Input files for ecological modeling in interior Alaska using LANDIS-II
Data files
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Boreal forests, covering about 30 percent of Earth's forested area, are dominated by coniferous forests and are crucial reservoirs of permafrost and belowground carbon. As these forests undergo ecological changes from rapid warming, questions remain about how future interactions of wildfire, vegetation, permafrost, and soil moisture will affect the long-term sustainability of permafrost. Applying the DGS (DAMM-McNiP-GIPL-SHAW) extension of the LANDIS-II landscape forest model, we simulated soil temperature and moisture, forest succession, and wildfire across 380,400 hectares in interior Alaska under moderate and high-emissions climate scenarios until the end of this century. Permafrost simulated at the near-surface (3m) thaws significantly with an average thaw rate of 13 cm/year and 18 cm/year under moderate and extreme climate forcing, changing the region's permafrost coverage from discontinuous to isolated. Climate warming, exacerbated by a changing fire regime and landscape-level shifts from conifer to hardwood deciduous forests, caused reductions in soil moisture relative to recent conditions, and permafrost disappeared by mid-century. Future climate scenarios simulate significant increases in fire size and area burned, with fire rotation periods shortening from 110 to approximately 85 years. This altered fire regime, coupled with a decline of up to 50% in coniferous forest cover and a corresponding rise in hardwoods, underscores the profound changes expected in boreal ecosystems. The complex interplay among climate, fire, vegetation, permafrost, and hydrology in the face of a changing climate has profound implications for boreal forests and the global system alike.
README: DGS Input Data
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset contains the input files and datasets needed to run the LANDIS-II model simulations used in this project. This study simulates a boreal Alaskan landscape under three climate scenarios for 100 years. Within each of the climate scenario folders (Future_GFDL, Future_NCAR, Historic_NCAR) is the necessary spatial, tabular, and parameter data needed for a simulation run. Import text files include the scenario file (Dalton_scenario_DGS_[scenario]), climate file (dalton_climate), and the DGS succession input file (Dalton_DGS_Succession_AKinput_080422). In-depth methodology on how to parameterize, calibrate, and run this model and necessary extensions can be found at on the LANDIS-II website ( or the LANDIS-II Foundation GitHub homepage (
Input dataset for DGS simulations
Description: Within each climate scenario folder, one can find input raster files, scenario files, fire parameters, and parameter files for the sub-parts of the DGS extension (GIPL, SHAW). This data includes raster maps (tifs), test files configuring model settings, and tabular data. Additional information about how to run the model can be found in LANDIS-II documentation (, and information about the DGS extension can be found in the DGS methods paper (10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110367). After installing LANDIS-II and the necessary extensions (, run simulations by clicking the batch file (RunLANDIS_[scenario]) in each folder.
Main folders (climate scenarios):
- Future_GFDL - Extreme future climate change scenario (2000-2100 climate) for 100 years
- Future_NCAR - Moderate future climate change scenario (2000-2100 climate) for 100 years
- Historic_NCAR - baseline/historic forcing (1970-1999 climate) for 100 years
Files within each climate scenario folder:
- AK_ClimateMap_10_Regions.tif - climate region map of similar bioclimatic characteristics. Used for forcing of temperature and precipitation landscape heterogeneity throughout the simulation period
- AK_IC_File-SW_062421.txt - vegetation initial communities test file with species corresponding to map codes
- AK_MapCodes_061920_int.tif - spatial raster file for map code locations - used for initial communities
- AK_Slope_062420.tif - slope (degrees) raster file for landscape
- AK_Slope_below32_80422.tif - slope under 32 degrees raster file for landscape
- AK_Suppression_Map_062520.tif - fire suppression raster file for fire disturbance extension
- AK_Uphill_Aspect_Map_062920.tif - up-hill aspect (degrees) raster file for landscape
- AlaskaSpecies_031521.txt - species test file with attributes of vegetation growth and succession
