Data from: Social complexity affects cognitive abilities but not brain structure in a Poecilid fish
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Mar 17, 2024 version files 26.21 KB
Some cognitive abilities are suggested to be the result of a complex social life, allowing individuals to achieve higher fitness through advanced strategies. However, most evidence is correlative. Here, we provide an experimental investigation of how group size and composition affect brain and cognitive development in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). For six months, we reared sexually mature females in one of three social treatments: a small conspecific group of three guppies, a large heterospecific group of three guppies and three splash tetras (Copella arnoldi) – a species that co-occurs with the guppy in the wild, and a large conspecific group of six guppies. We then tested the guppies’ performance in self-control (inhibitory control), operant conditioning (associative learning), and cognitive flexibility (reversal learning) tasks. Using X-ray imaging, we measured their brain size and major brain regions. Larger groups of six individuals, both conspecific and heterospecific groups, showed better cognitive flexibility than smaller groups, but no difference in self-control and operant conditioning tests. Interestingly, while social manipulation had no significant effect on brain morphology, relatively larger telencephalons were associated with better cognitive flexibility. This suggests alternative mechanisms beyond brain region size enabled greater cognitive flexibility in individuals from larger groups. Although there is no clear evidence for the impact on brain morphology, our research shows that living in larger social groups can enhance cognitive flexibility. This indicates that the social environment plays a role in the cognitive development of guppies.
README: Social complexity affects cognitive abilities but not brain structure in a Poecilid fish
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summary data table
column headings:
fish_ID -------- fish identity
treatment----------- the social treatment: group of three guppies as small conspecific group, group of three guppies with three splash tetras as large heterospecific group, and a group of six guppies as large conspecific group
category------------ the category of these samples, which is baseline dataset
tank_ID------------- the tank identity from which the fish was sampled
batch---------------- the number of batch from which the fish was sampled (batch 01 or batch 02)
length_mm---------- fish standard length in mm
telencephalon ------------- telencephalon volume (mm3)
mesencephalon ------------- mesencephalon volume (mm3)
cerebellum ------------- cerebellum volume (mm3)
diencephalon ------------- diencephalon volume (mm3)
brain_stem ------------- brain stem volume (mm3)
brain_total ------------- total brain volume (mm3)
summary data table
column headings:
fish_ID -------- fish identity
treatment----------- the social treatment: group of three guppies as small conspecific group, group of three guppies with three splash tetras as large heterospecific group, and a group of six guppies as large conspecific group
category------------ the category of these samples, which is baseline dataset
tank_ID------------- the tank identity from which the fish was sampled
batch---------------- the number of batch from which the fish was sampled (batch 01 or batch 02)
colour-------------- colour of the rewarding pipette in the associative and reversal learning tasks (red vs yellow)
associative ----------- associative score: number of test rounds for a fish to reach the learning criterion
associative_outcome --------- outcome of the associative learning test: success or failure if the fish is being tested in the max test round without learning the association colour-reward
associative_rank ----------- performance rank of the associative learning performance where higher ranks refer to higher performance
associative_figure ------ used to generate the dot plot in Fig. 2, where failed individuals can be identified.
reversal----------- reversal score: number of test rounds for a fish to reach the reversal criterion
reversal_outcome ----------- outcome of the reversal learning test: success or failure if the fish is being tested in the max test round without learning the reversed association colour-reward
reversal_rank----------- performance rank of the reversal learning performance where higher ranks refer to higher performance
reversal_figure ------ used to generate the dot plot in Fig. 2, where failed individuals can be identified.
prop_correct_detour ----- the proportion of detouring correctly around the transparent cylinder without touching it
detour_rank-------------performance rank of the detour test performance where higher ranks refer to higher performance
count_correct_detour ----------- overall number of trials where the fish detoured correctly
trial_count_detour ------------- number of trials a fish participated in the detour test
length_mm---------- fish standard length in mm
telencephalon ------------- telencephalon volume (mm3)
mesencephalon ------------- mesencephalon volume (mm3)
cerebellum ------------- cerebellum volume (mm3)
diencephalon ------------- diencephalon volume (mm3)
brain_stem ------------- brain stem volume (mm3)
brain_total ------------- total brain volume (mm3)
summary data table
column headings:
tank_ID------------- the tank identity from which the fish was sampled
treatment----------- the social treatment: group of three guppies as small conspecific group, group of three guppies with three splash tetras as large heterospecific group, and a group of six guppies as large conspecific group
feeding --------- data collected before and immediately after feeding
video_duration_seconds --------- the duration in seconds of the video recordings
aggression_guppy ------------ total number of aggressive bouts occurring towards a guppy
aggresion_tetra -------------- total number of aggressive bouts occurring towards splashing tetras
aggr_guppy ------------------- aggression rate per 1sec of interaction calculated by dividing "aggression_guppy" by "video_duration_seconds"
aggr_tetra ------------------- aggression rate per 1sec of interaction calculated by dividing "aggresion_tetra" by "video_duration_seconds"
nbr_images -------------------- number of snapshots collected by video recording
guppy_guppy ------------------ distance (in cm) among guppies calculated from the images
nbr_guppy --------------------- number of guppies visible on the snapshot and used to calculate "guppy_guppy"
all -------------------------- distance (in cm) among all fishes (guppies and splashing tetras when present) calculated from the images
nbr_all --------------------- number of fishes visible on the snapshot and used to calculate "all"
missing data code: NA