Data from: Using parentage analysis to estimate rates of straying and homing in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Data files
Jan 22, 2015 version files 9.79 MB
We used parentage analysis based on microsatellite genotypes to measure rates of homing and straying of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) among five major spawning tributaries within the Wenatchee River, Washington. Based on analysis of 2248 natural-origin and 11594 hatchery-origin fish, we estimated that the rate of homing to natal tributaries by natural-origin fish ranged from 0% to 99% depending on the tributary. Hatchery-origin fish released in one of the five tributaries homed to that tributary at a far lower rate than the natural-origin fish (71% compared to 96%). For hatchery-released fish, stray rates based on parentage analysis were consistent with rates estimated using physical tag recoveries. Stray rates among major spawning tributaries were generally higher than stray rates of tagged fish to areas outside of the Wenatchee River watershed. Within the Wenatchee watershed, rates of straying by natural-origin fish were significantly affected by spawning tributary and by parental origin: progeny of naturally spawning hatchery-produced fish strayed at significantly higher rates than progeny whose parents were themselves of natural origin. Notably, none of the 170 offspring that were products of mating by two natural-origin fish strayed from their natal tributary. Indirect estimates of gene flow based on FST statistics were correlated with but higher than the estimates from the parentage data. Tributary-specific estimates of effective population size were also correlated with the number of spawners in each tributary.