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Lipid content and stable isotopes of zooplankton during five winters around the northern Antarctic Peninsula

Data files

Dec 10, 2020 version files 53.14 KB


The Southern Ocean zooplankton community is diverse, yet most species are understudied, especially with respect to their overwinter feeding ecologies. This dataset describes body condition and trophic biomarker data (lipid content and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen) from 19 zooplankton species collected over five consecutive winters (August and September 2012 – 2016) around the northern Antarctic Peninsula. To complement these data and provide context for interpretation, we report environmental data (percent sea-ice cover, sea-ice type, water temperature, salinity, and integrated chlorophyll-a (to 100 m)) as well as species abundance data at each sampling location. For most species, these are the first winter measurements or time series of body condition, trophic position, and abundance in relation to environmental variables around the northern Antarctic Peninsula.