Data from: TRANSCENDS: a career development program for underrepresented in medicine scholars in academic neurology
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Background: The Training in Research for Academic Neurologists to Sustain Careers and Enhance the Numbers of Diverse Scholars (TRANSCENDS) program is a career advancement opportunity for individuals underrepresented in biomedical research, funded by the National Institute and Neurological Disorders and Stroke; and American Academy of Neurology (AAN).
Objective: To report on qualitative and quantitative outcomes in TRANSCENDS.
Design: Early career individuals (neurology fellows and junior faculty) from groups underrepresented in medicine were competitively selected from a national pool of applicants (2016-2019). TRANSCENDS activities comprised an online Clinical Research degree program, monthly webinars, AAN meeting activities, and mentoring. Participants were surveyed during and after completion of TRANSCENDS to evaluate program components.
Outcomes: Of 23 accepted scholars (comprising four successive cohorts), 56% were women; 61% Hispanic/Latinx, 30% Black/African American, 30% assistant professors. To date, 48% have graduated the TRANSCENDS program and participants have published 180 peer-reviewed articles. Mentees' feedback noted that professional skills development (i.e., manuscript and grant writing), networking opportunities, and mentoring were the most beneficial elements of the program. Stated opportunities for improvement included: incorporating a mentor-the-mentor workshop, providing more transitional support for mentees in the next stage of their careers, and requiring mentees to provide quarterly reports.
Conclusions: TRANSCENDS is a feasible program for supporting underrepresented in medicine neurologists towards careers in research and faculty academic appointments attained thus far have been sustained. While longer term outcomes and process enhancements are warranted, programs like this may help increase the numbers of diverse academic neurologists, and further drive neurological innovation.
The dataset includes 3 supplemental figures and 1 supplemental table.
Figure 1. TRANSCENDS Orientation Session with scholars and mentors at the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting in 2018 in Los Angeles, CA.
Figure 2. National Institutes of Health - TRANSCENDS Showcase Session Presenters at the 2018 Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, CA comprising TRANSCENDS Program Directors and Scholars, as well as National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) leaders. Dr. Walter Koroshetz NINDS Director (first on the left of front row) and Dr. Michelle Jones-London NINDS Chief, Office of Programs to Enhance Neuroscience Workforce Diversity (last on the right of the back row).
Figure 3. AAN President, Dr. Ralph Sacco with TRANSCENDS scholars and faculty at the Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting in 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Table 5. List of TRANSCENDS Mentors (2017-2022)