Data for: Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture with sugar kelp and oysters in a shallow coastal salt pond and open estuary site
Data files
Apr 26, 2023 version files 3.81 MB
The data set includes environmental data as well as kelp and oyster data from an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture study where sugar kelp was planted on four established oyster farms in Rhode Island, USA over 2 growing seasons (Year 1 = 2017–2018; Year 2 = 2018-2019). At each site, we planted 60 m kelp lines (denoted as Line 1 and Line 2) approximately three weeks apart to determine optimal planting time. Kelp blade length and width were recorded at periodic intervals, and tissues were collected for carbon, nitrogen, δ15N, and δ13C analyses. Oyster growth data was collected from the same sites across the same timespans. Environmental data includes data collected on monthly farm visits with a YSI Sonde, as well as dissolved nutrients in the seawater. In addition, temperatures were logged on kelp lines every 15 minutes during each growing season.
There are several files in this dataset; the Readme file describes all of the details for each file.
- Data on organism (kelp, oyster) length and width and survivorship were measured in the field (or occasionally in the lab), using SI units where appropriate. These files are: Kelp Peformance Data 2017_2019, Oyster Performance 2018_2019, Oyster Survivorship.
-From these data, we calculated total kelp biomass/production. These calculations and associated data can be found in the file: Kelp Nutrient Extraction.
- Subsamples of ground kelp tissue (2–3 mg) were encapsulated in tins (3.5 × 5 mm) and analyzed at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Atlantic Division Laboratory in Narragansett, RI, USA. Carbon, nitrogen, δ15N, and δ13C content of tissue samples was measured using an Isoprime 100 Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer interfaced with a Micro Vario Elemental Analyzer (Elementar Americas, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, USA). These files are: Kelp Carbon Nitrogen Results 2017_2018 and Kelp Carbon Nitrogen Results 2018_2019.
-Dissolved nutrient concentrations in the ocean water were determined from water samples; all data (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate) are raw data. The file is: Dissolved Nutrient Raw data.
-Environmental raw data (temperature, conductivity, salinity, pH, pHmV, dissolved oxygen% and mg/L, Chlorophyll a, fluroescence) were conducted from YSI 6560 Sonde lowered in the field in situ. The file is: Environmental Data from YSI Sonde_2017-2019'.
-Field temperatures throughout the study period were collected via Onset HOBO temperature loggers at each site. Raw data were modified as follows: we excluded the day when we visited sites, as temperatures were logged when the loggers were removed from the water to be sampled and checked. There are four files: “Narragansett Bay N_Temperature_2017-2019”, “Narragansett Bay S_Temperature_2017-2019”, “Point Judith Pond N_Temperature_2017-2019”, and “Point Judith Pond S _Temperature_2017-2019”
Usage notes
Apart from the file, all files are .xslx, so Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or equivalent, would be needed.