Abiotic factors that prompt major ecological transitions: are fish on land to escape an intolerable aquatic environment?
Data files
Sep 25, 2024 version files 136.51 KB
Colonisation of novel habitats are important event in evolution, but the factors that initially prompt such ecological transitions are often unknown. The invasion of land by fish is an extreme habitat transition that offers an opportunity to empirically investigate the causes of major ecological transitions. The intertidal ecotone—and rockpools in particular—have been an important staging ground for transitions onto land. Classic hypotheses focus on the adverse abiotic conditions of rockpools at low tide as the instigator of fish voluntarily stranding themselves out of water, which can then lead to the evolution of an amphibious lifestyle. To test these hypotheses, we studied the abiotic conditions of 54 rockpools on the island of Guam where there are various species of aquatic, amphibious, and terrestrial blenny fishes. We found little support for the expected deterioration of abiotic conditions in standing pools at low tide (salinity, pH, and oxygen), and fish were not seen to be excluded from those pools that were found to exhibit poor abiotic conditions (temperature, salinity, and pH). Hypoxia was the only factor that might account for the absence of blennies from certain rockpools. Next, we experimentally measured oxygen depletion by an aquatic, mildly amphibious, and highly amphibious species of blenny in a simulated rockpool to infer the proportion of rockpools at low tide outside the tolerable range of blennies. Rockpools were found to have oxygen levels within the requirements of most blennies and other marine fishes. We conclude that the abiotic environment of rockpools alone was unlikely to have instigated the evolution of amphibious behaviour in blennies. Instead, the broad range of abiotic conditions experienced in rockpools suggests these conditions could have primed blennies to better endure the novel conditions on land. Any ecotone typified by fluctuations or gradients in abiotic conditions is likely a key transitional environment for the invasion of novel habitats and, as such, is an important location for adaptive evolution and species diversification.
README: Abiotic factors that prompt major ecological transitions: are fish on land to escape an intolerable aquatic environment?
Description of the data and file structure
All data were collected or compiled by Terry Ord (t.ord@unsw.edu.au).
Related manuscript (MS) information
- MS Reference Number: FE-2024-01331
- MS Title: Abiotic factors that prompt major ecological transitions: are fish on land to escape an intolerable aquatic environment?
- MS Authors: Ord, Terry J; Surovic, Elizabeth; Vaz, Diego; Irisarri, Iker
- MS Journal: Functional Ecology
Data used to validate the method for estimating rockpool volume
The file is a .csv file that can be opened using any text, spreadsheet, or statistical program.
There are no missing values.
- rockpool = The unique ID label for each rockpool surveyed.
- TrueVol_L = The actual volume of rockpool in litres recorded by manual emptying.
- EstiVol_L = The estimated volume of rockpool in litres based on an ellipsoid formula based on the length, width, and depth of the rockpool
Data used to test changes in abiotic conditions and abundance of blenny fishes and primary producers in rock pools at low tide versus high tide.
The file is a .csv file that can be opened using any text, spreadsheet or statistical program.
Missing values are indicated by NA.
- rockpool = The unique ID label for each rockpool surveyed.
- date_LOW = date (day-month-year) that rockpool was surveyed at low tide.
- max_tempC_LOW = maximum water temperature in degrees Celsius recorded by miniDOT logger at low tide.
- min_Oxy_mgL_LOW = minimum dissolved oxygen in micrograms per litre recorded by miniDOT logger at low tide.
- min_OxyPercentSATURATION_LOW = minimum percentage oxygen saturation recorded by miniDOT logger at low tide.
- inclusive_of_exact_lowtide = whether miniDOT loggers were in rock pools over the exact time of low tide, coded as “yes” or “no”
- water_tempC_LOW = point estimate of water temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld digital meter at low tide.
- pH_LOW = point estimate of pH taken using a handheld digital meter at low tide.
- salinity_ppt_LOW = point estimate of water salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) taken using a handheld digital meter at low tide.
- air_tempC_LOW = point estimate of air temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld thermo-windmeter at low tide.
- esti_vol_ml_LOW = estimated volume of rockpool water based on a formula for an ellipsoid using the width, length and depth measurements of the rockpool at low tide.
