Data from: A possible archaic precursor of the octocoral structural plan from the Estonian Ordovician
Data files
Oct 15, 2024 version files 12.34 GB
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A new species and genus Lindaplylon solovjevi gen. et sp. nov. of colonial octocorals from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia with a sclerite cortex skeleton with solenia network around axial rod is described. It agrees with much of the modern octocoral structural plan, except that it has a twelve-fold corallite symmetry (twelve septa). Based on these features of the new octocoral, a new family Lindaphylonidae fam. nov. and a new order Lindaphylonaceae, order novum are based. The comparison of the skeleton formation and mesenteric apparatus symmetry in different groups of coral polyps are considered in detail.
README: Data from: A possible archaic precursor of the octocoral structural plan from the Estonian Ordovician
Description of the data and file structure
Tomographic data showing the internal skeletal structure of a colonial fossil coral from the Ordovician of Estonia, indicating it as a possible precursor to the structural plan of modern octocorals
Files and variables
octocoral___spr.png = cross section of specimen PIN5886/2 (Borisiak Paleontological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences), obtained on the basis of 1060 projection using Neoscan 80 (Belgium) and reconstruction program, Neoscan Software Version 2.2.5. More detailed relevant settings are given below in the explanations of digital sections files octocorall00000352.png–octocorall00008096.png
octocoral_visual.png = image of coral location in a NeoScan 80 scanning microtomograph chamber
octocorall00000352.png–octocorall00008096.png = digital sections obtained using a NeoScan80 scanning microtomograph; Source Voltage 50kV; Source Current 80 uA; Exposure time 79 mS; Rotation step 0.200 deg; Rotation 180 deg; Number of protections 1060; Pixel size 1.200103; No filter; Reconstruction Program NeoScan
To view recommend software CTvox (Bruker microCT)
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- The data is also stored on the server of the Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences