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Data from: Reindeer trampling promotes vegetation changes in tundra heathlands: results from a simulation experiment

Data files

Feb 26, 2020 version files 96.54 KB


This dataset contains all the raw data belonging to the research article 'Reindeer trampling promotes vegetation changes in tundra heathlands: results from a simulation experiment', by Egelkraut, Barthelemy and Olofsson, published in Journal of Vegetation Science. 

The experiment experimentally simulated various herbivore activities (Defoliation, Moss removal, Fertilization, Trampling, FDT, FDTM) on lightly grazed tundra heath vegetation, in order to determine in what way each of these activities cntributed to change in vegetation community and structure. We recorded vegetation composition as well as soil temperature and moisture over the course of 6 years.