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Two millennial-scale paleolimnological records from San Salvador Island, Bahamas

Data files

Sep 20, 2024 version files 2.10 MB


Paleolimnological data from Moon Rock Pond (MRP) and Crescent Pond (CP) on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. This data was derived from analysis of gravity cores retrieved from each pond using UWITEC core barrels (core MRP20-01, 39.6 cm long; core CP20-01, 45.6 cm long) and 4.5 cm-diameter Glew-style core barrels (core MRP20-02, 41.0 cm; core CP20-02, 48.5 cm). Grain size and End Member Modelling Analysis (EMMA) were carried out on cores MRP20-01 and CP20-01, revealing six and four robust end members, respectively. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was performed on cores MRP20-02 and CP20-02 using the Itrax core scanner. Radiocarbon dating of the cores MRP20-01 and CP20-01 indicated that the cores span several thousand years (Moon Rock Pond, ~3,100 years; Crescent Pond, ~3,900 years). Together, these datasets archive records of environmental change in the Bahamas during the late Holocene.