Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention administered in a mass campaign in the Kedougou region of Senegal in 2016: a Case-control study
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Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine plus Amodiaquine (SPAQ) is a malaria prevention strategy recommended since 2012 by the World Health Organization (WHO) for children under 5 years of age. In Senegal, the scaling up of the SMC has started since 2013 in the south-eastern regions of the country with an extension of the target to 10 years old children. The scaling up of SMC requires a regular evaluation of the strategy as recommended by the WHO. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of SMC.
A case-control study was conducted in some villages of the health districts of Saraya and Kedougou in the Kedougou region from July to December 2016. A "case" was a sick child, aged 3 months to 10 years, seen in consultation and with a positive RDT. The "control" was a child of the same age group with a negative RDT and living in the same compound as the case or in a neighbouring compound. Each case was matched with two controls. Exposure to SMC was assessed by interviewing the mothers/caretakers and by checking the SMC administration card.
A total of 492 children, including 164 cases and 328 controls, were recruited for our study. Their mean ages were 5.32 (+/- 2.15) and 4.44 (+/-2.25) years for the cases and the controls respectively. Male children predominated in both cases (55.49%) and controls (51.22%) (p=0.18). Net ownership was 85.80% among cases and 90.85% among controls (p=0.053). The proportion of controls who received SMC was higher than that of cases (98.17% vs 85.98%; (p=1.10-7)). The protective effectiveness of SMC was 89% (IC 95% = 84–93%) (OR=0.11).
SMC is therefore an effective strategy in the control of malaria in children. Case-control studies are a good approach for monitoring the efficacy of drugs administered during SMC.
The purpose and objectives of the study were first shared with the health authorities in the region, prior to the training of the field staff including community health workers (CHWs) and the head nurses for data collection. For each case and control, after parental consent was obtained, a questionnaire was administered to collect socio-demographic, clinical, and biological data and the different measures of prevention used. The case was recruited the same day that the one of malaria diagnostic by RDT. The control was to be recruited in the same week as the case.
A blood sample was also taken from each subject included in the study, for a RDT and a thick and a thin blood smear. The slides were stained for 15 minutes with a 10% Giemsa solution and then read by technicians from two different facilities. Parasite density was assessed by counting the number of asexual parasites per 200 white blood cells and estimated by the number of parasites per µl using the following formula: number of parasites × 8,000/200 assuming a WBC count of 8,000 cells/µl. Thick and thin blood smears were considered negative after microscopic reading of 100 fields with no parasites detected. Their reading was done according to the recommendations of the national guidelines for biological diagnosis of malaria in the laboratory of Senegal.
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Microsoft Excel 2019, 16.60 (22041000) (RRID:SCR_016137)