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Gene modules lists of soybean in response to Fusarium virguliforme colonization

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Feb 15, 2021 version files 24.36 MB


The broad host range of Fusarium virguliforme represents a unique comparative system to identify and define differentially-induced responses between an asymptomatic monocot host, maize (Zea mays), and a symptomatic eudicot host, soybean (Glycine max).

Using a temporal, comparative transcriptome-based approach, we observed that early gene expression profiles of root tissue from infected maize suggest that pathogen tolerance coincides with the rapid induction of senescence dampening transcriptional regulators, including ANACs and Ethylene Responsive Factors. In contrast, the expression of senescence-associated processes in soybean was coincident with the appearance of disease symptom development, suggesting pathogen-induced senescence as a key pathway driving pathogen susceptibility in soybean.

Based on the analyses described herein, we posit that root senescence is a primary contributing factor underlying colonization and disease progression in symptomatic versus asymptomatic host–fungal interactions. This process also supports the lifestyle and virulence of F. virguliforme during biotrophy to necrotrophy transitions. Further support for this hypothesis lies in comprehensive co-expression and comparative transcriptome analyses, and in total, supports the emerging concept of necrotrophy-activated senescence. We propose that F. virguliforme conditions an environment within symptomatic hosts that favors susceptibility through transcriptomic reprogramming, and as described herein, the induction of pathways associated with senescence during the necrotrophic stage of fungal development.

This study represents an example of integrating disciplines – from genes to cropping systems – and the complementarity of academic expertise.