Discrete element models for understanding the biomechanics of fossorial animals
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Qi, Long (2022). Discrete element models for understanding the biomechanics of fossorial animals [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.j3tx95xjc
The morphological features of fossorial animals have continuously evolved in response to the demands of survival. However, existing methods for animal burrowing mechanics are not capable of addressing the large deformation of substrate. The discrete element method (DEM) is able to overcome this limitation. In this study, we used DEM to develop a general model to simulate the motion of an animal body part and its interaction with the substrate. The DEM also allowed us to easily change the forms of animal body parts to examine how those different forms affected the biomechanical functions. These capabilities of the DEM were presented through a case study of modelling the burrowing process of North American Badger. In the case study, the dynamics (forces, work, and soil displacements) of burrowing were predicted for different forms of badger claw and manus, using the model. Results showed that when extra digits are added to a manus, the work required for a badger to dig increases considerably, while the mass of soil dug only increases gradually. According to the proposed efficiency index (ratio of the amount of soil dug to the work required), the modern manus with 5 digits has indeed biomechanical advantage for their fossorial lifestyle, and the current claw curvature (25.3 mm in radius) is indeed optimal. The DEM is able to predict biomechanical relationships between functions and forms for any fossorial animals. Results can provide biomechanical evidences for explaining how the selective pressures for functions influence the morphological evolution in fossorial animals.
Fifteen North American Badger specimens were provided by the Beaty Biodiversity Museum (University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada). A manus from each badger specimen was scanned using a 3D Scanner. After 3D scanning, the image files were analysed to obtain the 3D models of the manus. Morphological characteristics (manus width and thickness, the claw length, width, and thickness) of the badger manus were measured from the 3D models.
Laboratory of Lingnan Modern Agriculture Project, Award: NT2021009
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Award: 51875217
Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System in China, Award: CARS-01-47