Data from: Individual phenotypic variability in the behaviour of an aggregative riverine fish is structured along a reactive-proactive axis (THERMOS_FishExp_Behaviour)
Data files
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High phenotypic diversity should provide populations with resilience to environmental change by increasing their capacity to respond to changing conditions. The aim of this study was to identify whether there is consistency in individual behaviours on a reactive-proactive axis in European barbel Barbus barbus ("barbel"), which is a riverine and aggregatory fish that expresses individual differences in its behaviours in nature. This was tested using three sequential experiments in ex-situ conditions that required individuals to leave a shelter and then explore new habitats (‘open-field test’), respond to social stimuli (‘mirror-image stimulation test’) and forage (‘foraging behaviour test’; assessing shy-bold traits). Each suite of experiments was replicated three times per individual. There was high variability in behaviours both within and among individuals. The most repeatable behaviours were latency to exit the shelter, active time in the shelter, and the number of food items consumed. Principal component scores did, however, indicate a range of consistent behavioural phenotypes across the individuals, distributing them along a reactive-proactive axis in which most of individuals were more reactive phenotypes (shyer, less exploratory, less social). These results suggest that within controlled conditions, barbel express considerable phenotypic diversity in their behaviour, suggesting they will have some adaptive capacity to environmental change within their populations.
README: Data from: Individual phenotypic variability in the behaviour of an aggregative riverine fish is structured along a reactive-proactive axis
Description of the data and file structure
The attached databases contain data from the following experiments to study fish behaviour (‘open-field test’, ‘mirror-image stimulation test’, and ‘foraging behaviour test’).
For this purpose, the individuals were tested in aquaria and the experiments were recorded.
The videos were processed with BORIS software where time and frequency values were extracted for the different variables evaluated.
Files and variables
File: THERMOS_BehavPhen001_IndividualBudget_V1.csv
All time variables were measured in seconds (s)
- Week: Week in which the experiment was conducted
- Date: Date on which the experiment was conducted
- CatDate: Date categorised
- Hour: Hour on which the experiment was conducted
- CatHour: Hour categorised
- Tank: Aquarium on which the experiment was conducted
- CatTank: Aquarium categorised
- Fish: PIT number of the fish
- IDFish: PIT number of the fish plus the number of experimental day
- Weight: Weight of the fish (measured in grams 0.1)
- Total time length: Experiment total duration
- AANum: Number of times the individual moves during the acclimation period
- AATotaldur: Total time the individual is active during the acclimation period
- AADurmean: Average length of time the individual is active during the acclimation period (AATotaldur/ AANum)
- Aapercent: Percentaje of time active during the acclimation period on the experiment total duration
- LETotaldur: Total time it takes for the individual to leave the shelter area
- LEDuramean: Average length of time the individual to leave the shelter area
- Lepercent: Percentaje of time to leave the shelter area on the experiment total duration
- NAANum: Number of times the individual remains immobile in the open arena
- NAATotaldur: Total time the individual remains immobile in the open arena
- NAADurmean: Average length of time the individual remains immobile in the open arena (NAATotaldur/ NAANum)
- NAApercent: Percentaje of time the individual remains immobile in the open arena on the experiment total duration
- ESNum: Number of times the individual re-enters the shelter area after leaving it the first time.
- TSTotaldur: Total time in the shelter area
- TSANum: Number of times the individual is active in shelter area
- TSATotaldur: Total time active in the shelter area
- TSADurmean: Average length of time the individual is active in the shelter area (TSATotaldur/ TSANum)
- TSApercent: Percentaje of time the individual is active in the shelter area on the experiment total duration
- TSINum: Number of times the individual is inactive in shelter area
- TSITotaldur: Total time inactive in the shelter area
- TSIDurmean: Average length of time the individual is inactive in the shelter area (TSITotaldur/ TSINum)
- TSIpercent: Percentaje of time the individual is inactive in the shelter area on the experiment total duration
- ESANum: Number of times the individual swims near the surface
- ESATotaldur: Total time near the surface
- ESADurmean: Average length of time the individual swims near the surface (ESATotaldur/ ESANum)
- ESApercent: Percentaje of time the individual swims near the surface on the experiment total duration
- EBNum: Number of times the individual attempts to jump out of the aquarium.
