X-ray data for 4, 8-dithiatricyclo[^(3,10)]dodecane
Data files
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The crystal structure of 4, 8-dithiatricyclo[,10]dodecane was obtained. The structure was solved by direct methods. A total of 9 atoms were located from the E-map. The remaining atoms were located in succeeding difference Fourier syntheses. Hydrogen atoms were included in the refinement but restrained to ride on the atom to which they are bonded.
README: X-ray data for 4, 8-dithiatricyclo[^(3,10)]dodecane
We have submitted the structural report (x-ray norDTCO.pdf), an Excel file of the x-ray data (norDTCO_x-ray_digitized_data.xlsx), and a mol2 files of the x-ray structure (norDTCO-x-ray.mol2). DTCO is dithiacyclooctane. norDTCO is DTCO with a nortricylene adduct.
Description of the data and file structure
x-ray norDTCO.pdf. Structural Report on the x-ray structure of 4, 8-dithiatricyclo[^(3,10)]dodecane (norDTCO).
- summary of data collection, data reduction, structure solution and refinement
- Table of Experimental Data
- crystal data
- Intensity measurements
- Structure solution and refinement
- Table of Bond Distances
- Table of Bond Angles
- Table of Torsional Angles
- Table of Least-squares planes
- Dihedral angles between planes
- Table of Positional parameters and their estimated standard deviations
- Table of General displacement parameter expressions
- Table of Positional Parameters
- Table of Bond Distances
- Table of Bond Angles
- X-ray intensity values
Excel file pf x-ray intensity values (norDTCO_x-ray_digitized_data.xlsx). The last section of the x-ray norDTCO.pdf file was digititized for this file.
- Column A-F: Values of 10**Fobs and 10*Fcalc (Observed). X-ray planes H, K and L, Fobs, Fcalc, SigF. Fobs and Fcalc represent observed and calculated structure factors. Fobs are derived from the measured diffraction intensities, while Fcalc is calculated from the model structure built into the electron density. These values are used to calculate the R-factor for a crystal structure. The lower the R-factors, the better the model. SigF is the root mean square error of the structure factor amplitude
- Column J-O: Values of 10**Fobs and 10*Fcalc (unObserved). X-ray planes H, K and L, Fobs, Fcalc, SigF. Unobserved reflections are reflections where their intensity did not exceed the background. They were assigned an intensity slightly less than the smallest observed value.
Structure file: norDTCO-x-ray.mol2. File gives the position of all the atoms extracted from the x-ray norDTCO.pdf file. Readable by a variety of chemical structural programs such as Gaussview or ChemDoodle
Excel is needed to read the norDTCO_x-ray_digitized_data.xlsx file.
Gaussview/ChemDoodle (and other chemical structural programs) can read and display the norDTCO-x-ray.mol2 file. The mol2 file, though, is a text file that can be read by any text reader such as Notepad. It contains the identity of the atom and its Cartesian position in the x-ray structure.
A colorless irregular block crystal of C10S14S2 having approximate dimensions of 0.20 x 0.22 x 0.25 mm was mounted in a glass capillary in random orientation.Preliminary examination and data collection were performed with Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) on a Syntex P21 diffractometer, with Crystal Logic control hardward and software. The data were collected at a temperature of 23 ± 1° using the θ-20 scan technique. The scan rate was fixed at 3°/min. Data were collected to a maximum 20 of 50.0°. The scan range (in deg.) was determined as a function of 2θ to correct for the separation of the Kα doublet. The scan width was from 1.3° below 2θKα1 to 1.6° above 2θKα1. The diameter of the incident beam collimator was 0.75 mm.