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Satellite telemetry data for Egyptian Geese in southern Africa

Data files

Mar 07, 2022 version files 15.21 MB


This archive contains all currently available satellite GPS telemetry data for Egyptian Geese in southern Africa over the period from 2008 to 2016. The data were collected with two primary aims: (1) to understand the movement ecology of this species; (2) to better evaluate the potential role of Egyptian Geese in spreading avian influenza in southern Africa. Data colelction was undertaken in several phases. The first phase focused on just three sites (Manyame, Barberspan, Strandfontein) and occurred at the same time as a series of extensive bird counts and captures. Birds captured during this period were tested for avian influenza. We also undertook an extensive colour-ringing exercise on Egyptian Geese during the first phase. The second phase of the program involved extending our activities to some new locations (Voelvlei, Jozini) to test specific hypotheses about movement and the timing of moult, and to improve the generality of our findings. The third phase involved a translocation experiment in which six birds were moved from Barberspan to Strandfontein. The data have been analysed and published in a number of different venues and publications, as listed in the associated metadata.