Intraspecific phytochemical diversity increases with productivity but has mixed effects on herbivory
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Resources play an important role in shaping the evolution of plant defensive strategies. How resource availability influences overall phytochemical diversity within species, and how this in-turn affects herbivore damage is not well understood. Using Monarda fistulosa, a species that produces diverse terpene compounds and distinct chemotypes (i.e., thymol or carvacrol), we addressed three questions: 1) How do phytochemical components (i.e., total concentration, Shannon diversity, and chemotypes) vary between distinct populations from two large, widely separated regions that differ in climate and productivity? 2) How do these components influence attack by different herbivore species? 3) What are the growth costs of higher phytochemical levels in different chemotypes? Seeds were collected from 12 populations spread across two regions that differ in precipitation-driven productivity, six from a low-productivity environment in Montana and six from a high-productivity environment in Wisconsin, and grown in a common garden in Wisconsin. We analyzed terpene concentrations, quantified the number of herbivores and damage, and measured plant above-ground biomass. Plants from Montana exhibited higher terpene concentrations but lower diversity, whereas those from Wisconsin displayed lower terpene concentrations but higher diversity. Plants from Wisconsin received more damage from a specialist seed predator and leaf-chewing herbivores, although abundance of a specialist aphid was lower, compared to plants from Montana. Total terpene concentration emerged as the primary predictor of herbivore damage, although some differences were observed between region of origin and with terpene richness. Herbivores exhibited mixed responses to phytochemistry; some herbivores were negatively affected, while a specialized leaf galler responded positively. Costs of producing defenses were evident by negative correlations between plant biomass and total terpene concentration (but not chemical richness or Shannon diversity). Our study revealed that regional differences in productivity can influence the evolution of phytochemical concentration and diversity, which, in turn, affects plant damage and incurs growth-related costs.
README: Intraspecific phytochemical diversity increases with resources availability but has mixed effects on herbivory
Data for Monarda fistulosa phytochemistry and herbivory common garden project. The common garden experiment was located in Wisconsin, USA using seeds collected from M. fistulosa populations originating from Montana, USA and Wisconsin, USA. Chemistry was conducted on leaves to measure terpenes and herbivory was measured on the same plants.
Contact Phil Hahn ( with any questions. This manuscript has been accepted for publication (10/21/2024):
Calixto, E.S., J.L. Maron, K. Keefover-Ring, J.H. Cammarano, and P.G. Hahn. Intraspecific phytochemical diversity increases with resources availability but has mixed effects on herbivory. Oikos (accepted). 10.1111/oik.10914
R scripts (file: Monarda_ChemDivDmg_2020907.R) associated with these data files can be found here:
Data files include:
This file contains data on Monarda fistulosa leaf traits and phytochemistry. All data were collected by the authors. Blank cells represent missing data.
variables | units | description |
Region | categorical | Geographical region, MT = Montana, WI = Wisconsin |
Site | categorical | Code for site location, see file 'WIMT_Sites_2019.csv' or Table S1 for more details about locations |
Plant | number | numerical code for each maternal plant for where seed was collected |
Rep | categorical | A-E, code for indivdual plants grown from the maternal plant ID (ie. half siblings) |
Row | number | row in common garden, used to locate plants in the garden |
OrderGard | number | order planted in garden, used to locate plants in the garden |
Unique | number | unique number for each plant |
Biomass_g | g | dry biomass of plants harvested on 13 August 2019 |
codedup | categorical | Plant and Rep column pasted together |
Chemo | categorical | chemotype, T = thymol, C = carvacrol |
a_thujene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
a_pinene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
sabinene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
b_pinene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
octen_3_ol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
myrcene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
a_phellandrene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
carene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
a_terpinene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
p_cymene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
limonene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
beta_ocimene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
gama_terpinene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
cis_sab_hydrate | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
trans_sab_hydrate | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
borneol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
terp_4_ol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
cym_8_ol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
a_terpineol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
nerol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
isoborneol_formate | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
thymoquinone | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
geraniol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
geranial | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
thymol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
carvacrol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
eugenol | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
caryophyllene | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
germ_D | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of chemical compound, see Table S2 for full compound name additional info |
total | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of total chemical compounds |
totTC | mg / g dry leaf tissue | concentration of only thymol and carvacrol |
This file contains data on Monarda plant measurements in the field. All data were collected by the authors. Blank cells represent missing data.
