Data from: Interactive bioacoustic playback as a tool for detecting and exploring nonhuman intelligence: “Conversing” with an Alaskan humpback whale
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Here we report on a rare and opportunistic acoustic turn-taking with an adult female humpback whale, known as Twain, in Southeast Alaska. Post hoc acoustic and statistical analyses of a 20-minute acoustic exchange between the broadcast of a recorded contact call, known as a ’whup/throp’, with call responses by Twain revealed an intentional human-whale acoustic (and behavioral) interaction. Our results show that Twain participated both physically and acoustically in three phases of interaction (Phase 1: Engagement, Phase 2: Agitation, Phase 3: Disengagement), independently determined by blind observers reporting on surface behavior and respiratory activity of the interacting whale. A close examination of both changes to the latency between Twain’s calls and the temporal matching to the latency of the exemplar across phases indicated that Twain was actively engaged in the exchange during Phase 1 (Engagement), less so during Phase 2 (Agitation), and disengaged during Phase 3 (Disengagement). These results, while preliminary, point to several for effective playback design, namely the importance of salient, dynamic and adaptive playbacks, that should be utilized in experimentation with whales and other interactive nonhuman species.
Supplementary Materials
- Title of Dataset: Interactive Bioacoustic Playback as a Tool for Detecting and Exploring Nonhuman Intelligence: “Conversing” with an Alaskan Humpback Whale
- Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Laurance Doyle
Institution: SETI Institute Address: Mountain View, CA Email: <br> B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Brenda McCowan
Institution: University of California, Davis Address: Davis, CA Email: - Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): August 2021
- Geographic location of data collection: Southeast Alaska, US
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Templeton World Charity Foundation Diverse Intelligences grants TWCF0311 and TWCF0440 (P.I. L. Doyle)
Description of the data and file structure
(1) Video/hydrophone recordings:
(A) Twain Align Video Hydro A.MP4: Video camera recording aligned with Hydrophone A
(B) Twain Video Align Hydro B.MP4 : Video camera recording aligned with Hydrophone B
(2) Whup wav files:
(A) Day1PrePeriodWhup1.wav - Day1PrePeriodWhup6.wav: Whups recorded on Day 1
(B) Day2DuringPeriodWhupExemplarPlayback.wav: Whup from Day 1 used on Day 2 as
playback exemplar as recorded on Day 2
(3) EquipmentSpecifications.pdf: Description of equipment used and their specifications
(4) Figs.S1S2.WhupSpectrograms.pdf: Spectrograms of whups recorded and used in interaction/exchange
(5) TimelineOfInteraction.pdf: Complete timeline of interaction/exchange with Twain:
Time: time of day
Exemplars: sequence of exemplars (playback stimuli)
Twain Responses: sequence of Twain calls
Counter Call (Y/N): counter call (Y) or not (N)
(6) DataFiles.xlsx: Data files (consisting of four tabs) used in the analyses in the publication
Twain Latency Data
type = call sequence
latency = inter-call interval between Twain's calls (sec)
cc = counter call (1) or not (0)
phase = phase of interaction
day = day of recording
E-T and T-E Latency Match Data
Pair = call exchange order
Type = E-T or T-E match order
Match = whether pair was a match according to ratio criterion
Phase = phase of interaction
Difference ratio = difference between ratios
Difference = difference between ratios x 100
Twain Amp Data
type: call sequence
amp: amplitude of call (dB)
phase: phase of interaction
Twain6.csv for R (data for randomizations used with RCode.pdf
latency = inter-call interval between Twain's calls (sec)
typeC = counter call (1) or not (0)
(7) Fig.S3.SupplemetaryLatencyAnalysis.pdf: Graph of supplementary latency analysis
Sharing/Access information
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
- Links to publications that cite or use the data:
McCowan B, Hubbard J, Walker L, Sharpe F, Frediani J, Doyle L (2023). Interactive Bioacoustic Playback as a Tool for Detecting and Exploring Nonhuman Intelligence: “Conversing” with an Alaskan Humpback Whale. bioRxiv 2023.02.05.527130; doi:
McCowan B, Hubbard J, Walker L, Sharpe F, Frediani J, Doyle L (2023). Interactive Bioacoustic Playback as a Tool for Detecting and Exploring Nonhuman Intelligence: “Conversing” with an Alaskan Humpback Whale. Peer J.
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
- Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list source(s): NA
- Recommended citation for this dataset:
McCowan B, Hubbard J, Walker L, Sharpe F, Frediani J, Doyle L (2023). Interactive Bioacoustic Playback as a Tool for Detecting and Exploring Nonhuman Intelligence: “Conversing” with an Alaskan Humpback Whale [Dataset]. Dryad Digital Repository.
- Access via Dryad:
All files are available on Dryad except the following which are available on Zenodo:
- Twain Align Video Hydro A.MP4
- Twain Video Align Hydro B.MP4
- TimelineOfInteraction.pdf
- Figs.S1S2.WhupSpectrograms.pdf
- Fig.S3.SupplementaryLatencyAnalysis.pdf
- RCode.pdf
- StataCode.pdf
(1) RCode.pdf: R code for randomizations conducted in Fig. 3 saved in PDF file.
(2) StataCode.pdf: Stata code for statistical analyses in Figs. 3 and 4 saved in PDF file.