- AllOnes_061021.tif - raster with values of "1" over landscape- used when turning on fire ignitions for simulation
- AllZeros_061021.tif - raster with values of "0" over landscape- used when turning off fire ignitions for simulation
- BaseFlow_040820.tif - soilbase water flow raster - used in DGS successionextension
- BulkDensity_061021.tif - soil bulk density raster
- Clay_052720.tif - clay soil raster
- ClimateRegions.txt - climate regions index text file
- dalton_climate.txt - climate configuration text file - useful for setting spinup, sequences or random climate years, first day of fire, and other climate characteristics. Here the other climate files are directed to
- Dalton_DGS_Succession_AKinput_080422.txt - Main DGS succession input text file - directs to all other succession files including raster maps, sets soil parameters, plant parameters, fire reduction parameters, harvest reduction parameters, and more
- Dalton_scenario_DGS_f[scenario].txt - climate scenario file - set simulation duration, direct to species and ecoregions data, set cell size, and link to other LANDIS-II extensions (DGS, SCRPPLE, OutputBiomass)
- DeadRoots_Map_2020-09-29.tif - dead roots raster
- DeadWood_Map_2020-09-29.tif - dead wood raster
- depth_map_040820.tif - soil depth raster
- drain_map_040820.tif - soil drainage raster
- FieldCapacity_061021.tif - field capacity raster (amount of water a soil can hold after it has been saturated)
- [scenario]climate_formatted_AK_V4[scenario]_dripfix1_precipaddedback.csv - climate csv with daily climate attributes (precipitation and temperature) for 100 years. This file is named differently in each scenario folder with the scenario name in the file name
- om_map_040820.tif - organic matter raster
- output_BiomassReclass_2classes.txt - output biomass reclassification configuration file - decide on how vegetation biomass output maps get produced and reclassified (two classes)
- output_BiomassReclass_multipleClasses.txt - output biomass reclassification configuration file - decide on how vegetation biomass output maps get produced and reclassified (more than two classes)
- output-biomass.txt - output biomass configuration file - optional, decide on how vegetation biomass output maps get produced
- output-biomass-community.txt - output biomass community configuration file - optional, decide on how vegetation communit's biomass output maps get produced
- ParticleDensity_061021.tif - soil particle density raster
- RunLANDIS_[scenario].bat - batch file to initiate LANDIS-II runs. opens up terminal window and gives process on run/errors messages if something is wrong.
- Sand_052720.tif - soil sand raster
- scrapple_083022.txt - fire extension (SCRPPLE) configuration text file - set lightning ignitions, fire suppression, prescribed fires, spread characteristics, tree cohort mortality, etc.
- ShawGiplConfig.txt - soil water (SHAW) and temperature (GIPL) configuration file - directs to list of THUs (thermal-hydraulic aunits, combinations of vegetation type, topography, climate region, time since disturbance), general inputs for SHAW, SHAW plant and soil types, and GIPL properties files
- SOC_061121.tif - soil organic carbon raster
- SON_061121.tif - soil organic nitrogen raster
- Species_CSV_File_011622_firetol_decrthick.csv - tabular data that describes how vegetation is affected from wildfire disturbance
- Suppression_CSV_File.csv - tabular data for fire suppression - accidental ignitions, lightning ignitions, and prescribed fire
- WiltPoint_052720.tif - wild point raster
Within GIPL subfolder:
- properties.txt - GIPL configuration text file - set thermal conductivity, volumetric heat capacity, and volumetric unfrozen liquid water fraction for various soil and organic layer types
- unfrozen_C2.txt - volumetric unfrozen liquid water fraction option 1
- unfrozen_C20.txt - volumetric unfrozen liquid water fraction option 2
Within SHAW subfolder:
- general_input.txt - SHAW general input text file - sets parameters such as snow, leaf litter, wind profiles, and more.
- interiorAK_plants.csv - plant input file for soil moisture processes - parameterize attributes such as leaf area index, stomatal resistance, albedo, etc.
- interiorAK_soils.csv - soil input files for soil moisture - set parameters for various soil layers and textures
- interiorAK_THUs-Burn-new2-adjSlope_allclimregs_diffgensoils.csv - THU configuration file - sets characteristics of each THU (n=160) for the DGS extension and the mapping of vegetation and soil patterns throughout the simulation period.