- LMTotaldur: Total time it takes for the individual to approach to the mirror the first time
- LMDurmean: Average length of time it takes for the individual to approach to the mirror the first time (the same than LMTotaldur)
- LMpercent: Percentaje of time it takes for the individual to approach to the mirror the first time on the experiment total duration
- TNMNum: Number of times the individual is near the mirror
- TNMTotaldur: Total time near the mirror
- TNMDurmean: Average length of time the individual is near the mirror (TNMTotaldur/ TNMNum)
- TNMpercent: Percentaje of time the individual is near the mirror on the experiment total duration
- OBNum: Number of times the individual has any of these behaviours: biting, head down, backward swimming
- LPTotaldur: Total time it takes for the individual to approach to the pellets the first time
- LPDurmean: Average length of time it takes for the individual to approach to the pellets the first time (the same than LPTotaldur)
- LPpercent: Percentaje of time it takes for the individual to approach to the pellets the first time on the experiment total duration
- PPANum: Number of times the individual approaches to the pellets
- PPENum: Number of times the individual tries to eat the pellets
- PPEXNum: Number of times the individual expels to the pellets
- PPTENum: Total number of pellets ingested
File: THERMOS_BehavPhen002_TotalBudget_V1.csv
All time variables were measured in seconds (s)
- Week: Week in which the experiment was conducted
- Tank: Aquarium on which the experiment was conducted
- Fish: PIT number of the fish
- Weight: Weight of the fish (measured in grams 0.1)
- AANum: Number of times the individual moves during the acclimation period
- AATotaldur: Total time the individual is active during the acclimation period
- AADurmean: Average length of time the individual is active during the acclimation period (AATotaldur/ AANum)
- Aapercent: Percentaje of time active during the acclimation period on the experiment total duration
- LETotaldur: Total time it takes for the individual to leave the shelter area
- LEDuramean: Average length of time the individual to leave the shelter area
- Lepercent: Percentaje of time to leave the shelter area on the experiment total duration
- NAANum: Number of times the individual remains immobile in the open arena
- NAATotaldur: Total time the individual remains immobile in the open arena
- NAADurmean: Average length of time the individual remains immobile in the open arena (NAATotaldur/ NAANum)
- NAApercent: Percentaje of time the individual remains immobile in the open arena on the experiment total duration
- ESNum: Number of times the individual re-enters the shelter area after leaving it the first time.
- TSTotaldur: Total time in the shelter area
- TSANum: Number of times the individual is active in shelter area
- TSATotaldur: Total time active in the shelter area
- TSADurmean: Average length of time the individual is active in the shelter area (TSATotaldur/ TSANum)
- TSApercent: Percentaje of time the individual is active in the shelter area on the experiment total duration
- TSINum: Number of times the individual is inactive in shelter area
- TSITotaldur: Total time inactive in the shelter area
- TSIDurmean: Average length of time the individual is inactive in the shelter area (TSITotaldur/ TSINum)
- TSIpercent: Percentaje of time the individual is inactive in the shelter area on the experiment total duration
- ESANum: Number of times the individual swims near the surface
- ESATotaldur: Total time near the surface
- ESADurmean: Average length of time the individual swims near the surface (ESATotaldur/ ESANum)
- ESApercent: Percentaje of time the individual swims near the surface on the experiment total duration
- EBNum: Number of times the individual attempts to jump out of the aquarium.
- LMTotaldur: Total time it takes for the individual to approach to the mirror the first time
- LMDurmean: Average length of time it takes for the individual to approach to the mirror the first time (the same than LMTotaldur)
- LMpercent: Percentaje of time it takes for the individual to approach to the mirror the first time on the experiment total duration
- TNMNum: Number of times the individual is near the mirror
- TNMTotaldur: Total time near the mirror
- TNMDurmean: Average length of time the individual is near the mirror (TNMTotaldur/ TNMNum)
- TNMpercent: Percentaje of time the individual is near the mirror on the experiment total duration
- OBNum: Number of times the individual has any of these behaviours: biting, head down, backward swimming
- LPTotaldur: Total time it takes for the individual to approach to the pellets the first time
- LPDurmean: Average length of time it takes for the individual to approach to the pellets the first time (the same than LPTotaldur)
- LPpercent: Percentaje of time it takes for the individual to approach to the pellets the first time on the experiment total duration
- PPANum: Number of times the individual approaches to the pellets
- PPENum: Number of times the individual tries to eat the pellets
- PPEXNum: Number of times the individual expels to the pellets
File: THERMOS_BehavPhen003_Script.R
Description: Script detailing the analyses carried out.
BORIS software was used to process the videos and extract the data.
R-studio was used to perform the analyses.
The THERMOS_BehavPhen003_Script file contains the code used for each type of analysis with its corresponding packages and libraries used.
The fish personality experiments were recorded and processed with BORIS software from which the data were extracted.