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Coffea canephora lipid profile

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Oct 05, 2020 version files 169.24 KB


Coffee (Coffea spp.) is one of the most popular refreshing beverage globally. Coffee lipid diversity has untapped potential for improving coffee marketability because lipids contribute significantly to both the health benefits and cup quality of coffee. However, there have not been extensive studies of lipids of C. canephora genotypes. In this study, Ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS) profiling of lipid molecules was performed for 30 genotypes consisting of 15 cultivated and 15 conserved genotypes of C. canephora in Southwestern Nigeria. We identified nine classes of lipids in the 30 genotypes which belong to the ‘Niaouli’, ‘Kouillou’ and ‘Java Robusta’ group: among these, the most abundant lipid class was the triacylglycerols, followed by the fatty acyls group. Although ‘Niaouli’ diverged from the ‘Kouillou’ and ‘Java Robusta’ genotypes when their lipid profiles were compared, there was greater similarity in their lipid composition by multivariate analysis, compared to that observed when their primary metabolites and especially their secondary metabolite profiles were examined. However, distinctions could be made among genotypes. Members of the fatty acyls group had the greatest power to discriminate among genotypes, however, lipids that were low in abundance e.g. a cholesterol ester (20:3), and phosphotidylethanolamine (34:0) were also helpful to understand the relationships among C. canephora genotypes.  The two lipid diversity identified among the C. canephora genotypes examined correlated with their overall Single Nucleotide Polymorphism diversity assessed by genotype-by-sequencing, will be exploited, and included in coffee cup quality improvement.