- blenny_abundance = the qualitative abundance of blennies in a rockpool at low tide using the scale of absent (0), low (1), moderate (2), and high (3).
- primaryproducer_abundance = the qualitative abundance of primary producers in a rockpool at low tide using the scale of absent (0), some (1), and abundant (2).
- flushing_LOW = instances where a rockpool was observed to have seawater flushing at low tide recorded as none, some, and frequent.
- date_HIGH = date (day-month-year) that rockpool was surveyed at high tide.
- max _tempC_HIGH = maximum water temperature in degrees Celsius recorded by miniDOT logger at high tide.
- min_Oxy_mgL_HIGH = minimum dissolved oxygen in micrograms per litre recorded by miniDOT logger at high tide.
- min_OxyPercentSATURATION_HIGH = minimum percentage oxygen saturation recorded by miniDOT logger at high tide.
- inclusive_of_exact_hightide = whether miniDOT loggers were in rock pools over the exact time of high tide, coded as “yes” or “no”
- water_tempC_HIGH = point estimate of water temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld digital meter at high tide.
- pH_HIGH = point estimate of pH taken using a handheld digital meter at high tide.
- salinity_ppt_HIGH = point estimate of water salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) taken using a handheld digital meter at high tide.
- air_tempC_HIGH = point estimate of air temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld thermo-windmeter at high tide.
- max_tempC_DELTA = maximum water temperature in degrees Celsius recorded by miniDOT logger computed as the difference between low and high tide.
- min_Oxy_mgL_DELTA = minimum dissolved oxygen in micrograms per litre recorded by miniDOT logger computed as the difference between low and high tide.
- min_OxyPercentSATURATION_DELTA = minimum percentage oxygen saturation recorded by miniDOT logger computed as the difference between low and high tide.
- water_tempC_DELTA = point estimate of water temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld digital meter computed as the difference between low and high tide.
- pH_DELTA = point estimate of pH taken using a handheld digital meter computed as the difference between low and high tide.
- salt_ppt_DELTA = point estimate of water salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) taken using a handheld digital meter computed as the difference between low and high tide.
- air_tempC_DELTA = point estimate of air temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld thermo-windmeter computed as the difference between low and high tide.
Data from the oxygen depletion experiment was used to infer the oxygen consumption of blennies as a function of species and body size.
The file is a .csv file that can be opened using any text, spreadsheet, or statistical program
There are no missing values.
species = species of blenny used in the experiment
- ID = unique ID label for individual fish
- sex = sex of blenny used given as either male, female, or unknown.
- date = date (day/month/year) that individual fish was tested.
- pre_tempC = point estimate of water temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld digital meter prior to fish being placed in the aquarium.
- pre_pH = point estimate of pH taken using a handheld digital meter prior to fish being placed in the aquarium.
- pre_saltppt = point estimate of water salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) taken using a handheld digital meter prior to fish being placed in the aquarium.
- post_tempC = point estimate of water temperature in degrees Celsius taken using a handheld digital meter at the end of the experiment when fish had been removed from the aquarium.
- post_pH = point estimate of pH taken using a handheld digital meter at the end of the experiment when fish had been removed from the aquarium.
- post_saltppt = point estimate of water salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) taken using a handheld digital meter at the end of the experiment when fish had been removed from the aquarium.
- SL_cm = the standard length of fish in centimetres.
- time_min = elapsed time in minutes from the start of the experiment
- Oxy_PercentSat = percentage oxygen saturation recorded by miniDOT logger placed inside the aquarium.
Data obtained from the meta-analysis conducted by Rogers et al. (2006) was used to infer a partial pressure critical threshold cut-off as a function of water temperature.
The file is a .csv file that can be opened using any text, spreadsheet, or statistical program
There are no missing values.
- taxa = the species of fish
- tempC = water temperature in degrees Celsius that critical partial pressure was estimated.
- Pcrit = critical partial pressure in kPa estimated for species.
- source = source of data was from Rogers, N. J., M. A. Urbina, E. E. Reardon, D. J. McKenzie, and R. W. Wilson. 2016. A new analysis of hypoxia tolerance in fishes using a database of critical oxygen level (P*crit). *Conservation Physiology 4: 1-19.