variables | units | description |
Region | categorical | Geographical region, MT = Montana, WI = Wisconsin |
Site | categorical | Code for site location, see file 'WIMT_Sites_2019.csv' or Table S1 for more details about locations |
Plant | number | Identifier for plant sample |
Rep | number | Replication number |
Row | number | Row position in the field |
Order | number | order planted in garden, used to locate plants in the garden |
hg_Tallest | cm | Height of the tallest plant part |
volD1 | cm | Diameter of plant at widest point, used to estimate volume |
volD2 | cm | Diameter of plant orthogonal to volD1, used to estimate volume |
b | presence | Presence (1) or absence (0) of buds |
fl | presence | Presence (1) or absence (0) of flowers |
fr | presence | Presence (1) or absence (0) of fruits |
infl | count | Number of inflorescences |
ch | % | Percent of chewing damage estimated on whole plant |
prc | % | Percent of piercing/sucking damage estimated on whole plant |
notes | Additional notes or observations |
MonardaGarden_SeedDamage2021 (5).csv
This file contains data on seed head damage to Monarda plants in the common garden. All data were collected by the authors. Blank cells represent missing data.
variables | units | description |
Region | categorical | Geographical region, MT = Montana, WI = Wisconsin |
Site | categorical | Code for site location, see file 'WIMT_Sites_2019.csv' or Table S1 for more details about locations |
Plant | number | Identifier for plant sample |
Rep | number | Replication number |
Row | number | Row position in the field |
Flowered | Presence | Whether the plant flowered |
HeadSize | cm | Size of the flower head |
HeadMass | g | Mass of the flower head |
N_tubes | count | Number of tubes |
HerbDmg | % | Percentage of herbivory damage |
Col_grub | count | Number of Coleoptera grubs |
Lep_grub | count | Number of Lepidoptera grubs |
Lep_Phy | count | Number of Phytophagous Lepidoptera |
Fly | count | Number of flies |
Unknwn | count | Number of unknown organisms |
Seeds_No | count | Number of seeds |
Seed_wt | g | Weight of the seeds |
Notes | Additional notes or observations | |
DateP | Date | Date of the recorded measurement |
This file contains data collected in the common garden site in Wisconsin in the summer of 2020. All data were collected by the authors. Blank cells represent missing data.
variables | units | description |
Region | categorical | MT = Montana, WI = Wisconsin |
Site | categorical | Code for site location, see file 'WIMT_Sites_2019.csv' or Table S1 for more details about locations |
Plant | number | numerical code for each maternal plant for where seed was collected |
Rep | categorical | A-E, code for indivdual plants grown from the maternal plant ID (ie. half siblings) |
Row | number | row in common garden, used to locate plants in the garden |
Order | number | order planted in garden, used to locate plants in the garden |
survey | category | month of survey, July or Aug=August |
height | cm | stem height, ground to top of plant |
leaves_total | count | number of leaves on plant |
leaves_damaged | count | number of leaves with damage |
herbpercentage | percent | overall estimate of percent damage to the whole plant |
leaf_1 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_2 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_3 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_4 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_5 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_6 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_7 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_8 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_9 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
leaf_10 | percent | percent damage visually estimated on a single leaf |
mildew | presence absence | presence of powdery mildew, 0=absent, 1=present |
mines_blotch | count | number of powdery mine blotches |
mines_linear | count | number of leaf mines |
galls_leaf | count | number of leaf galls by Ametrodiplosis fistulosae |
galls_stem | count | number of stem galls |
galls_bud | count | number of bud galls |
leps | count | number of lepidoptera caterpillars counted on plant |
aphids_parasitized | count | number of parasitized aphid mummies on plant |
aphids_unparasitized | count | number of live aphids (Aphis monardae) on plant |
ants | count | number of ants on plant |
ant_genus | category | genus of ant |
flowerbuds | count | number of flower buds |
bloom_date | date | date of bloom |
damage_chewing | percent | percent chewing damage to whole plant |
damage_spot | presence | presence of spotting damage |
agromyzid | count | number of agromyzid flies on plant |
This file contains information on site characteristics for locations where seed was originally collected. Soil data were obtain from: 10.5061/dryad.x0k6djhjq. Variables indicated as bioclim variables were obtained from: Blank cells represent missing data.
variables | units | description |
Region | categorical | Geographical region, MT = Montana, WI = Wisconsin |
Site | categorical | Code for site location |
Lat | degrees | Latitude coordinate |
Long | degrees | Longitude coordinate |
pH | Soil pH level | |
orgmat | % | Organic matter content |
nit | % | Nitrogen content |
K | % | Potassium content |
cec | meq/100g | Cation exchange capacity |
P | % | Phosphorus content |
mat1 | degrees C | bioclim1, mean annual temperature |
iso3 | bioclim3, isothermality | |
tsd4 | bioclim4, standard deviation of monthly temperatures | |
map12 | cm/year | bioclim12, Mean annual precipitation |
pwrq18 | bioclim18, precipication in the warmest quarter |
Data was collected in a common garden and laboratory. Data files are raw data and processed with the associated R script. Detailed methods are described in the associated paper.