Data from: Experimental adaptation to singular pathogen challenge reduces susceptibility to novel pathogens in Drosophila melanogaster
Data files
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In the wild, hosts often encounter and must respond to novel pathogens, that is pathogens that they have not encountered in recent evolutionary history, and therefore are not adapted to. How hosts respond to these novel pathogens and the outcome of such infections can be shaped by the host’s evolutionary history, especially by how well adapted the host is to its native pathogens, that is pathogens they have evolved with. Host adaptation to one pathogen can either increase its susceptibility to a novel pathogen, due to specialization of immune defenses and trade-offs between different arms of the immune system or can decrease susceptibility to novel pathogens by virtue of cross-resistance. Using laboratory Drosophila melanogaster populations, we explore if hosts experimentally adapted to survive infection challenges by a particular bacterial pathogen are also better at surviving infection challenges by novel bacterial pathogens. We found that such hosts can survive infection challenges by multiple novel pathogens, with the expanse of cross-resistance determined by the identity of the native pathogen and sex of the host. Therefore, we demonstrate that cross-resistance can evolve in host populations by virtue of adaptation to a single pathogen. This observation has important ecological consequences, especially in the modern era where spillover of novel pathogens is a common occurrence due to various factors, including climate change.
README: Experimental adaptation to singular pathogen challenge reduces susceptibility to novel pathogens in Drosophila melanogaster.
Description of the data and file structure
This file ("Selection_line_cross_resistance_experiment.xlsx") was generated in 2018-19 by Aparajita Singh and others at the Evolutionary Biology Lab, IISER Mohali.
1. Title of Dataset: "Recurrent evolution of cross-resistance in response to selection for improved post-infection survival in Drosophila melanogaster"
2. Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Prof. N. G. Prasad
Institution: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali
Address: IISER Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City, SAS Nagar, Punjab - 140306, India.
B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Aparajita Singh
Institution: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali
Address: IISER Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City, SAS Nagar, Punjab - 140306, India.
3. Duration of data collection: 2018-19
4. Geographic location of data collection: Mohali, Punjab, India
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: IISER Mohali, MHRD, Govt. of India; DBT, Govt. of India (Grant No. BT/PR14278/BRB/10/1417/2015).
Files and variables
File: Selection_line_cross_resistance_experiment.xlsx
Description: Note: This file contains five separate tabs:
Tab 1. "key" (description of individual data sheet contents)
Tab 2. "epn_selection_response" (data from response to selection experiment of the EPN selection regime)
Tab 3. "ius_selection_response" (data from response to selection experiment of the IUS selection regime)
Tab 4. "epn_cross_resistance" (data from cross-resistance experiment of the EPN selection regime)
Tab 5. "ius_cross_resistance" (data from cross-resistance experiment of the IUS selection regime)
Not applicable
Access information
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- Not Applicable
Data was derived from the following sources:
- Not Applicable