree), "2" (Neutral), "3" (Agree), "4" (Strongly agree)
- D3 (I can get contaminated from harmful microorganisms if I touch my eyes, nose, or mouth with my unwashed hands, or not using hand sanitizer): "0" (Strongly disagree), "1" (Disagree), "2" (Neutral), "3" (Agree), "4" (Strongly agree)
- D4 (My hand hygiene practice increased greatly after COVID-19): "0" (Strongly disagree), "1" (Disagree), "2" (Neutral), "3" (Agree), "4" (Strongly agree)
- D5 (Do you believe practicing hand washing can help you fight COVID-19): "0" (Strongly disagree), "1" (Disagree), "2" (Neutral), "3" (Agree), "4" (Strongly agree)
- D6 (Are you concerned about getting COVID-19): "0" (No), "1" (Yes)
Hand hygiene practice (HHP) and hand contamination as a critical component of infection prevention and control were investigated among commercial drivers and passengers in Nsukka and Enugu towns to determine their knowledge attitude/belief and practices regarding hand hygiene and the degree of hand contamination. The study used a descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire survey to gather data samples from 600 transports from ten commercial transport parks (five parks and 300 samples from each of the two towns). Also 100 dominant hand swabs samples,50 from each town, were taken and examined for contamination levels. The data from questionnaire response, and percentage bacterial and fungal species contamination by motor parks are provided here.