Ecological data on evergreen forest types of central plains Cambodia
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Jun 02, 2022 version files 260.10 KB
Four different lowland evergreen forest types, each with a unique species composition and ecological characteristics is described from the central plains, Cambodia. Through six botanical expeditions, we collected data on the forest types using 50x10 = 500 sqm strip sample plots (n=119); i) riverine forest dominated by Dipterocarpus costatus (Dipterocarpaceae): ii) tall dipterocarp forest dominated by Anisoptera costata (Dipterocarpaceae); iii) swamp forest dominated by Macaranga triloba (Euphorbiaceae); and iv) “Sralao” forest with a monodominance of Lagerstroemia cochinchinensis (Lythraceae). This dataset includes i) a matrix showing the occurrence of different species within the 119 sample plots, ii) a summary of forest structure and diversity index values for the 119 individual sample plots, iii) a summary for individual species within forest types of mean, standard error and coefficient of variation of the mean for diameter, density, basal area and frequency, as well as relative density, dominance and frequency and importance value index (IVI), iv) a summary of forest structure variables for diameter classes and forest types. The dataset was analyzed and used to characterize and compare the four evergreen forest types in the publication: Theilade et al. 2022. Evergreen forest types of the central plains in Cambodia: floristic composition and ecological characteristics; published in Nordic Journal of Botany.
Botanical expeditions in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013. A total of 119 Gentry plots were surveyed and all trees above 10 cm DBH was identified. Herbarium specimens were collected and species identifications checked at Bangkok Forest Herbarium and the herbarium at Chiang Mai University.