The predicted haploid gene set of the genome of Nitzschia putrida
Data files
Mar 29, 2022 version files 77.75 MB
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Secondary loss of photosynthesis is observed across almost all plastid-bearing branches of the eukaryotic tree of life. However, genome-based insights into the transition from a phototroph into a secondary heterotroph have so far only been revealed for parasitic species. Free-living organisms can yield unique insights into the evolutionary consequence of the loss of photosynthesis, as the parasitic lifestyle requires specific adaptations to host environments. Here we report on the diploid genome of the free-living diatom Nitzschia putrida (35 Mbp), a non-photosynthetic osmotroph whose photosynthetic relatives contribute ca. 40% of net oceanic primary production. Comparative analyses with photosynthetic diatoms and heterotrophic algae with parasitic lifestyle revealed that a combination of gene loss, the accumulation of genes involved in organic carbon degradation, a unique secretome and the rapid divergence of conserved gene families involved in cell wall and extracellular metabolism appear to have facilitated the lifestyle of a free-living secondary heterotroph.
The dataset was created through processes in the genome analyses of Nitzschia putrida, by BRAKER2 gene annotation pipeline (ver 2.0.3).
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