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Processed EK60 acoustics data used to examine changes in vertical distribution of mesopelagic fish

Data files

Sep 12, 2024 version files 1.70 GB


Marine heatwaves can impact the distribution and abundance of epipelagic organisms, but their effect on deep pelagic communities is unclear. Using fisheries acoustics data collected in the Central California current from 2013-2018, we found that during the warmest years of a large marine heatwave (2015-2016), the estimated center of mass depth of mesopelagic fishes deepened by up to 100 m compared to pre-heatwave conditions. Using a generalized additive model, we evaluated which biophysical factors may have driven these changes and found that light, dynamic height anomaly, and acoustic backscatter explained 81% of the variability in depth. We attribute the vertical shift by mesopelagic fishes into deeper waters to heatwave driven compression of upwelling habitat that indirectly increased the amount of light reaching mesopelagic depths. Our results suggest that mesopelagic fishes are interconnected with and thus sensitive to changes in near-surface oceanographic conditions, which could lead to cascading effects on vertical carbon export and the availability of mesopelagic fishes as prey for top predators under future climate conditions.