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Famine related mortality in early life and accelerated life histories in 19th Century Belgium


Density-dependent and extrinsic mortality are predicted to accelerate reproductive maturation. The first 5 years of life is a proposed sensitive period for life-history regulation. This study examines the ways in which local mortality during this sensitive period was related to subsequent marriage timing in 19th Century Belgium (N women= 11,892; N men=14,140). Local mortality during the sensitive period was inversely associated with age at first marriage for men and women controlling for literacy, occupational status, population growth, and migration. Cox regression indicated decreased time to marriage for women (HR=1.661, 95% CI: 1.542-1.789) and men (HR=1.327, 95%CI: 1.238-1.422) from high mortality municipalities. Rising population growth rates were associated with earlier marriage for men. Migration in general was associated with later marriage for men and women. Consistent with life history predictions, harsh ecological conditions such as famine coincided with earlier marriage.