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Data to support playback experiments to female northern elephant seals

Data files

Nov 16, 2021 version files 30.04 KB


Bonding between mothers and their young is fundamental to mammalian reproductive behaviour and individual fitness. In social systems where the risk of confusing filial and non-filial offspring is high, mothers should demonstrate early, strong, and consistent responses to their kin throughout the period of offspring dependence, irrespective of maternal traits such as experience and temperament. We tested this hypothesis through playback experiments in the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris, a phocid species that breeds in high-density colonies. We found that mothers recognised their offspring throughout lactation and as early as 1-2 days after parturition. Age and aggressiveness level of mothers did not predict their response strength to filial playback treatments, nor did pup age or sex. Some mothers showed great consistency in behavioural responses throughout the lactation period, while others were less predictable. The strength of a female’s response did not influence her pup’s weaning weight, however more consistent females weaned pups of higher mass. This is a rare demonstration of individual recognition among phocid mothers and their offspring, and suggests that consistency in maternal responsiveness may be an important social factor influencing the pup's growth and survival.