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The summary statistics of GWAS for individual deviations of total GMV

Data files

Oct 16, 2024 version files 270.28 MB


To investigate genetic variants contributing to individualized brain aging, GWAS using estimated total GMV at 60 years old as the phenotype were conducted. This phenotype was derived by adding individual specific deviations to the population averaged total GMV, thus providing additional information compared to studies using only cross-sectional neuroimaging phenotypes. The dataset identified six independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at genome-wide significance level (P < 5 × 10-8), most of which could be further validated by previous studies using population averaged brain aging phenotypes.
The file “UKB_TGMV60y_sumstats_DuanEtAl2023.gz” contains results from the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for individual deviations of total gray matter volume (GMV) relative to the population average at 60 years.  Detailed information about generation of the data, QC and GWAS can be found in the related manuscript.