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Vertical distribution of epiphytic lichens on Quercus laurina Humb. & Bonpl. in a remnant of cloud forest in the state of Veracruz, México

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Feb 06, 2020 version files 11.46 KB


It is considered that in the tropics, lichen richness and cover tend to increase from the trunk base to the top of the crown of trees. In this study we calculate total beta diversity of the lichen community along a vertical gradient on Quercus laurina. By comparing the richness and cover of the lichens by zone, we will be able to prove that the foliose and fruticose forms will be the minor component of the total lichen species richness; but with the highest cover with respect to the crustose lichens. Five zones were identified in each phorophyte (n=15) with a diameter at breast height > 40 cm. A total of 92 species were identified, of these, 38% were found only in a single zone, 51% were shared between the different zones, 11% occurred across all zones. Species richness and cover increased from the lowest to the highest zones of phorophytes. Dissimilarity in species composition between the zones, can be explained by species replacement. The Indicator Species Analysis revealed that only a few species such as Hypotrachyna vexans, H. cf. sublaevigata and Ramalina cf. sinaloensis preferred a particular zone. The results obtained to date show that the lichen community associated with Quercus laurina phorophytes is highly diverse. There is a high replacement of species across the different zones. Our results suggest that species richness and cover of the corticolous lichen community are related to the zone and the diverse growth forms.